Original title:
Návrh rámového mostu o jednom poli
Translated title:
Design of a one-span frame bridge
Hajnoš, Mário ; Olšák, Martin (referee) ; Nečas, Radim (advisor) Document type: Bachelor's theses
slo Publisher:
Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební Abstract:
Úlohou práce je navrhnúť cestný most I. triedy cez koryto rieky Kysuca. Boli spracované dve varianty premostenia. Uprednostnená varianta je riešená ako rámová konštrukcia o jednom poli. Most je vzhľadom k prekážke kolmý dlžky 25,4m. Konštrukciu tvorí železobetónová predpätá doska. Výpočet vnútorných síl je zhotovený pomocou softwéru SCIA Engineer 2018. Za cieľom získania skutočného správania konštrukcie boli zhotovené dva modely- prútový a desko-stenový. Návrh predpätia, posúdenie medzného stavu únosnosti a medzného stavu použiteľnosti sú zhotovené ručne podľa platných noriem a predpisov. Práca zanedbáva reologické javy a fázy vystavby.
The subject of this bachelor thesis is design of first class road bridge across the river called Kysuca. The design is processed by two options. The chosen option is designed as one span frame bridge. The object is designed as perpendicular with lenght 25,4m. The base element of structure is panel of prestressed reinforced concrete. The calculation of internal forces was done by software Scia Engineer 2018. Two models were made. The first one is model of beams, the second one is model of slabs. Two models were compared. Results were interpreted. The design of prestressing force, assessment of ultimate limit state and serviceability limit state were done by hand according to the valid standards and regulations. The thesis disregards rheological effects and stages of construction
frame construction; model of beams; model of slabs; One-span frame bridge; serviceability limit state; ultimate limit state
Institution: Brno University of Technology
Document availability information: Fulltext is available in the Brno University of Technology Digital Library. Original record: http://hdl.handle.net/11012/190803