Název: Zhodnocení přítomnosti Číny v Jižní Americe
Překlad názvu: Evaluating China's Presence in South America
Autoři: Mariaca, Abril Valeria ; Daza Aramayo, Lourdes (vedoucí práce) ; Krausz Hladká, Malvína (oponent)
Typ dokumentu: Diplomové práce
Rok: 2020
Jazyk: eng
Abstrakt: CHARLES UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Institute of Political Studies Master Thesis 2020 Abril V. Mariaca CHARLES UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Institute of Political Studies Abril V. Mariaca Evaluating China's Presence in South America Master Thesis Prague 2020 Author: Abril V. Mariaca Supervisor: Prof. Ing. Lourdes Daza Aramayo, PhD. Academic Year: 2019/2020 Abstract China is poised to become Latin America's largest trading partner and primary influence due to the steady rising of deals, economic financing, investments, and cultural exchanges implemented by China in the region. As such, China has used different tactics to ensure that it will continue to exert influence and gain access to strategic energy assets in the region. This thesis analyzes how Chinese engagement and presence has impacted South America's export basket. Consequently, China's presence has positioned Latin America back into a world of primary product dependency, limiting the development of high value-added exports, and adding consequences such as environmental and social conflicts across the region. The final section recommends proposals on how the region can better respond to and invest in the relationship, so that both China and Latin America can benefit from what is now an asymmetric relationship.
Klíčová slova: China; Exports; Latin America; Structure of Comparative advantages; China; Exports; Latin America; Structure of Comparative advantages

Instituce: Fakulty UK (VŠKP) (web)
Informace o dostupnosti dokumentu: Dostupné v digitálním repozitáři UK.
Původní záznam: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11956/116628

Trvalý odkaz NUŠL: http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-410645

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Školství > Veřejné vysoké školy > Univerzita Karlova > Fakulty UK (VŠKP)
Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce > Diplomové práce
 Záznam vytvořen dne 2020-02-28, naposledy upraven 2022-03-04.

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