Original title: Chemicko-mineralogická analýza souboru vzorků umělého mramoru z kostelních oltářů a palácových interiérů v ČR
Translated title: Analyses of baroque gypsum based plasters in the Czech Republic – mineralogy and microstructure
Authors: Slížková, Zuzana ; Mácová, Petra ; Frankeová, Dita ; Koudelková, Veronika ; Jurkovská, Lucie
Document type: Research reports
Year: 2019
Language: cze
Abstract: [cze] [eng]

Keywords: artificial marble; gypsum; pigment; plaster; Raman spectrometry; SEM-EDX analysis; thermal analysis

Institution: Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics AS ČR (web)
Document availability information: Fulltext is available at the institute of the Academy of Sciences.
Original record: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0303458

Permalink: http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-409002

The record appears in these collections:
Research > Institutes ASCR > Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Reports > Research reports
 Record created 2020-01-13, last modified 2021-11-24

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