Název: Effect of heat treatment on the properties of sol-gel deposited ZnO seed layers
Autoři: Bašinová, Nikola ; Černohorský, Ondřej ; Grym, Jan ; Maixner, J.
Typ dokumentu: Příspěvky z konference
Konference/Akce: 9th International Conference on Nanomaterials - Research and Application (NANOCON), Brno (CZ), 20171018
Rok: 2018
Jazyk: eng
Abstrakt: Zinc oxide nanorods as a potential material for nanoscale devices are prepared by chemical bath deposition (CBD). The effect of the quality of the sol-gel deposited seed layer on the vertical alignment of the nanorods to a silicon substrate is discussed. Emphasis is put on the investigation of the impact of the heat treatment on the properties of the seed layer deposited by dip-coating. The sol-gel method is a multi-stage process consisting of three principal steps: (i) preparation of a solution with suitable precursors, (ii) deposition of the precursor solution, and (iii) the heat treatment. The preheating needs to be performed to thermally decompose the zinc acetate precursor into zinc oxide seeds. Three different temperatures of preheating are compared (300 degrees C, 350 degrees C, 400 degrees C) followed by annealing in argon at 800 degrees C and the influence on the quality of the seed layers and vertical alignment of nanorods are discussed. When the preheating temperature is higher than 350 degrees C, the seed layer comprises smaller and denser crystallites with a preferential orientation along the c-axis. CBD growth of ZnO nanorods on these seed layers results in their good vertical alignment
Klíčová slova: Chemical bath deposition; Sol-gel; ZnO nanorods
Číslo projektu: GA17-00355S (CEP)
Poskytovatel projektu: GA ČR
Zdrojový dokument: 9th International Conference on Nanomaterials - Research and Application (NANOCON 2017), ISBN 978-80-87294-81-9

Instituce: Ústav fotoniky a elektroniky AV ČR (web)
Informace o dostupnosti dokumentu: Dokument je dostupný v příslušném ústavu Akademie věd ČR.
Původní záznam: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0294803

Trvalý odkaz NUŠL: http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-393839

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Věda a výzkum > AV ČR > Ústav fotoniky a elektroniky
Konferenční materiály > Příspěvky z konference
 Záznam vytvořen dne 2019-03-28, naposledy upraven 2022-09-29.

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