Applications of Mathematics. Special Issue - SNA ´17
Rozložník, Miroslav ; Sysala, Stanislav Typ dokumentu: Sborníky Konference/Akce: SNA ’17. Seminar on Numerical Analysis, Ostrava (CZ), 20170130
Edice: Applications of Mathematics, svazek: Special Issue
Abstrakt: This isssue of Applications of Mathematics is devoted to the Seminar on Numerical Analysis 2017 (SNA’17) held in New Aula of the VŠB—Technical University of Ostrava, January 30–February 3, 2017, and organized by the Institute of Geonics of the Czech Academy of Sciences in collaboration with IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Centre. The history of Seminar on Numerical Analysis (SNA) goes back to 2003. In 2005–2015, SNA was organized annually by the Institute of Geonics and Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences in cooperation with Charles University in Prague, Czech Technical University, and VŠB—Technical University\nof Ostrava. Since 2016, Seminar on Numerical Analysis is organized alternatively on a biannual basis with the EMS School in Applied Mathematics (ESSAM). The scope of the seminar ranges from mathematical modeling and simulation of challenging engineering problems, to methods of numerical mathematics, numerical linear algebra, and high performance computing. An important part of SNA has\nbeen devoted to its Winter School with several longer lectures or tutorials focused on selected topics within the scope of the meeting. This year part of the Winter School was also the course Parallel Linear Algebra organized within the French PRACE Advanced Training Centre Maison de la Simulation. SNA’17 was attended by 77 participants, who presented six invited Winter School lectures, 24 short communications, and several posters.
Klíčová slova:
aplied mathematics; mathematical modeling; numerical analysis Poznámka: Související webová stránka: https://link.springer.com/journal/10492/62/6/page/1
Instituce: Ústav geoniky AV ČR
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Dokument je dostupný na vyžádání prostřednictvím repozitáře Akademie věd. Původní záznam: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0288750