European Countryside and its Perception. Book of Abstracts
Zapletalová, Jana ; Vaishar, A. ; Šťastná, M. Typ dokumentu: Sborníky Konference/Akce: EURORURAL ´18 - Moravian Conference on Rural Research Brno /6./, Brno (CZ), 20180903
Abstrakt: Rural area was traditionally connected with agriculture. To compare with urban, rural areas were considered to be backwarded, retarded, not worthy of an intensive research. But the situation has changed during the last years. Although cities are still centres of development within the globalization process, people in Europe abandon them as a result of the trends of suburbanization, counter-urbanization, naturbanization. We intend to pay our attention on transformation trends of the European countryside where focusing on more processes occurring there as: transformation from productive to non-productive function,from central planned to the market oriented countryside, from the mono-functional to the multifunctional one, from the national to European and globalized scale. Such a transformation generates many impacts on natural, economic and social processes occurring \nin present European countryside. Their combination creates a set of different countryside types.
Klíčová slova:
countryside; Europe; geography