Original title:
Tools for 3D Visualization of Structures in Biology
Translated title:
Nástroje pro trojrozměrnou vizualizaci struktur v biologii
Čapek, Martin ; Janáček, Jiří ; Kubínová, Lucie ; Smrčka, P. ; Hána, K. Document type: Papers Conference/Event: Workshop 2007, Praha (CZ), 2007-02-19 / 2007-02-23
eng Abstract:
[eng][cze] By consecutive scanning of layers of the biological specimen by a confocal microscope we obtain a stack of optical sections, i.e. a 3D digital representation of the specimen. Our research focuses, on volume reconstruction of large biological tissues, i.e. tissues greater than field of view and/or thicker than maximal depth of scanning of the confocal microscope. As a result of volume reconstruction we obtain a high resolution 3D image of the biological specimen. In order to visualize 3D objects on 2D computer screens we developed several tools including visualization by a specialized VolumePro board and by using consumer graphics cards supporting DirectX and OpenGLČlánek popisuje prostředky pro vizualizaci trojrozměrných skalárních dat získaných laserovým konfokálním mikroskopem z velkých biologických vzorků. Těmito prostředky jsou programy využívající PC kartu VolumePro firmy Terarecon, USA a běžné grafické karty podporující DirectX a OpenGL
3D visualization; DirectX; OpenGL Project no.: CEZ:AV0Z50110509 (CEP), IAA100110502 (CEP), IAA500200510 (CEP), GA304/05/0153 (CEP) Funding provider: GA AV ČR, GA AV ČR, GA ČR Host item entry: CTU Reports – Proceedings of Workshop 2007, ISBN 978-80-01-03667-9 Note: Související webová stránka: http://workshop.cvut.cz
Institution: Institute of Physiology AS ČR
Document availability information: Fulltext is available at the institute of the Academy of Sciences. Original record: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0146861