Original title: Material design problems of plasma-chemical reactors for disposal perfluorinated compounds
Authors: Brožek, Vlastimil ; Březina, Václav ; Mastný, L. ; Kubatík, Tomáš František ; Živný, Oldřich
Document type: Papers
Conference/Event: International Conference on Chemical Technology, ICCT 2017/5./, Mikulov (CZ), 20170410
Year: 2017
Language: eng
Abstract: Reduction of perfluorinated gases emissions from semiconductor industry has recently introduced a serious problem from both technological and economic side. With respect to chemistry of the decomposition reactions the most effective abatement techniques developed up to now consists in the interaction of those gaseous pollutants with several types of plasmas. In the framework of Czech-Taiwanese bilateral project No. 17-10246J 'Decomposition of Perfluorinated Compounds and Fluorinated Ozone Depleting Substances' a new plasmochemical reactor design is to be solved. In this reactor the plasma abatement process consisting of interaction of the plasma generated by unique watter stabilized H-WSP plasma torch at temperatures ranging\nfrom 2000 K up to 25,000 K with the treated gases will be carried out. However, the main product generated in the reactor during the steam plasma abatement process is hydrogen fluoride which causes corrosion of almost every construction material. The aim pursued by the work presented is to search for the materials resistant to exposition of HF even at high temperatures. To investigate corrosion resistance of construction materials with thermal stability within temperature interval 2700-3000 °C titan nitride, boron nitride, and silicon carbide have been selected. The samples of those materials have been prepared by spark plasma sintering method and exposed to concentrated solution of hydrofluoric acid for which corrosion rates have been measured
Keywords: boron nitride; perfluorinated compounds; silicon carbide; thermal plasma torch; titanium nitride
Project no.: GC17-10246J (CEP)
Funding provider: GA ČR
Host item entry: Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Chemical Technology, ISBN 978-80-86238-65-4, ISSN 2336-811X
Note: Související webová stránka: www.icct.cz

Institution: Institute of Plasma Physics AS ČR (web)
Document availability information: Fulltext is available at the institute of the Academy of Sciences.
Original record: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0281865

Permalink: http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-371598

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Research > Institutes ASCR > Institute of Plasma Physics
Conference materials > Papers
 Record created 2018-03-07, last modified 2022-09-29

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