Original title:
Implicit constitutive solution scheme for Mohr-Coulomb plasticity
Sysala, Stanislav ; Čermák, M. Document type: Papers Conference/Event: Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics /18./, Janov nad Nisou (CZ), 20160619
eng Abstract:
This contribution summarizes an implicit constitutive solution\nscheme of the elastoplastic problem containing the Mohr-Coulomb yield cri-\nterion, a nonassociative \now rule, and a nonlinear isotropic hardening. The\npresented scheme builds upon the subdifferential formulation of the \now rule\nleading to several improvements. Mainly, it is possible to detect a position\nof the unknown stress tensor on the Mohr-Coulomb pyramid without blind\nguesswork. Further, a simplifed construction of the consistent tangent opera-\ntor is introduced. The presented results are important for an efficient solution\nof incremental boundary value elastoplastic problems.
consistent tangent operator; implicit constitutive solution scheme; Mohr-Coulomb plasticity Project no.: LQ1602 (CEP) Funding provider: GA MŠk Host item entry: Programs and algorithms of numerical mathematics 18, ISBN 978-80-85823-67-7