Original title:
Reclamation and Revitalization of Limestone Quarries - History and Principles
Translated title:
Rekultivace a revitalizace velkých vápencových lomů
Cílek, Václav Document type: Papers Conference/Event: International Lime Association Congress /11./, Prague (CZ), 2006-05-16 / 2006-05-19
eng Abstract:
[eng][cze] The paper deals with principles and experiences gathered during reclamation and revitalisation of large limestone quarries.Článek se zabývá principy rekultivace a revitalizace zejména velkých vápencových lomů.
limestone; nature protection; revitalization Project no.: CEZ:AV0Z30130516 (CEP) Host item entry: 11th International Lime Association Congress
Institution: Institute of Geology AS ČR
Document availability information: Fulltext is available at the institute of the Academy of Sciences. Original record: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0142453