Dobrovolnická činnost v Centru následné péče FN Motol
Překlad názvu:
Voluntary activity at the Department of Long - Teren care and Aftercare in the FN Motol
Borešová, Hedvika ; Leontovyčová, Jana (vedoucí práce) ; Váňová, Miroslava (oponent) Typ dokumentu: Bakalářské práce
Abstrakt: The work deals with the purpose of volunteering in hospitals. It is divided into two parts. The theoretical part describes, in general terms, volunteering, its history and its legal framework. Last but not least, it deals with volunteering in the University Hospital in Motol. The practical part uses the method of standardized direct dialogues with seniors permanently living and taken care of in the medical institute, and it analyses the need of volunteering at the Aftercare Centre of the University Hospital in Motol. The work draws upon the experience of my own several-year long volunteering engagement at the Aftercare Centre of the University Hospital in Motol. The goal of this work is to explain and highlight the importance of volunteering in medical care centers and hospitals.
Klíčová slova:
dobrovolnická služba; dobrovolnické centrum; dobrovolnický program; Dobrovolnictví; dobrovolník; koordinátor; Léčebna dlouhodobě nemocných; senior; coordinator; Long - Teren care and Aftercare; senior; volunteer; volunteer center; volunteer program; volunteer service; Volunteering