Home > Conference materials > Papers > Effect of modulation of ionic channel conductivities on restitution processes in cardiac cells (Computer modelling)
Original title:
Effect of modulation of ionic channel conductivities on restitution processes in cardiac cells (Computer modelling)
Pásek, Michal ; Šlichta, J. Document type: Papers Conference/Event: Mechatronics robotics and biomechanics, Třešť (CZ), 2001-09-10 / 2001-09-12
eng Abstract:
The restitution properties of cardiac action potential were shown to be important determinants of stability of reentrant arrhythmias. The restitution hypothesis states that steeply sloped restitution curves (relations between action potential duration and preceding diastolic interval) induce unstable wave propagation that results in wave break, the event that leads to fibrillation. In this contribution we try to explore the effect of modulation of membrane channel conductuvities on electrical restitu**n curves by means of computer modelling.
cardiac cell; electrical restitution Project no.: PP52018 (CEP) Funding provider: ÚT AV ČR Host item entry: Mechatronics robotics and biomechanics, ISBN 80-7204-207-6
Institution: Institute of Thermomechanics AS ČR
Document availability information: Fulltext is available at the institute of the Academy of Sciences. Original record: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0107426