Original title:
Autobiografické fragmenty v moderní německé literatuře: sebeinscenace Já v experimentálních autobiografiích
Translated title:
Autobiographical fragments in the modern German literature: selfperformance in the liminal autobiographies
Mrázková, Alena ; Petříček, Miroslav (advisor) Document type: Rigorous theses
ger Abstract:
[eng][cze] Autobiographical fragments from Late 1 9th and Early 20th Century, characterized and analyzed in this PhD thesis, demonstrate different approaches to the crisis of the subject and the language in Modernism, and how they are reflected in the gerne of the Autobiography. Experimental texts written by A. Stifter, Klabund, C. Morgenstern, H. Mann, H. Hesse, A. Döblin, G. Kaiser, H. H. Jahnn, K. Tucholsky, 1. Wassermann, C. Zuckmayer, C. Sternheim and K. Valentin are characterized by the communicative openness, irony and wit; the boarder stmcture, liminal existence and crossing of factual, textual and language boarders; self-performance and the discussion of the relation between the text and the presented "reality". They document the most important changes in the concepts of the Modernism.Autobiograficke fragmenty z konce 19. a plVlli poloviny 20. stoleti, ktere vymezuje a analyzuje tato pnice, ukazuji mozne pi'istupy ke krizi subjektu a krizi jazyka v moderne a jejich promitnuti do zanru autobiografie. Experimentalni texty, jejichZ autory jsou A. Stifter, Klabund, Ch. Morgenstern, H. Mann, H. Hesse, A. Döblin, G. Kaiser, H. H. Jahnn, K. Tucholsky, 1. Wassermann, C. Zuckmayer, C. Sternheim a K. Valentin, se vyznacuji komunikativni otevrenosti, ironii a vtipem; strukturou hranice a liminaIniho byti, vcetne prekracovani faktick)'ch, textovy-ch i jazykovy-ch hranic; sebeinscenaci a tematizaci a problematizaci vztahu textu a zobrazovane "skutecnosti". Tyto texty tak radikainim zpusobem dokladaji promeny mysleni moderny.
Institution: Charles University Faculties (theses)
Document availability information: Available in the Charles University Digital Repository. Original record: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11956/23794