Original title:
Chloroplastová sekvenační\nhaplotypizace dubu pro stanovení\npůvodu a homogenity populací
Translated title:
Haplotyping of oak populations by chloroplast sequencing reveals origin and homogeneity of populations
Vlasák, Josef ; Cvrčková, H. ; Máchová, P. Document type: Methods
cze Abstract:
[cze][eng] Účelem této publikace je prezentovat novou metodu izolace DNA z mladých listů dubu, která umožňuje efektivní amplifikaci chloroplastové oblasti trnD-trnT a přímé sekvenování z nepřečištěné PCR reakční směsi. Sekvenační data z trnD-trnT oblasti byla využita pro studium variability populací dubu letního a dubu zimního.The aim of this publication is to present new method of DNA isolation from young\noak leaves that enables efficient amplification of trnD-trnT region of chloroplast\nDNA and direct sequencing of crude PCR reaction mixture. Sequence data of trnDtrnT region have been used to examine Quercus robur and Q. petraea populations variability. High discrimination power of this method is demonstrated, comparable with previously used restriction analysis of four similar chloroplast DNA regions. Variable positions in trnT-trnD chloroplast DNA fragment are mapped and their use for oak haplotyping indicated. As an example, 20 Czech Republic oak populations were analyzed and their history, geografical origin and homo/heterogeneity were revealed.
cpDNA; DNA analysis; Quercus petraea; Quercus robur Project no.: QJ1230334 (CEP) Funding provider: GA MZe
Institution: Biology Centre AS ČR
Document availability information: Fulltext is available at the institute of the Academy of Sciences. Original record: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0270961