Home > Conference materials > Papers > On Usage of Size Segregated Particle Number Concentration to Guess The Origin of PM2.5 at the Rural Background Site Košetice.
Original title:
On Usage of Size Segregated Particle Number Concentration to Guess The Origin of PM2.5 at the Rural Background Site Košetice.
Schwarz, Jaroslav ; Cusack, Michael ; Karban, Jindřich ; Chalupníčková, E. ; Havránek, Vladimír ; Smolík, Jiří ; Ždímal, Vladimír Document type: Papers Conference/Event: Výroční konference České aerosolové společnosti /17./, Mikulov (CZ), 20161025
eng Abstract:
Rural background studies serve mainly to assess the long-range transport influence and long-term trends. However, it is difficult to find a place with no influence of local sources. This is also the case of Košetice observatory having three small settlements within two km from the observatory. Therefore we attempted to analyze if the influence of these or other nearby sources can be seen in our data on PM2.5 chemical composition. Besides other possibilities like specific ratios of various gaseous compounds we concentrated on using size resolved number concentration data because of their dynamics that leads in general into particle growth until they reach accumulation mode. Several similar studies (e.g. Cusack et al. 2013) were performed during recent years.
chemical composition; number concentration; PM2.5 Project no.: LM2015037 (CEP) Funding provider: GA MŠk Host item entry: Sborník XVII. výroční konference České aerosolové společnosti, ISBN 978-80-86186-85-6
Rights: This work is protected under the Copyright Act No. 121/2000 Coll.