Original title:
Tvorba 3D modelu kostela sv. Jakuba fotogrammetrickou metodou
Translated title:
Creation of 3D Model of the Church of St. Jakob Using Photogrammetric Method
Janči, Branislav ; Kalvodová, Petra (referee) ; Hanzl, Vlastimil (advisor) Document type: Bachelor's theses
cze Publisher:
Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební Abstract:
Predmetom bakalárskej práce je tvorba 3D modelu kostola Sv. Jakuba v centre Brna. Na vytvorenie modelu bola použitá kombinovaná metóda leteckej a blízkej fotogrametrie . Vlícovacie body a body, ktoré boli použité na určenie presnosti modelu boli získané geodetickým meraním a následným spracovaním v programe PhotoModeler Scanner 6. Výsledný model bol exportovaný .
Bachelor's thesis is focused on creation of 3D model of St. Jacob’ Church which is situated in the centre of Brno. The 3D model was created by combined method of aerial and close range photogrammetry. Ground control points and points that were used to determine accuracy of the model were obtained by geodetic surveying and further processing in software PhotoModeler Scanner 6. The resulting model was exported.
3D model; aerial photogrammetry; Close range photogrammetry; control point; PhotoModeler Scanner; terrestrial image; 3D model; Blízka fotogrametria; letecká fotogrametria; PhotoModeler Scanner; snímka; vlícovací bod
Institution: Brno University of Technology
Document availability information: Fulltext is available in the Brno University of Technology Digital Library. Original record: http://hdl.handle.net/11012/28605