Růst značkované násady kapra obecného (Cyprinus carpio) ve vybraných údolních nádržích v povodí řeky Moravy
Překlad názvu:
Growth of tagged common carp (Cyprius carpio) in selected water reservoirs, Morava River drainage area
Prokeš, Miroslav ; Baruš, Vlastimil ; Habán, V. ; Mareš, J. ; Peňáz, Milan ; Halačka, Karel ; Krejčí, R. ; Vetešník, Lukáš Typ dokumentu: Příspěvky z konference Konference/Akce: 65 let výuky rybářství na Mendelově univerzitě v Brně, Brno (CZ), 2014-12-02 / 2014-12-03
Abstrakt: The project monitoring the growth of tagged two-season-old common carp (K2) being stocked into the selected reservoirs managed by the Moravian Angler Association was initiated in 2001 in the reservoir of Nové Mlýny. Few other reservoirs, namely the Dalešická, Brněnská, Vranovská and Letovická, were then also studied in course of the following period up today. The altitude of investigated reservoirs ranges 171-382 m a.s.l., the flooded area of water bodies 104-1600 hectares. The stocking series in every of reservoirs were performed in the course of subsequent five years and two thousands of tagged carps (K2) were always yearly stocked in every of reservoirs. In total, 50 335 (17.61 inds per hectare) tagged carps have been stocked and 1361 individuals (0.48 inds per hectare) were recaptured and reported by the anglers. The mean recapture rate of tagged fish reached thus 2.70 % (1.02 - 4.74 %). A significant negative relationship was also ascertained of altitude (in m a.s.l.) and growth indices. The maximum growth rate was found in the Novomlýnská reservoir (mean annual weight increment 1725 g). Gradually lower weight increments were found out in the Vranovská reservoir (1064 - 1200 g), Dalešická R. (1050 g), Brněnská R. (1070 g) and Letovická R. (630 g). A similar sequence existed also in growth of other parameters studied, i.e. total length (TL), specific growth rate (SGR), and weight condition expressed by means of the Fulton condition factor (FCF). On the basis of these results, some new, more convenient, rules were suggested for stocking of common carp.
Klíčová slova:
common carp Zdrojový dokument: 65 let výuky rybářství na Mendelově univerzitě v Brně, ISBN 978-80-7509-153-6
Instituce: Ústav biologie obratlovců AV ČR
Informace o dostupnosti dokumentu:
Dokument je dostupný na vyžádání prostřednictvím repozitáře Akademie věd. Původní záznam: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0242325