National Repository of Grey Literature 19 records found  1 - 10next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Comparing Study of Fluvial Lakes in Middle Part of Elbe River and Upper Parts of Lužnice and Svratka River
Havlíková, Petra ; Janský, Bohumír (advisor) ; Pithart, David (referee) ; Pokorný, Jan (referee)
COMPARATIVE STUDY OF FLUVIAL LAKES IN FLOODPLAINS OF THE ELBE, LUŽNICE AND SVRATKA RIVERS Petra Havlíková ABSTRACT The aim of the thesis was to specify key differences in chemistry and biota (zooplankton communities) among fluvial lakes in three regions of Czech Republic: "střední Polabí" (central part of the Elbe River on the territory of Bohemia), "Horní Lužnice" (the upper part of the Lužnice River on the territory of Bohemia), and the Svratka River near Milovy (upper part of the Svratka River). The 10 studied lakes of the three regions differ in size, geology, shading, the influence of the river, and the level of anthropogenic impact. The following hypotheses were tested: 1) The chemical composition of the water in fluvial lakes is significantly different in different areas (floodplains). In the central Elbe River floodplain, there are the highest values of conductivity and concentrations of organic matter and nutrients. Fluvial lakes of the Svratka River floodplain near Milovy show the lowest level of these parameters, and fluvial lakes of the upper Lužnice River occur between the two previous regions. 2) The chemistry of fluvial lakes that have contact with the river through surface connection is significantly influenced by the river, and differs from the chemistry in fluvial lakes without any direct...
Dialogue between ecologists and water managers - analyses
Pithart, David
The dialogue between ecologists and water managers in the Czech Republic is analysed. The benefit of this dialogue reflects the need of harmonizing the usual tasks of water management with potential risks of global climate change and permanent threatening of biodiversity. The obstacles of the dialogue are of different character and are listed as follows: 1.Different area and time scale of responsibilities. 2. Difficult harmonization of technique and nature, 3. Different ethical concepts, dealing with the role and position of human in the nature, 4. Different understanding of water cycle 5. Insufitient quantification of some aspects of water cycle 6. Fear of autonomous decisions, resulting in need of very complex and uneffective law system 7. Psychological barriers in initialization of multidisciplinary dialog and teams. 8. Lobbying and corruption. As one of the possible tools to overcame some of the barriers, the concept of ecosystem services is presented.
Ecosystem services of a floodplain
Pithart, David ; Křováková, Kateřina ; Dušek, Jiří ; Žaloudík, Jiří
Natural segments of river floodplains have preserved the ability to provide a scale of ecosystem services. The aim of this study is to evaluate in a monetary way the selected ecosystem services of a natural segment of river Lužnice floodplain, Czech republic, based on the analysis and quantification of ecosystem processes and structures. Evaluated services are flood protection, carbon sequestration, biodiversity refugium and production of hay, wood and fish.
Ekosystems services of river floodplain
Pithart, David ; Benedová, Zdeňka ; Křováková, Kateřina
The book of abstractcs contains contributions from the conference „Ecosystem services of river floodplains“, held in Třeboň, Czech republic, in april 2008. The articles deals with functions of river floodplains in the landscape, ecosystem services concept, water, nutrient and carbon retention, biodiversity, floodplain morphology and its development, hydrological aspects of river flooplains, andd water management policies and revitalizations.
Biodiversity of standing floodplain waters and processes of its formation and preservation
Pithart, David
Water chemistry and planktic communities in the naturally eutrophic alluvial waters in the Lužnice floodplain have been studied. The floofplain waters are naturally eutrophic, with strong vertical physico-chemical gradients and oxygen depletions at the botom. Small pools and backwaters of this type have unique phytoplankton structure. Prevailing dominance of flegellates, namely Cryptophyceae, and low proportion of green chlorococcal algae and Diatoms, and almost absence of Cyanophyceae are very unusual for such eutrophic waters. Flagellate dominate thanks their ability to keep the vertical position in a permanently light limited conditions (resulted from poorly mixed water columns and intensive shading of water surface by vegetation). Floodplain geodiversity play crucial role, determining morphology and location of pools and backwaters, their exposition to flooding and inflows of underground water. Terrestial vegetation effects light exposition, leaf litter.
Current status of nature protection and management in Lužnice floodplain
Montagová, Martina ; Pithart, David
Lužnice floodplain has been preserved in a semi-natural state in a cca 25 km long section located between the state border and the town of Suchdol n L. Meandering river is surrounded by pools and oxbows, which are flooded several timeas a year. Most of the area is now the subject of nature protection. Microorganisms (Algae), water plants, birds and other wetland biota found a refungium here. Biodiversivity is maintained by river activity and mosaic structure of the landscape, formed by e pastures and wet forests. This character of landscape is now endangered by ceasing of meadow management, hence, the large parts of floodplain are now under the succesional stages leading to the wet forest in the decrease of overall biodiversity.
Natural flooding in Lužnice floodplain - an holistic approach
Pithart, David ; Montagová, Martina ; Hartvich, P. ; Černý, R. ; Prach, K.
Natural flooding was analysed in the Lužnice River floodplain in a holistic approach. Benefits of natural flooding can be summarised as folows: 1. Water retention is increased due to the soil absorption, evapotranspiration, filling of oxbows, pools and natural depressions and finally the space between the river terreces. Real flood event are analysed here in terms of water distribution among these processes. 2. Natural flooding reduces the loss of ionts from the watershed by flowing the river outflouw and loss of carbon loss by slowing the decomposition processes. 3. Flooding creates and maintains floodplain geobiodiversity by re-forming of floodplain subsystems and differentation of its impact on these subsystems. For these reasons, maintaining and enchenging of natural flooding seems to be a prerequisite of sustainable management of riverine landscape.
Vertical distribution of phytolankton in flooded quarries near Blatná
Bílý, M. ; Pithart, David
About 20 allluvial pools were measured concerning the shading of their water surface, which is important for the light conditions in their water column. The effect of daytime and sunny (overcast, cloudy) weather was tested. The light intensity was measured from the boat on the virtual network at the surface and simultaneously outside the pool on an unshaded spot.

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