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Questions and interrogative sentences in Czech
Dřímal, Jakub ; Nebeská, Iva (advisor) ; Hošnová, Eva (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to describe the system of questions and question sentences in Czech language. The question is defined here as being an utterance with interrogative function. In the first chapter, the position of question within the system of other communicative functions is being searched for. The primary function of questions (interrogative) and distinctive formal devices of question sentences (e.g. rising tone in a yes/no question or a question-word in a wh-question) can be contrasted with secondary functions, e.g. an expression of an expectation of a certain answer, surprise etc. Those can be signalized by the form, for instance by the word order, negation or by particles. Complex relations between both primary and secondary formal devices of questions and their functions are examined. The questions without interrogative form and the question sentences lacking interrogative function are dealt with too. In the second part of the thesis, the theoretical observations are applied in the analysis of the questions in TV debates. Therefore, the interpretation is extended with the information about the specific forms and use of interrogative utterances in an authentic dialogue.
Written Czech of the Czech deaf on internet
Šebková, Helena ; Macurová, Alena (advisor) ; Nebeská, Iva (referee)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá psanou češtinou českých neslyšících v internetové komunikaci. Ačkoli není první prací, která by se zabývala tématem psané češtiny ve vztahu k neslyšícím lidem, je patrně prvním pokusem o zmapování psané češtiny v jiné než učební či soukromé komunikaci. Internet je bezpochyby velkým zdrojem materiálu pro rúzné výzkumy, z nichž jedním z nejzajímavějších je právě vý~zkum jazyka, jímž se v rámci tohoto média komunikuje. V našem prostředí se tímto tématem zabývala pr·edevším konference Čeština na internetu pořádaná v roce 2005 fakultním a akademickým bohemistickým ústavem Filosofické fakulty Univerzity Karlovy v Praze.1 V oblasti psané češtiny českých neslyšících v internetové komunikaci zatím žádný podobný výzkum proveden nebyl. Domnívám se, že je tomu tak především proto, že výzkum psaného jazyka neslyšících (stejně jako samotný výzkum znakového jazyka neslyšících, v našem případě českého znakového jazyka) stojí teprve na svém počátku. Ve své práci jsem se zaměřila na rozbor internetové komunikace, konkrétně na rozbor diskuzních příspěvkú neslyšících osob v diskuzní sekci internetových stránek Před samotn)'ll1 rozborem jsem však považovala za důležité uvést informace ze dvou tematických oblastí, které se v tématu psané češtiny českých neslyšících v internetové...
Jiří Haller in the contexts of Czech linguistics
Chromý, Jan ; Nebeská, Iva (advisor) ; Adam, Robert (referee)
This study tries to examine the position of Jiří Haller in the context of Czech linguistics, or more precisely in the context of the development of Czech research of language culture. The first chapter analyzes the work of Jan Gebauer, Josef Zubatý and Václav Ertl, Le. the work of Haller's predecessors. The goal is to find joint aspects of theirs approach to the language culture. The second chapter is concerned with the background of Haller's professional work, mainly with the study entitled "Problém jazykové správnosti", which summarizes Haller's early theoretical attitude. The third chapter analyzes the dispute over literary language; it offers a complex survey of those debates and tries to critically evaluate particular polemic appearances. The fourth part examines other works of Jiří Haller, Le. his activities after 1932. The main goal of the study is to revise traditional opinions on the personality of Jiří Haller and to present a more realistic view on his linguistic appearance and his work.
Legal language - its specific features in written and spoken communication
Kosová, Hana ; Nebeská, Iva (advisor) ; Mareš, Petr (referee)
This thesis' main focus is the legal language usage. It covers a very wide area of the interdisciplinary subject of legal language and its practical usefulness for legal professionals as well as general public. The first part of the work tries to describe the specific features of the Czech legal language as a functional entity within general language. The description is divided according to the distinct language levels (morphological, stylistic; lexical and semantic, textual) and those parts are connected with the related legal theory issues (theory of legal semantics, legal concepts and their expressions in the text, problems of prescriptive v. descriptive clauses, possibility of misinterpretation of the originally intended meaning). This part is also accompanied by a terminological chapter explaining the linguistic expressions used herein. The following parts explore various areas of applied linguistics. The following subjects are dealt with: language and grammatical interpretation of statutes (practical usage of it, examples of cases from Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic and examples of enquiries from lawyers as well as from general public to the Czech Language Office of the Czech Academy of Sciences concerning meaning of legal expressions), creating of legal texts, legal informatics and...
Baby talk - analyse of the deaf child speech
Hronová, Anna ; Macurová, Alena (advisor) ; Nebeská, Iva (referee)
This work throws light upon the communication in the sign language which is held in a deaf family. Theoretical part of the work is focused on description of the features of language acquisition. General psycholinguistic knowledge i s given parallely with the results of research of sign language acquisition of the the deaf children from deaf families. The largest part of this work i s analyse of a five years old deaf boy speech. The author based her research on the M.A.K. Halliday language acquisition theory.
Metaphor in Czech sign language
Šůchová, Lucie ; Vaňková, Irena (advisor) ; Nebeská, Iva (referee)
Problem of metaphors in Czech Sign Language is handled from a cognitive linguistic approach to language point of view, especially in term of the conceptual metaphor theory, which was formulated by Lakoff and Johnson. The explanation of specifics of the iconic and metaphoric mapping in signed languages is based on recent theoretical works dealing with American Sign Language. Principles of metaphors behavior in signed languages are illustrated on many metaphoric linguistic expressions from Czech Sign Language, which realize eight conventionally conceptual metaphors - (1) orientational metaphors: MORE IS UP, GOOD IS UP, POWERFUL IS UP, THE FUTURE IS AHEAD, THE PAST IS BEHIND, (2) ontological metaphors: MIND IS A CONTAINER, IDEA S ARE OBJECTS and (3) structural metaphor: COMMUNICATION IS SENDING.
Euphemisms in contemporary journalism
Švíbková, Zuzana ; Nebeská, Iva (advisor) ; Mareš, Petr (referee)
Tbe use of euphemisms is motivated by lhe speaker's intention to avoid expressions that would be considered inappropriate by the recipient. Ruphemisms are primarily understood as means of politeness; the speaker tries to avoid threatening the face of their communieation partner, or their own. ln joumalism, euphemisms appear also in other funetions, such as means of persuasion and manipulation. Based on material cxeerpled from cultural critiques and reviews we are trying to demonstrale that the traditional understanding 01' euphemisms as grammatieal and lcxical deviees is too narrow. lt is devices rrom a11 levels of language, often eombined, that participate on forming euphcmisms. ln this respect we see the use of euphemisms as a means that has impaet on the eonstruction of the whole text, and consequently consider them a stylistic device.
Linguistic picture of wind in Czech
Zápotocká, Pavlína ; Vaňková, Irena (advisor) ; Nebeská, Iva (referee)
The paper analyses a part of the linguistic picture of the world in Czech by means of methods of cognitive and cultural linguistics. It deals with an analysis of the linguistic picture of wind in contemporary Czech. Individual chapters illustrate how native-born Czech speakers perceive phenomena around themselves, how they think and speak about wind (and air as a related phenomenon). The analysis is divided into two parts. The first part analyses the linguistic picture of wind from the point of view of the system. It examines its lexical definitions, derivatives and its paradigmatic and syntagmatic relationships. The first part deals likewise with etymology of selected words and discusses the designation of wind in Czech dialects and idioms and in old Czech, thereby contributes to a great degree in illuminating the current vocabularies pertaining to wind and related phenomena. The excerptions of historical semantics based on contemporary literary and lexicographic products can also demonstrate the changes and shifts of meaning. The second part examines the linguistic picture of wind in contemporary Czech. It aims, first of all, at the analysis of metaphors adherent to wind. Primarily it observes wind as an aiming field. Chapter 2. 4 shows that we comprehend the very abstract notion of wind metaphorically,...
Czech language in deaf children's education
Hudáková, Andrea ; Macurová, Alena (advisor) ; Nebeská, Iva (referee) ; Tarcsiová, Darina (referee)
The text is mapping the role of Czech language and other communication codes in Deaf children's education, prelingually Deaf above all. Essential Deaf people's communication ways, speaking language and sign language acquisition developments and two main education conceptions: monolingual and monocultural vs. bilingual and bicultural (total communication - as a metod as a philosophy - is remembered too) are presented in the first part. The second part is focused on historical and also contemporary education theories and communication methods applied in our schools for the Deaf. They are confronted with literacy tests score and implementation process of the state guaranteed school-leaving exam in the end.

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