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Účinek přípravků na podporu růstu kořenů u trávníků
Švecová, Veronika
Grasses are very common plant species. They are used in many ways. They are important part of the agriculture and they are the main part in turfgrasses. In agriculture or in turfgrass industry different types of fertilizers and supporting substances are used. We look for the ecological facilities which do not have a harmful effect on the environment. In my thesis I focused on the influence of the sea weeds extract and molasses as a naturalroot enhancers which are recommended for support of turgrasses growth. Their effect was studied in pot experiment and in the field trial. In the pot experiment we applied the fertilizers on the harvestedturf cut 25 mm below surface. It was put to the tubes filled with sand. The turfgrass was formed by perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) and smooth-stalked meadow grass (Poa pratensis). The experiment was evaluated in two terms (after 33 and 39 days). Ten parameters were evaluated: the weight of the dry above-ground biomass, the weight, depth and length of the roots, their surface, roots volume and average thickness, the length of the roots depending on their diameter, average daily increment and root length density. The depth of the roots was statistically significant between the variants and between the periods of the evaluation. Variant with molasses had the deepest roots in the first period of the evaluation (28 cm). In the second period of the evaluation variant with sea weed extract had the biggest depth (32 cm). There were found the same differences of the parameter average daily increment. In the first period variant with molasses had the increment 8 mm . day-1. In the second period the increment of the variant with molasses was reduced to 6 mm . day-1 and the variant with sea weed extract had the average daily increment 8 mm . day-1. The volume and the surface area of roots were statistically different between time periods of the evaluation. The average volume of the first time period was 293 cm3 . m-2, the second time period had 394 cm3 . m-2. The root surface area was also largerin the first time period (5,51 m2 . m-2) compared to the second time period (4,19 m2 . m-2). The application of the sea weed extract and molasses on the perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne,variety Helada) in the field experiment however did not show any statistically significant differences.
Mulčování jako alternativa údržby trávníků
Švecová, Veronika
The thesis is about mulching as an option of a lawn maintenace. At first the lawn was introduced as an ecosystem, the composition was described, and also its maintenance. After this summary the thesis started to describe the mulching. It was described what exactly the mulching is and what we know about it, which machines we use and why the mulching is advantageous. The next thing is economic assessment and development in machines maintaining the lawns. This was introduced on the specific firm which occupies the green vegetation. According to these results we can deduce that the mulching has a lot of advantages. We suppose, it will be wanted a lot as a lawn maintance.
Human dignity as the base of the physician-patient relationship
ŠVECOVÁ, Veronika
This bachelor thesis focuses on the human dignity issues, which is an integral aspect of successful treatment and good relationship between patient and doctor. The thesis outlines the historical development of ethical perception of the patient in relation to his physical, mental, social and spiritual needs of the contemporary transformations. An integral part of this development is the Christian spirituality with its charity care for the ill and destitute, which is one of the corner-stones of the European ethics. Current perceptions of human dignity is based on a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of man in his uniqueness. Method for the preparation of this work is the study of relevant literature, especially from the field of medical ethics.
Selected Methods of Recruitment in a Firm
Švecová, Veronika ; Lochmanová, Veronika (advisor) ; Král, Pavel (referee)
The goal of this bachelor thesis is to describe the process of recruitment and selection of employees. It focuses on two commonly used and very interesting methods: an assessment centre and a selection interview. The theoretical part contains an introduction to the issue and a summary of the information about these methods. The task of the practical part is to confront the theoretical knowledge with the process of the selection procedures in selected company. The cooperation with ČSOB was begun for the needs of the bachelor thesis. The goal of the practical part is to describe and evaluate the process and the content of the selection procedures in ČSOB. There are mentioned similarities and differences between the theory and the practice. Finally, suggested recommendations are based on the obtained information and the participation in the selection procedures.
Experiences of Body in Dance
Švecová, Veronika ; Koubová, Alice (advisor) ; Jarošová, Helena (referee)
Key words: dance - body - corporeality - dance aesthetics - aesthetic experience - phenomenology - Maxine Sheets-Johnstone - contemporary dance Abstact: Dance's various forms and appearances are connected through one universal aspect - the presence of corporeality as represented by the moving human body. The role and the experience of body is essential for the description of dance even in its aesthetical and philosophical interpretation. First of all, this diploma theses aims to map the field of aesthetics and philosophy of dance from wider historical perspective and consequently to find support in dance basic division and its connected experiences in practice of inner ecstatic immersion. Furthermore, the focus is also given to the type of experience that is subordinated to visual effect of dance. This foundation is further elaborated in second part of this thesis, which discusses dance experience in its aesthetic dimension through context of phenomenological philosophy in thinking of Maxine Sheets-Johnstone. This concept of dance reveals other important qualities in dance as an art. In addition, it shows one of novel approaches to corporeality in the aesthetic experience of dance, which could built on the dichotomous differentiation of the dance experience and open new perspectives on the aesthetic...
Characters and skills of managers
ŠVECOVÁ, Veronika
The aim of this thesis was to analyze and define characters and skills of managers and suggest how to improve these skills and characters. Managers in to management were chosem as the sample. The managers completed three tests focused on personality type, type of leadership and skills. After test assesment improvements were suggested.

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2 ŠVECOVÁ, Valentyna
8 ŠVECOVÁ, Veronika
2 ŠVECOVÁ, Vladislava
1 Švecová, Vlasta
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