Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 36 záznamů.  začátekpředchozí15 - 24dalšíkonec  přejít na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Interactive effects of elevated CO2 concentration, nitrogen nutrition and UV-exclusion on yield, aboveground biomass and root development in winter wheat and spring barley
Rattanapichai, W. ; Klem, Karel
Within the manipulation experiment in open top chambers (Domaninek near Bystrice nad Pernstejnem) that allow simulation of elevated concentration of CO2 ([CO2]) (expected by the end of this century700 mu mol mol(-1)) and exclusion of solar UV radiation, the interactive effects of these environmental drivers together with nitrogen application were studied. Aboveground biomass at the time of harvest, grain yield and root area were studied in winter wheat (variety Bohemia) and spring barley (variety Bojos). From three replications of each treatment were the roots of four plants dug out from the soil and gently washed. Photos of roots taken using the digital camera were analysed by image processing software Image J (plugin SmartRoot). The result showed that the elevation of [CO2] increased the above ground biomass and grain yield. High level of nitrogen increased the stimulatory effect of [CO2] on the above-ground biomass and grain yield. Also UV exclusion stimulated the effect of the evaluated [CO2] on above-ground biomass and grain yield. UV exclusion resulted in higher root area than the treatment of non-exclusion of UV.
Metody detekce houbových chorob využitelné ve fenotypování rostlin a dálkovém průzkumu
Klem, Karel ; Veselá, Barbora ; Holub, Petr ; Urban, Otmar ; Mezera, J.
Tato metodika shrnuje poznatky z porovnání tří perspektivních metod detekce houbových chorob využitelných pro dálkový průzkum a fenotypování rostlin se zaměřením na odolnost vůči chorobám. Jedná se o metody měření spektrální odrazivosti, infračerveného termálního zobrazování a modro-zelené zobrazovací fluorescence. Na příkladu napadení rostlin ozimé pšenice padlím travním, rzí plevovou a rzí pšeničnou metodika demonstruje jejich přednosti a nedostatky z pohledu detekce jednotlivých chorob, přičemž je zřejmé, že všechny tři metody jsou pro nedestruktivní detekci houbových chorob potenciálně využitelné, ale jejich praktické použití se může lišit. Testování indexů spektrální odrazivosti pro detekci napadení houbovými chorobami ukazuje především vysokou spolehlivost detekce u indexů založených na odrazivosti v red-edge a zeleném pásmu vlnových délek. Infračervené termální zobrazování prokázalo vysokou přesnost detekce u napadení padlím travním, případně rzí pšeničnou, ale již nižší u rzi plevové. Modro-zelená fluorescence i termální zobrazování představují také velmi dobrý nástroj pro vyhodnocení intensity prostorové distribuce napadení listu.
Integrovaná regulace plevelů v obilninách
Smutný, V. ; Winkler, J. ; Klem, Karel
Certifikovaná metodika sumarizuje poznatky o vlivu různých nepřímých (preventivních) agrotechnických opatření (osevní postupy, zpracování půdy, hnojení organickými hnojivy a management slámy) na plevele (potenciální a aktuální zaplevelení), a to jak z pohledu kvalitativního (druhové složení), tak i kvantitativního (intenzita výskytu). Dále je pozornost věnována racionalizaci chemické regulace plevelů (použití herbicidů). Jsou popsány principy rozhodovacích pravidel založených na stanovení prahů škodlivosti, optimálního termínu ochrany a optimalizaci dávek herbicidů. Těmito postupy lze snížit spotřebu používaných herbicidů v obilninách, což přináší úspory nejen v oblasti ekonomické, ale také snížení zatížení životního prostředí v důsledku používání herbicidů.
Kvantitativní analýza biofyzikálních parametrů zemědělských plodin s využitím multispektrálních dat Copernicus
Mišurec, J. ; Lukeš, Petr ; Tomíček, J. ; Klem, Karel ; Jakešová, L.
Vývoj metodiky zaměřený na zisk biofyzikálních parametrů pomocí multispektrálních družicových dat Sentinel-2 byl optimalizován pro nejčastěji pěstované plodiny v ČR: pšenici ozimou, ječmen jarní, řepku ozimou, vojtěšku, kukuřici a cukrovou řepu. Cílovými parametry plodin byly obsah chlorofylu a vody v listech a index listové plochy (LAI). Princip výpočtu biofyzikálních parametrů je založen na využití modelu přenosu záření ProSAIL, přičemž model simuluje chování porostu pro různé kombinace biofyzikálních parametrů v inverzním módu. Je hledána kombinace biofyzikálních parametrů, vykazující nejlepší shodu s hodnotami odrazivosti porostu pozorovanými satelitním systémem Sentinel-2. Vyvíjené produkty naleznou uplatnění u zemědělských podniků například při plánování hospodářské činnosti a managementu pozemků.
Predicting light use efficiency using optical vegetation indices at various time scales and environmental conditions
Kováč, Daniel ; Ač, Alexander ; Veselovská, Petra ; Dreveňáková, Petra ; Rapantová, Barbora ; Klem, Karel
This study presents data points acquired during 2 years of measuring optical properties and gas-exchange\ncharacteristics of European beech (Fagus sylvatica) and Norway spruce (Picea abies) tree species in controlled\nenvironments. The observed statistical relationships between 105 pairs of selected optical parameters\n(i.e. photochemical reflectance index [PRI], ΔPRI, and normalized difference between wavebands R690\nand R630 [where R is a reflectance at a subscripted wavelength]) and light use efficiency (LUE) were considered\nat assumed different canopy leaf area index, changing pigments stoichiometrics, and daily changing\ndynamics of environmental conditions. Our measurements suggested that consistency of the LUE estimation\nusing PRI may be disrupted by acclimation responses of plants that reduce energetic carriers for\nuse in photosynthetic CO2 uptake and the xanthophyll cycle. Also, a changing chlorophylls-to-carotenoids\nratio tends to interrupt the PRI–LUE relationship. ΔPRI showed sensitivity to leaf area index of the measured\ntrees that complicated leaf-level estimation of LUE. The most consistent assessment of LUE was\nachieved using the chlorophyll fluorescence detecting ratio (R690 – R630)/(R690 + R630).
Influence of the chlorophylls-to-carotenoids ratio on light use efficiency estimation by optical parameters
Ač, Alexander ; Kováč, Daniel ; Veselovská, Petra ; Večeřová, Kristýna ; Klem, Karel
The influence is examined of changing leaf photosynthetic pigments concentrations on sensitivity of the\nphotochemical reflectance index (PRI) and ΔPRI optical parameters in relation to light use efficiency\n(LUE). Photosynthetic and leaf chlorophylls-to-carotenoids (Chl/Car) ratio changes during the growth of\nEuropean Beech (Fagus sylvatica) and Norway spruce (Picea abies) saplings were induced by altering the\nliving environment inside growth chambers. Point reflectance measurements of each individual tree were\nrecording changes in optical properties while measurements were being taken simultaneously of altering\nphotosynthesis. Based on the evaluation of 45 pairs of measurements conducted on six individual saplings,\nthe observed variability in the strength of the PRI and ΔPRI versus LUE relationships was compared to the\nresulting leaf Chl/Car ratio of each tree. Data were used to explain the influence of changing pigments on\nthe sensitivity of each individual optical parameter with regards to the LUE estimation.
Effect of elevated CO2 on morphological and photosynthetic parameters in two understory grass species in Beskydy Mountains
Holub, Petr ; Klem, Karel ; Urban, Otmar
We transplanted two grass species, Calamagrostis arundinacea and Luzula sylvatica, to the understory of\na 10-year-old experimental mixed forest exposed to ambient (385 μmol CO2 mol–1, AC) and elevated (700\nμmol CO2 mol–1, EC) atmospheric CO2 concentration using a glass dome facility. Effects of EC on plant\nmorphology and photosynthesis were examined after three years of treatment. We tested the hypotheses\nthat shade-tolerant species can profit from EC even at low light conditions and that relatively low accumulation\nof assimilates at such light conditions will not cause CO2-induced down-regulation of photosynthesis.\nWe expected that EC can substitute insufficient light intensities under the tree canopy and lead to both\nhigher biomass production and survival of plants in deep forest understories. The typical shade-tolerant\nspecies L. sylvatica exhibited positive acclimation under EC allowing higher light use efficiency under subsaturating\nlight intensities as compared to plants grown under AC. In contrast, C. arundinacea showed\nhigher stimulation of growth and photosynthetic rates by EC mainly under saturating light intensities at\nthe beginning of the growing season, when the forest leaf area is not fully developed and the open canopy\nallows a greater proportion of incident light to reach the understory. Our data indicate that growth and\nphysiological responses of EC plants in forest understories are species specific, differ from responses of\nsun-exposed plants, and depend on degree of shading.
Interactive effect of UV radiation and CO2 treatment on extractable volatile organic compounds from European beech leaves
Večeřová, Kristýna ; Pernicová, N. ; Klem, Karel ; Urban, Otmar
The main objective of this experiment was to investigate the combined effect of different UV treatments\nand elevated CO2 concentration on monoterpene and methyl salicylate (MES) content in leaves of\nEuropean beech during the growing season. Plants were grown under ambient (AC, 400 μmol mol–1) and\nelevated (EC, 700 μmol mol–1) CO2 concentrations and three UV radiation treatments (ambient – UVamb,\nexcluded – UV-, and enhanced – UV+). Leaves collected from July to September were extracted in cold\nheptane to determine volatile organic compounds content using gas chromatography. Our results show\nthat AC plants had higher total content of extractable monoterpenes and MES than did EC plants over\nthe whole growing season and irrespective of UV treatment. Limonene, 2-bornene, and ester MES were\nthe most abundant volatile compounds in beech leaves. The highest contents of 2-bornene and MES were\nfound under the UV- treatment and AC. Contents of α-pinene, β-pinene, and carene decreased during the\ngrowing season while the content of limonene increased.
Comparison of leaf area index dynamics and radiation use efficiency of C3 crops in the Czech Republic
Tripathi, Abishek ; Pohanková, Eva ; Trnka, Miroslav ; Klem, Karel
Leaf area index (LAI) and radiation use efficiency (RUE) are key parameters for plant growth and productivity.\nBecause of irregularities in weather conditions, accurate estimation of crop production requires\nunderstanding relationships between weather, LAI, RUE, and final production. It is thus important to\nstudy how the LAI dynamics, leaf area duration (LAD), and RUE are related to aboveground biomass production\nfor different crops. In our study, we compared aboveground dry mass production, LAI dynamics,\nRUE, and LAD in three C3 crops (spring barley [SB], winter wheat [WW], and oilseed rape [OSR]) in the\nCzech Republic. LAI was measured on the basis of transmitted photosynthetically active radiation, LAD\nwas calculated by counting the number of days in the growing season, RUE was measured using Beer’s\nlaw, and the aboveground dry mass was estimated at the time of harvest. Results of our study showed high\nbiomass production and RUE in SB while there was highest maximum LAI (LAImax) and LAD in OSR. We\nconcluded that LAI dynamics or LAImax do not fully reflect the crop production and that RUE may be considered\nas a better indicator for aboveground dry mass production.
Water-use efficiency of winter wheat under heat and drought stress
Hlaváčová, Marcela ; Klem, Karel ; Novotná, Kateřina ; Rapantová, Barbora ; Urban, Otmar ; Hlavinka, Petr ; Smutná, P. ; Horáková, V. ; Škarpa, P. ; Trnka, Miroslav
Because such extreme weather events as dry spells and heat waves are expected to occur more frequently\ndue to climate change, the issue of appropriate water management for sustainable agricultural production\nis increasingly important. This study focuses on wheat, the second most widely grown cereal in the world\nand the most common cereal in European countries. The study assesses the effects of short periods (3 and\n7 days) of high temperatures (26°C as a control, 32°C, 35°C, and 38°C as daily temperature maxima from\n12:00 to 14:00) and drought stress at different developmental stages (DC 31 – beginning of stem elongation,\nDC 61 – flowering, and DC 75 – early grain filling) on water-use efficiency (WUE) in winter wheat\ncultivar Tobak. This cultivar is one of the most widespread winter wheat cultivars in Czech Republic fields.\nThe analysis of WUE showed that the cv. Tobak plants were able to withstand drought stress conditions\nthrough increased WUE. In contrast, wheat plants were stressed more markedly if exposed to higher temperatures\nand drought in combination. Generally, the wheat plants were most sensitive to drought at DC\n31.

Národní úložiště šedé literatury : Nalezeno 36 záznamů.   začátekpředchozí15 - 24dalšíkonec  přejít na záznam:
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