Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 205 záznamů.  začátekpředchozí21 - 30dalšíkonec  přejít na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 
Geometrical aspects of connection between surface reggedness and resistance of thin films
Franc, J. ; Janda, Pavel ; Novotný, Jan
The relationship between the ruggedness of substrate surface and the resistance of sputtered NiCr films was studied. The geometrical model in which the surface unevenness is simulated by pyramid was derived. The increase of R/ on a rugged surface in comparison with a polished one was calculated. Ruggedness on real surfaces was analysed by means of AFM microscopy. Obtained data were compared with the model.
Technology of infrared detectors preparation on the basis of LATGS/Pt/IV/ and LADTGS/Pt/II/ single crystals
Novotný, Jan ; Zelinka, Jiří ; Franc, J.
Single crystals of triglycine sulphate /TGS/ and deuterated TGS doped with Pt.sup.4+.sup. and Pt.sup.2+.sup. and L-alanin, /LATGS/Pt/IV/ and LADTGS/Pt/II/ were grown from aqueous solutions. Surface morphology, domain structure and P-E hysteresis loops have been investigated. We have found on the basis of experimental results that prepared single crystals are very suitable materials for construction on infrared detectors.
Computer control of photoluminescence spectrometer used for characterization of semiconductors
Kostka, František ; Zavadil, Jiří ; Krechler, Jindřich ; Dvořák, Martin ; Svatuška, Michal ; Gladkov, Petar
Basic electronics and programming that enables a computer control of experimental set-up for low-temperature photoluminescence /PL/ spectroscopy and PL topography is briefly described together with the physical principles behind photoluminescence spectroscopy as a characterization technique.
Realizace sekundy SI a světové časové stupnice UTC
Buzek, Otokar
Článek pojednává o vývoji a současném stavu primární etalonáže jednotky času ve světě a informuje o základních metrologických parametrech Českého státního etalonu času a frekvence.
Modeling of differential circuits by s-parameters for signal integrity evaluation
Žilka, Zdeněk ; Berka, Zbyněk ; Braun, Jaromír
Scattering parameters /s-parameters/ are used for evaluation of signal integrity in the mixed-signal systems /analog and digital/ with high bandwidth and fast edge rates. In the paper a mixed-mode model of differential circuit and its relation to model of single-ended system is described.
Signal integrity enhancement of mixed electronic systems by differential signaling
Žilka, Zdeněk ; Berka, Zbyněk ; Braun, Jaromír
Signal integrity of mixed-signal electronic systems may be considerably enhanced when properly designed differential signaling is used for interconnections. In the paper controlled characteristic impedances, rules of routing and terminating of differential lines are treated.
Experimental investigation of electromagnetic activity of living cells at millimeter waves
Jelínek, František ; Pokorný, Jiří ; Šaroch, Jaroslav
The direct detection of electric oscillations in biological cells can deliver strong evidence for Fröhlich's theory of coherent excitation in biological systems. A laboratory equipment fot the measurement of mm-waves interaction with yest cells is described.
Physical properties of InP epitaxial layers prepared with dysprosium admixture
Grym, Jan ; Procházková, Olga
Physical properties of commonly prepared InP layers grown by LPE technique and those grown from Dy treated melt are compared. The layers were examined by SEM, low temperature PL spectroscopy, C-V measurements and temperature dependent Hall effect. Structural, electrical and optical properties of InP layers exhibit a significant dependence on the presence of Dy and its concentration in the melt. When increasing the concentration of Dy the reversal of electrical conductivity occurs.
The contour plot as model of complex characteristics of linear system
Braun, Jaromír ; Žilka, Zdeněk ; Berka, Zbyněk
The objective of this paper has been to illustrate the use of the contour plot in various aspect of analysis and design of dynamic systems as filters, correctors or transmission lines in frequency domain. An illustrative example complex group-delay function have been evaluated by MATCAD program.
Photodynamic therapy. Instrumental optics
Votruba, J. ; Stádník, Bohumil ; Javorský, Stanislav
Photodynamic therapy of cancerous tumorous of various human organs uses both coherent and noncoherent light sources for the treatment. However, noncoherent ones are prefered due to higher treatment efficiency, simpler and reliable operation and lower financial costs. Main purpose of this report is to give overview of basic optical methods and instruments used in the photodynamic therapy.

Národní úložiště šedé literatury : Nalezeno 205 záznamů.   začátekpředchozí21 - 30dalšíkonec  přejít na záznam:
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