Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 220 záznamů.  předchozí11 - 20dalšíkonec  přejít na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Western women and violent jihad: analysis of ISIS' gendered propaganda and UK's counterterrorism strategies
Bulferetti, Emanuela ; Anceschi, Luca (vedoucí práce) ; Aslan, Emil (oponent)
This dissertation examines the migration of Western women to ISIS-held territories, aiming to evaluate which strategies and narratives ISIS has exploited to convince them to make this decision. After tracing the phenomenon of radicalisation and women's participation in jihadi organisations, the research employs critical discourse analysis and qualitative content research to examine the language used by ISIS in its magazines, namely Dabiq, Rumiyah, and in the Manifesto for Women. The research highlights that there are three gendered narratives exploited by ISIS to recruit women and make them migrate. First, women are solicited to perform hijrah because it is honourable and because women's help in building the Ummah is fundamental. Secondly, women are called to hijrah to carry out violent jihad and to help in the establishment of the Islamic State. The third gendered entails leveraging women into the conviction that living in the Caliphate will allow them to escape from the corruption of the Western world and to live a pious and pure Islamic life. Migrating to ISIS-held territories is therefore fundamental to make women pure again, and to distance them from the ideas of emancipation and freedom. Thanks to the single case study in the framework of policy analysis, it is clear that the importance of...
Radicalised Masculinity: Ontological Insecurity, Extremist Ideologies and the Rise of Andrew Tate
Leeming, Megan Cait ; Kay, Rebecca (vedoucí práce) ; Aslan, Emil (oponent)
The rise of online extremism is a well-documented phenomenon with real-world implications; a growing number of hate crimes and mass violence events all have their roots in the complex, multi-faceted and intertwined online communities of the misogynistic Manosphere and the far- right. While some prefer to think of these communities as characteristic of the fringes of the internet, the presence of key individuals such Andrew Tate on mainstream social media platforms demonstrates that this is no longer the case. The overwhelming popularity of this individual on TikTok is indicative of a growing acceptance of misogyny and misogynistic extremism in the mainstream lexicon. This dissertation worked to explore how the TikTok content of Andrew Tate aligns with misogynistic extremist ideologies within a framework of ontological (in)security theory. The research methods used consisted of a broad literature review of relevant background materials, coupled with thematic analysis of TikTok content featuring Andrew Tate. The latter was based on a dataset of 100 videos gathered from the platform. The findings of this research demonstrate that the TikTok content featuring Andrew Tate creates themes of insecurity and security through narratives that align with ontological (in)security and hegemonic masculinity....
Inside the Lions' Den: Ideological Differentiation in the Palestinian Militant Landscape
Ott, Nathanael ; Aslan, Emil (vedoucí práce) ; Rivetti, Paola (oponent)
This dissertation deals with the impact of ideological differentiation on intra-field rebel competition. Existing research on rebel competition focuses on violent forms of rivalry. However, many armed groups deploy non-violent strategies to gain popularity, recruits, and patron support rather than fighting against contenders. One example is the Lions' Den, a Palestinian armed group that emerged in 2022 in Nablus. This dissertation explores to what extent ideological differentiation helped the Lions' Den to successfully compete against established armed groups in the West Bank. This is achieved through an in-depth case study using process-tracing. Thereby, a causal mechanism is developed to track the effect of ideological differentiation on competitive success using empirical evidence from Telegram channels, semi-structured expert interviews, and media sources. The findings show that the Lions' Den differentiated itself ideologically from competing militant groups by adopting a cross-factional stance. Moreover, the evidence indicates that this differentiation allowed the group to gain popularity across political camps, mobilise recruits from various parties, and attract support from otherwise opposing patrons. Thus, ideological differentiation was a decisive factor in the Lions' Den's success. In...
The Motivations of Foreign Fighters: The Case of the Chechen Diaspora in Ukraine
Grogan, Eilis ; Aslan, Emil (vedoucí práce) ; Aliyev, Huseyn (oponent)
The purpose of this dissertation was to identify whether the custom of blood revenge is a motivation for the Chechen diaspora to act as foreign fighters in the war in Ukraine, 2022- present day. The custom of blood revenge is not unique to the Chechen society and has existed for centuries in communities across the world. For this reason, blood revenge as a motivation for foreign fighter participation should not be overlooked and could prove helpful when developing strategies of disengagement. The following research question, along with three objectives, was analysed: "What is the motivation for Chechen foreign fighters to fight against Russia in the war in Ukraine?". Alongside this research question were three objectives: A) What were the main pull factors for joining this conflict in particular? B) Are Chechen customary laws or 'Adats' a driving factor for mobilisation and if so, should researchers put more emphasis on blood revenge (Ch'ir) when discussing Chechen foreign fighters? C) What level of influence does the practice of blood revenge (Ch'ir) still hold in the diaspora's society today? This research was conducted using qualitative analysis of secondary sources in both English and Russian to provide diversity of sources and perspectives. Due to this topic being under researched, an...
"Honor behind Human Trafficking Absenteeism in Italian Mafias." A comparative study among Italian, Nigerian and Albanian Mafias
Sollecito, Angela ; Aslan, Emil (vedoucí práce) ; Florea, Adrian (oponent)
Human trafficking is ranked as the third most profitable activity within the realm of organized crime, following drug and arms trafficking. Despite its highly rewarding feature, Italian mafias have never been directly involved in such a criminal activity. Attributing honor to the Italian mafias' absenteeism in the trafficking of human beings is precisely the aim of the present study. The distinctive conceptualization of honor, onore, is believed to have persistently forged autochthone mafias and their culture of operations, culminating in the establishment of a quintessential criminal organization archetype. In sharp contrast to this, the Nigerian and Albanian mafias, while categorized as such, notably lack the pivotal trait of this form of organized crime: honor. Devoid of their own conceptualization of honor, these criminal organizations have emerged as the two leading mafias currently governing the trafficking of humans in Italy. Incorporating evidence from publicly available interviews, trails recordings, testimonies, and official documents, the research will unmask the underlying framework of Italian, Nigerian and Albanian mafias. Additionally, through the lenses of a comparative study, the research will identify the four major divergences between Italian and the two foreign mafias: old vs new...
Where are the women? Gender sensitivity in deradicalisation strategies for female foreign terrorist fighters in Germany.
Scharnagl, Annika Johanna ; Aslan, Emil (vedoucí práce) ; Florea, Adrian (oponent)
The aim of this thesis is to examine German deradicalisation practices for IS returnees in terms of their gender sensitivity. While the majority of former foreign terrorist fighters were men, up to one third of those who left Germany for Syria or Iraq were women. Furthermore, only women and their children have been repatriated so far as part of the coordinated repatriation efforts. There is thus a good reason to look at the issue using Germany as an example. The literature on deradicalisation suggests that gender plays an important role in this process and should be included in interventions. Therefore, it is also necessary to look at the adaptation of deradicalisation practices based on the gender of the person using the German example. Through expert interviews, the situation on the ground was investigated. The results of this work show that German interventions are already gender-sensitive to some extent. However, they are not named as such and much work and change are still needed to be able to call the whole method gender sensitive. Based on these findings, policy recommendations were formulated. Possible limitations of the work and further fields of research in the field of gender-sensitive deradicalisation are also mentioned. Keywords: Deradicalisation, Gender, Women, Islamic State, Foreign...
Gender-Responsive DDR: Social, Economic and Political Reincorporation of Women Ex-Combatants in Colombia
Ramljak, Antonela ; Aslan, Emil (vedoucí práce) ; Kotvalová, Anna (oponent)
CHARLES UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Institute of Political Studies Department of Security Studies Master's Thesis 2020 Antonela Ramljak CHARLES UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Institute of Political Studies Department of Security Studies Gender - Responsive DDR: Social, Economic and Political Reincorporation of Women Ex-combatants in Colombia Master's Thesis Author: Antonela Ramljak Study program: Master in International Security Studies (MISS) Supervisor: doc. Dr. Emil Aslan, Ph.D. Year of project submission: 2020 Declaration 1. I hereby declare that I have compiled this thesis using the listed literature and resources only. 2. I hereby declare that my thesis has not been used to gain any other academic title. 3. I fully agree to my work being used for study and scientific purposes. In Prague on Antonela Ramljak References RAMLJAK, Antonela. Gender - Responsive DDR: Social, Economic and Political Reincorporation of Women Ex-combatants in Colombia. Praha, 2020. 81 pages. Master's thesis (Mgr.). Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Political Studies. Department of Security Studies. Supervisor doc. PhDr. Emil Aslan, Ph.D. Length of the thesis: 104.637 characters Abstract Discussions on women in wars have oftentimes been limited to their stories as survivors of conflict...
The Impact of War-Related Violence on Post-Conflict Electoral Violence - A Disaggregated Analysis
Küsel, Evita ; Aslan, Emil (vedoucí práce) ; Kocmanová, Markéta (oponent)
Mezinárodní společenství často prosazuje volby ve společnostech postižených konfliktem jako nedílnou součást strategií udržování míru. Samotné volby se však často stávají ohniskem sporů a násilí, což může vést k opakování konfliktů. Vzhledem k závažným důsledkům volebního násilí se vědci stále více zaměřují na analýzu jeho příčin. Ačkoli bylo dosaženo významného pokroku při vysvětlování výskytu volebního násilí na úrovni jednotlivých zemí, tyto studie nezohledňují značné rozdíly v rámci jednotlivých zemí. Tato práce vyplňuje tuto mezeru ve výzkumu tím, že zkoumá prostorové rozložení volebního násilí v rámci postkonfliktních zemí. Konkrétně hypotéza předpokládá, že v oblastech v rámci země, které dříve zažily násilí spojené s válkou, je větší pravděpodobnost výskytu volebního násilí v postkonfliktním období. Prostřednictvím analýzy prostorově členěných dat ze souborů dat UCDP GED a ECAV tato práce provádí regresi s fixními efekty pro jednotlivé země a zjišťuje pozitivní a statisticky významný vztah mezi násilím spojeným s konfliktem a volebním násilím po skončení konfliktu na úrovni nižší než stát.
Role of Pro-State Militias in the Political System in Ukraine
Bartoň, Teodor ; Laryš, Martin (vedoucí práce) ; Aslan, Emil (oponent)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá vlivem ultranacionalistických pro-státních milicí s radikální politickou ideologií na stabilitu a fungování demokratických systémů. Studované případy zahrnují ukrajinský Pluk Azov a Pravý Sektor, stejně jako Chorvatské obranné síly (HOS) a Ozbrojené síly sebeobrany Kolumbie (AUC). Prostřednictvím kvalitativní analýzy a několika případových studií tato práce zkoumá důsledky činnosti tohoto typu milicí, jejich začlenění do státního aparátu a jejich potenciální hrozby pro demokratické procesy. Získané výzkumné údaje odhalují složitý vztah mezi milicí a státem, jenž se projevuje ideologickými rozdíly a zároveň integrací do politické struktury. V práci je zdůrazněna úloha milicí při obraně státu během občanských střetů a současně je zaznamenána postupná ztráta jejich autonomie v důsledku jejich užší spolupráce s oficiálními vojenskými strukturami. Výzkum zdůrazňuje význam veřejné podpory, kterou tyto milice získávají během války, zároveň však upozorňuje na omezení jejich politického vlivu v rámci demokratického systému. Diplomová práce rovněž zavádí koncept "Militia-State Ambivalence Nexus", který slouží jako rámec pro pochopení strategií používaných vládami k využívání schopností domobrany a zároveň ke zmírnění potenciální destabilizace. Budoucí výzkum by měl blíže...
The Wagner Group's counterinsurgency operations in Mali
Murgia, Nicolò ; Ludvík, Zdeněk (vedoucí práce) ; Aslan, Emil (oponent)
Tento výzkum se zaměřuje na analýzu protipovstaleckých operací skupiny Wagner v Mali. Nejprve je proveden přehled existující literatury o využívání soukromých vojenských společností (PMC) v protipovstaleckých kampaních. Poté zkoumá dynamiku činnosti skupiny Wagner Group v Mali, zejména její vztah s ruským státem, služby, které poskytuje, a dopad těchto služeb na bezpečnostní krizi v Mali. Studie důkladně analyzuje konkrétní modus operandi skupiny Wagner Group a její vztahy s místními ozbrojenými silami, aby bylo možné pochopit důsledky a výsledky jejich protipovstaleckých operací. Výsledky výzkumu ukazují, že úsilí PMC bylo při zmírňování krize způsobené islamistickými ozbrojenými skupinami neúčinné. Přítomnost Wagnerovy skupiny v Mali navíc vedla k nárůstu násilí, což mělo vážné důsledky pro civilní obyvatelstvo. V širším měřítku výzkum ukazuje, jak Wagnerova skupina slouží jako nástroj, který Rusko využívá k uplatňování vlivu nejen v Mali. Úzké vazby mezi ruským státem a PMC umožnily manipulaci s místním obyvatelstvem prostřednictvím dezinformačních kampaní, které se zaměřují na dřívější západní partnery, jako jsou Francie a USA. V důsledku těchto akcí se Mali, kde se v roce 2021 pučem dostala k moci vojenská junta, ocitá ve stále větší regionální i mezinárodní izolaci a zároveň se potýká se...

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