Original title:
Interpretace houslové tvorby P.I.Čajkovského
Translated title:
Interpretation of violin compositions by P.I.Tchaikovsky
Bogacz, Pavel ; Tomášek, Jiří (advisor) ; Kotmel, Bohumil (referee) ; Panocha, Jiří (referee) Document type: Bachelor's theses
slo Publisher:
Akademie múzických umění v Praze. Hudební fakulta AMU. Knihovna Abstract:
[cze][eng] Vo svojej bakalárskej práci som sa zaoberal okolnost´ami vzniku a analýzou diel pre husle a orchester ( príp. klavír) významného ruského skladatel´a P.I.Čajkovského. Hlavné t´ažisko práce je na Husl´ovom koncerte D dur op. 35, na ktorého rozbor u hl´adiska interpretácie som použl nahrávky štyroch diametrálně odlišných huslistov, a to : Jashu Heifetza, Davida Oistrakha, Jelu Špitkovú a Juliu Fischer. Krátké skladby pre husle a orchester ( klavír) som dával do súvislosti s Husl´ovým koncertom a zároveň som sa snažil objasnit´všetky okolnosti ich vzniku.In my bachelor degree seminar paper I focused on the circumstances of the origin and analysis of works written for violin solo and orchestra ( in some cases violin solo and piano accompaniment) of the famous Russian composerP.I.Tchaikovsky. My main area of interest in this paper was the Violin Concerto in D major op. 34. I analyzed this work from the interpretation point of view using recordings of four diametrically different violinists : Jasha Heifetz, David Oistrah, Jela Špitková and Julia Fischer. I also made a comparison of this concerto to other shorter compositions written for violin and orchestra (piano) and tried to clarify the circumstances of their creation.
Institution: Academy of Performing Arts in Prague
Document availability information: Available to registered users in the Digital Repository of Academy of Performing Arts. Original record: http://hdl.handle.net/10318/6770