Žánrová malba 17. a počátku 18. století v Čechách
Překlad názvu:
Genre painting of the 17th and early 18th centuries in Bohemia
Rousová, Andrea ; Horyna, Martin (vedoucí práce) ; Konečný, Lubomír (oponent) ; Mádl, Martin (oponent) Typ dokumentu: Rigorózní práce
Abstrakt: [cze][eng] Tema pn'ice "Zanrova malba 17. a pocatku 18. stoleti v Cechach" bylo zvoleno pfedevsim z toho duvodu, ze se doposud nikdo z badatelu teto problematice nevenoval. Prace tedy poprve mapuje situaci na umelecke scene, a to z nekolika lihlu pohledu, pficemz stezejni je poznani 0 zanrovych dflech umelcu pracujicich v Cechach obdobi raneho, a pfedevsim vrcholneho baroka. Pfedtim ale bylo tfeba definovat zanrovou malbu jako takovou, nebot' od jejiho vymezeni se pote odvijel vyber del, ktera v praci oznacuji za zanrova. Stirn souvisi take blizsi pfedstaveni problematiky ikonografie a ikonologie zanrove malby a to i z hlediska vyvoje interpretace pfednich specialistu na tuto diskutovanou oblast. Pozornost je venovana take zminkam 0 zanrove malbe v komentarich historiografU, maliru, teoretiku umeni a dalSich autoru od doby antiky po zaver 17. stoleti, nebot' z nich krome jineho vyplyva, ze tato kategorie nestala v popfedi jejich zajmu a staveli se k ni temer vyhradne kriticky. Na pfikladu sberatelstvi doby 17. a 18. stoleti je vsak prezentovan opacny pfistup, nebot' pocetne zastoupeni zanrove malby ve sbirkach at' uz aristokratickych, mest'anskych Ci klasternich poukazuje na jeji nesmirnou oblibu. Umelecke kolekce slouzily take jako zdroje inspirace pro mnohe z malifu pusobicich v Cechach, nebot' v nich byli pocetne...The theme of the thesis "Genre Painting of the 1 i h and early 18th Centuries in Bohemia" was primarily selected due to the fact that until now none of the scholars had attended to this topic. Therefore the thesis for the first time surveys the situation on the art scene and straightaway from several points of view. Pivotal is the recognition of genre paintings by artists working in Bohemia during the period of Early and mainly High Baroque. However, firstly it was necessary to circumscribe the genre painting as such because this determination was fundamental in selecting the works that I labelled as genre. To this also relates the deeper introduction into the iconography and iconology of genre painting, rendered at the same time from the standpoint of the progress of interpretation of prominent experts in the discussed topic. The attention is paid to the references of genre painting in the commentaries of historiographers, painters, art theorists and further authors from Antiquity to the end of the 1 i h century as well. From them, among other things, it is clear that this category was not in the centre of their attention and their attitude to the genre painting was practically solely critical. The opposite attitude, however, is presented through the example of 1 i h and 18th centuries collecting....