Nový pohled na ekonomickou bezpečnost: Finanční krize v roce 2008 a její dopad na sekuritizaci migrace ve Velké Británii
Překlad názvu:
A Renewed Focus on the Economic Security Sector: The 2008 Financial Crisis and its Effect on the Securitisation of Migration in the UK
Davis, Lara May ; Rychnovská, Dagmar (vedoucí práce) ; Střítecký, Vít (oponent) Typ dokumentu: Diplomové práce
Abstrakt: The securitisation of migration is a topic that has been researched in depth, especially in relation to events such as 9/11 or the so-called Migrant Crisis. These events connect migration to traditional security threats, such as terrorism and transnational crime. However, migration has also (traditionally) occurred for economic reasons. Between 9/11 and the Migrant Crisis, a major event happened in the field of economics: the 2008 Financial Crisis. This event is yet to be discussed in relation to the securitisation of migration. The United Kingdom (UK) was one of the European countries that experienced a large flow of immigrants after the 2004 A10 EU accession, which continued throughout the Financial Crisis.1 It is also one of the countries in which there was a clear and ongoing anti-migrant rhetoric present in the media. This dissertation will examine the securitising discourse on immigrants, in the UK, from the 2004 EU accession to 2007, and from the 2008 Financial Crisis to 2012. These discourses will be compared to uncover how the Financial Crisis changed the securitisation of migration. A special focus will be on the economic, societal and traditional security sectors and how the Financial Crisis shifted the focus between these sectors. Within the broader framework of securitisation theory, it has...