Alterace: deminutiva a augmentativa současné italštiny
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Alteration: diminutives and augmentatives in contemporary Italian
Neuwirth, František ; Štichauer, Pavel (vedoucí práce) ; Špaček, Jiří (oponent) Typ dokumentu: Rigorózní práce
Abstrakt: [cze][eng] uzivanych sufixech, 0 jejich vyznamu a frekvenci pouziti. Nepfislusf nam hodnotit, do jake byl ten to nas pokus uspesny. Na tomto miste si vsak dovolfme shrnout poznatky, ke kterym jsme dospeli studiem odborne literatury, analyzou znacneho mnozstvf dokladu, praci s elektronickymi slovniky a korpusy a vlastni excerpcf. Podstatou alterace je specificka zmena vyznamu zakladoveho slova, k nfz dochazf prostfednictvim specifickych sufixu: zakladnf vyznam zakladoveho slova pfitom zustava zachovan, pfipojuje se k nemu pouze urcita nuance, nebo - v nekterych pfipadech - zvlastnf pragmaticky vyznam. Napf. od slova ragazzo lze vytvofit (mimo jine) nasledujfci alteraty: ragazzino, ragazzetto, ragazzotto, ragazzone, ragazzaccio. Ragazzino a ragazzetto jsou deminutiva; intenzita deminuce je vsak u ragazzino vetsf nez u ragazzetto. Ragazzotto je na pul cesty mezi deminutivem a augmentativem. Ragazzone je pak augmentativum a ragazzaccio pejorativum. Na semanticke urovni lze modifikaci alteracnfm sufixem pfirovnat k modifikaci adjektivem. Bylo by tedy mozno parafrazovat napfiklad takto: ragazzino, "velmi maly chlapec"; ragazzetto, "maly chlapec"; ragazzotto, "vetsf chlapec"; ragazzone, "velky chlapec"; ragazzaccio, "nevychovany chlapec". Tyto parafraze jsou abstraktnf a majf pouze ilustrovat povahu alterace. Kazdy ze...The aim of this paper is to offer a complete picture of alteration in Italian, of the suffixes used, their meaning, and the frequency of their use. Apart of the necessary technical literature, we have employed the following work tools: electronic dictionaries (Lo Zingarelli 2007, Sabatini Coletti 2006, Il Vocabolario degli Accademici della Crusca), corpora (CORlS, La Repubblica) and text databases (Letteratura italiana Zanichelli 4.0, Factiva). We have also made use of examples manually excerpted from literary texts. The paper is structured into two basic parts. The first part (chapters I to V) is rather theory-focused and its aim is to present the actual knowledge on alteration in Italian. In chapter I we describe basic proprieties of alteration and demonstrate them on examples. In chapters II and III we study the semantics of alteration, first in general, then with regard to the single alterative suffixes. We draw up a very complete list of alterative suffixes and provide their characteristics, we attempt to systemize the suffixes according to their meaning, and we investigate historical background of some suffixes. Chapter IV deals with suffix accumulation and with interfixes. In chapter V we investigate pragmatic meanings of alterative suffixes and also those of interfixes. The second part of the paper...