Organizace a řízení fotbalových akademií v zahraničí
Překlad názvu:
Organization a management of football academies abroad
Tomek, Jakub ; Malý, Tomáš (oponent) ; Buzek, Mario (vedoucí práce) Typ dokumentu: Diplomové práce
Abstrakt: [cze][eng] Nazev prace: Organizace a fizeni fotbalovych akademii v zahranici. Cil prace: Vytvorit pfehledovou studii o principech a fungovani fotbalovych akademii v zahranici a porovnat s vychovou talentu v ceskych podminkach. Metoda: Resersni cinnost, rozbory dokumentu, rizene dotazovani, popisna analyza, interview s odbornikem. Vysledky: Konfrontace vychovy mladych talentovanych hracu v CR se zahranicfm (pozitivni a negativni trendy, totozne a rozdilne pfistupy). Klicova slova: akademie, fotbalova akademie, fotbalove kluby, talent.(English version) Title: Organization and management of football academies abroad. Targets: To create advances in football acedemies abroad and compare it with education of the talented players in czech conditions. Method: Background research, exploration of facts, descriptive analysis and standardized interview have been chosen as the selected methodology to achieve the targets. Results: Confrontation of the educational system for the talented players between Czech and abroad. (Positive and negative trends, identic and different approach). Keywords: academy, football academy, football clubs, talent