Original title:
Péče o fotografie a kresby: inspirace pro sbírky menšího rozsahu
Translated title:
Preservation of photographs and drawings: an inspiration for smaller collections
Cíglerová, Tereza ; Doležalová, Kateřina ; Šíblová, Markéta ; Trnková, Petra Document type: Methods
cze Abstract:
[cze][eng] Metodický návod ochrany a práce se sbírkami kreseb či fotografií v institucích nemuzejní a negalerijní povahy, případně v muzejních institucích s omezenými prostorovými, finančními či personálními možnostmi. Návod poskytuje široké spektrum praktických rad a doporučení k provozu sbírky, počínaje minimalizací největších rizik, konče maximálními požadavky mezinárodních standardů.Methodology for care and basic conservation of photographic or drawing collections administered by rather small institutions who are limited in terms of space, budget or human resources. Among the target users belong organisations such as research institutes, private collections of social interest, as well as local museums collecting a whole range of material, but missing an expert in the field of photograph/drawing collection management and conservation. The methodology gives a wide range of information – encompassing basic recommendations for collection rescue, management and conservation treatments as well as information on international standards in the field of photograph and paper conservation.
collection management; cultural heritage; drawing; paper conservation; photography Project no.: DF11P01OVV033 (CEP) Funding provider: GA MK
Institution: Institute of Art History AS ČR
Document availability information: Fulltext is available in the digital repository of the Academy of Sciences. Original record: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0258345