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Check interventional programme for integration personalities and development health mentally affected by the help of kinetic activities in Vodňany.\\
This thesis is focused on the verification of an intervation programme which was applied by mentally handicap children within the time of five months. In theoretical part of this thesis I paid attention to the problems which disabled children have. I sketched the basis of the personality integration, on which condition it gives benefits. I mentioned educational systems focused on the physical education and the importace of physical activity connected with it. The purpose of the applied programm was to discover whether there would be an improvement at motoric and social ratios. To prove the positive effect of doing these exercises, I tested the group again after a year. The results are statistically relevant and the course had a positive effect on individuals.\\

Economic and Political Consequences of Collectivization in Czechoslovakia
Pučelík, Karel ; Chalupecký, Petr (advisor) ; Johnson, Zdenka (referee)
This work aims to analyze the consequences of collectivization in czechoslovak agriculture. Reporting period is between 1948-1960. In the theoretical part are described political and economic motives and condition of czechoslovak agriculture. In the practical part contents development of collectivization and impact of agriculture reforms on agriculture sector. Reporting period is divided into three parts according to collectivization intensity. In the end we managed to verify the hypothesis that collectivization strongly affected the czechoslovak agriculture.

Estimate VAT selection after the introduction of electronic evidence of sales in the Czech Republic from 2016
Píchal, Dominik ; Pikhart, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Zeman, Martin (referee)
The Bachelors Thesis focuses on the topic of the tax collection and other subjects that are related to the topic like underground economy, tax evasion and other instruments that lead to the efficiency improvement of the tax collection. Electronic evidence of taxes in Czech is the kind of the instrument that aims towards the increase of the tax collection and improvement of the control of the taxpayer. Comparation and analysis was used for its methodological basis. Analysis and comparison serves as the proof that the thesis, of the electronic evidence of taxes beeing an effective instrument, is correct. The merit of the thesis is an overall description of the chosen phenomena affecting the tax collection, description of the models of electronic evidence of taxes from abroad and most importantly description and analysis of the upcoming czech one.

Marketing Plan of MAGICAM HD SOLUTIONS, Ltd
Pařízek, Aleš ; Hesková, Marie (advisor) ; Harantová, Monika (referee)
The main goal of the bachelor study is to create functional marketing plan for year 2017 that is consistent with the existing long-term marketing strategy. This thesis is created for use in business company MAGICAM HD SOLUTIONS Ltd. The core of the thesis is devided into theoretical and practical part. The first part laid the foundations basis of the terms used in the marketing planning, it is described the relationship marketing strategy, plan and tactics and role in the functioning of the marketing plan of the company. The second part contains the characteristics of the company, the analysis of external and internal factors affecting the company, SWOT analysis, setting goals and designing procedures by which the company will achieved set go-als. The practical part also contains specific steps in the action programs and timetable. Finally the thesis evaluates individual parts and contribution to the company.

The effect of investment in tertiary education on gross wages in the region Prague
Diessner, Daniel ; Chytil, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Babin, Jan (referee)
The aim of this work is to determine whether and how higher education affects gross wages. The theoretical part focuses on the theory of human capital, especially investment in education. The theory posits that a higher investment in human capital leads to higher yield, higher wages. The validity of this concept will be tested on the group of respondents who entered the labour market at the turn of millennium. Concentration of candidates with tertiary education in this period has risen considerably, which could cause an imbalance in the labour market. The practical part is based on the work of Mincer (1974). I used Mincer Earnings Function as a basis to build regression model. Partial aim is to prove the declining rate of return on investment in tertiary education using Mincer Equation.

Analysis of the Economic Development of BRICS Countries in 2007–2015
Berka, Kryštof ; Procházka, Pavel (advisor) ; Dyba, Karel (referee)
The aim of the bachelor's thesis is economic development assessment among and within BRICs countries in the context of developed world during 2007-2015. Based on yearly panel data, an analysis for following macroeconomic indicators was carried out: gross domestic product, inflation rate, unemployment rate, current account on the balance of payments, exchange rate. The profound analysis of selected indicators is instrumental in the comparison of member states and is supplemented by the comparison of BRICs and G6. Based on its evidence, I come to a conclusion that the BRICs as a whole succeeded in establishing as a strong global actor. That has been achieved with the help of global financial crisis, but also with regard to the economic policy implemented in 2007-2015. As a result, GDP of BRICs in terms of GDP of G6 achieved stable growth rate leading to its increase by 52 %. Besides providing main findings, outcomes of this thesis enable to identify main weaknesses and strengths of BRICs economies affecting the prospects for continuance of stable economic growth.

Analysis of the Motivation and Satisfaction of Employees in a firm
Gonta, Natalya ; Dvořáková, Zuzana (advisor) ; Odvárková, Markéta (referee)
The aim of this study is to analyze the motivation and satisfaction of employees at British American Tobacco Ltd. The bachelor thesis consists of two parts - theoretical and practical. The first part describes the concepts and sources of motivation, which affect the performance of employees in the company. The second part describes the aim of the research, its progress and evaluation results in respect of which was carried out to analyze the way of motivation and satisfaction of employees in the company. For the following analysis methods were used questionnaire and a personal unstructured interview. The result of the thesis is mentioned proposal for improving the motivation of employees, which has potential and could be implemented in the company.

Design of processes of business department in IT company and measuring their performance
Schütz, Martin ; Oškrdal, Václav (advisor) ; Bruckner, Tomáš (referee)
The thesis deals with design of new processes of business department in IT company which provides server hosting, web hosting and domain registration services. These processes come from identification and analysis of current processes and the theory of business department management. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) were set for selected processes which can be used for managing the company as a whole. Models of processes were created due to EPC notation. New processes were designed to continuously create data in CRM information system providing evidential and information support necessary for business department management, including the possibility of measuring its performance. Processes also automatize often repetitive activities and provide relevant information to other affected business units within the company. Contribution of the thesis lies in results of analysis of current identified processes containing solution proposals of discovered problems and newly created process models. Both can be used as a pattern for optimization of current processes in already existing organization or for designing new process models in new organization in the same or similar field of business.

Food supplements and iodine supplementation in pregnancy
Iodine is a trace element tremendously important for thyroid gland hormone production. It affects normal evolution of brain, especially in the time of intrauterine development and in the first year of child's life. Deficiency of iodine can lead to creation of pregnancy goiter, it also decrease the probability of carrying fetus to term and increase the probability of disorder in psycho-motoric evolution of child. Czech Republic is geographically lined up among the regions with lack of iodine in natural sources and food. However, nowadays the iodine deficiency is considered to be managed. But risk groups of population still exists, especially pregnant women can be endangered by lack of iodine, because the need of iodine intake in pregnancy increases to 200 250 ug per day and this level must be ensured. Consumption of food rich in iodine can cover the increased need of iodine. Significant source of iodine is milk and milk products. Another source is table salt enriched with iodine, but its daily intake is limited. Rich sources of iodine like sea fish, sea products and seaweed rarely occur in our diet. The goal of thesis was to evaluate intake of dietary supplements with iodine by pregnant women and evaluate women's awareness of higher iodine need and iodine food sources. Quantitative research in form of questionnaires was chosen for getting information from higher number of individuals. The questionnaire consists of 15 questions. Answers were gained from 118 respondents living in Central Bohemia, Moravia-Silesia region, Liberec region, region Highlands and South Bohemia. Questionnaire was distributed to gynecological ambulances by employees of State health institution. I visited gynecological ambulances in South Bohemia personally. By evaluation of questionnaire was found out that dietary supplement with iodine use 63 % pregnant women in researched population. All respondents always use only one type of dietary supplement. Among the most used belong "Chytré miminko", "GS mamavit" and "Femibion 800". 68 % of respondents know the importance of higher iodine intake in time of pregnancy. Question about daily recommended dosage was correctly answered only by 35 % of respondents. As a food sources of iodine the pregnant women know sea fishes, sea products, seaweed and table salt enriched with iodine. But 90 % of respondents are not familiar with milk and milk products as important source of iodine. Pregnant women should be better informed about importance of sufficient supply of iodine and about sources of iodine by gynecological ambulances. Information about mentioned issues should occur in magazines, education materials and internet articles more often. Respondents were notified of issues and important role of iodine in time of pregnancy by questionnaire. It is very probable that women found correct answers on the internet or in publication for expectant mothers after filling in the questionnaire.

The Finnish Landscape Photography and Its Role in Helsinki School
Bureš, Mojmír ; SILVERIO, Robert (advisor) ; Ledvina, Josef (referee)
In my bachelor thesis I am focused on the images of the Finnish landscape photography and relationship to nature due to the harsh geographical conditions. I will describe the political and cultural influences that affected the aesthetic thinking about perception of scanned landscapes. Furthermore, I would like to deal with the influence by art that have shaped and inspired the Finnish authors and compare it with the perception of the country abroad. For example Dieseldorf photography school (Bernd and Hilla Becher, Andreas Gursky), Japanese photographers (Hiroshi Sugimoto, Rinko Kawauchi) Czech photographers (Josef Sudek, Josef Koudelka) and the others . List of the authors: Into Konrad Inha, Caj Breme, Ismo HÖLTTÖ, Arno Rafael Minkkinen, Ilkka Halso, Maija Savolainen, Eeva Karhu, Kalle Kataila, Jyrki Parantainen, Elina Brotherus, Maanantai Collective, Mikko Rikala, Sandra Kantanen, Tiina Itkonen, Jorma Puranen, Susanna Majuri, Petri Juntunen, Eija-Liisa Ahtila, Nanna Hänninen, Pentti Sammallahti, Karl Emil Stahlberg, Riitta Päiväläinen, Marja Pirilä, Ritva Kovalainen, Sanni Seppo, Juha Suonpää