National Repository of Grey Literature 6,166 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.19 seconds. 

Social, legal and health aspects of occupational health care and promotion
The work discusses social-legal aspects of occupational and health (OSH), concretely how employers meet their legal obligations toward their employees.

Cardiac care for the elderly - health and social aspects
Cardivascular diseases are still the major cause of mortality and morbidity in developped countries. From the available demographic datas ageing of population connected with increased number of patients is evident. These cardiovascular patients are treated conservative, interventional and surgical way. In the theoretical part of this work characteristics and patophysiology of ageing is described regarding particular body systems. Then there are mentioned individual diseases of heart which are currently being treated in a surgical way. It mainly deals with ischemic heart disease, disease of aortic, mitral and tricuspid valve and supraventricular arrythmia. There is also a desrciption of pre-operative preparation, course of the surgery and early postoperative period as well as pharmacological and interventionist therapy. Attention is paid to the differences in surgical care about seniors ? determination of operation risk, pre-operative course, operative course and postoperative rehabilitation. Quality of life is also mentioned as the important aspect while evaluating the success rate of treatment of the particular disease. The work gives information about its definition, possibilities of its observing and evaluation during the postoperative period. Last but not least social issues of senior patients are mentioned in the work as well. The research part is focused on the evaluation of the patients´ state during the pre-operative, perioperative and postoperative period. Particular associated diseases, data from the surgery and postoperative complications are also recorded. The research part then deals with the confirmation of individual hypothesis which were performed through the questionnaires before and one year after the surgery. It was answered by 310 patients.

Behavior analysis of unskilled negotiators during negotiation
Szabó, Tomáš ; Jarošová, Eva (advisor) ; Jusko, Roman (referee)
This thesis attempts to map out the negotiation strategies used by unskilled negotiators and among these, to identify those strategies which prevent such negotiators from achieving the most effective outcome. In highlighting such incorrect negotiating strategies, the thesis aims to steer academics away from using such strategies as part of their future teaching material on negotiation strategies. The theoretical aspect of this work describes the theory behind negotiating strategies and maps the features, styles and negotiation procedures which are used during negotiation. The practical part of the thesis interprets results gained from the research which was carried out. This research, which was conducted in the winter semester of the 2013/2014 academic year, involved the staging of bargaining games that were held over five separate sessions as part of the subject "Introductory training of social and management skills".

Application of art therapy elements for students at high special school (practical)
Koubská, Patricie ; Valešová Malecová, Barbara (advisor) ; Šiška, Jan (referee)
Application of art therapy elements for students at high special school (practical) The theme of this bachelor thesis is the use of art therapy procedure for pupils from practical two-year high school. The aim of this thesis is to consider the possibilities of using elements of group art therapy for the development of self-knowledge, communication, for strengthening of prosocial ties and increasing of a sense of group belonging. In the narrower sense, art therapy is underwood as a fine art therapy. Theoretical basis of the thesis will be the methods of art therapy, their possibilities and procedures, developmental aspects of maturing, specifics of maturing for pupils with handicaps (mental retardation issues, specific disorders of behavior problems of pupils with social and physical handicaps). In the practical part of the thesis there is described the use of these methods in my own art lessons.

The development of a central government since 1868
Schmied, Petr ; Matula, Miloš (advisor) ; Grospič, Jiří (referee)
The content of this thesis is to analyze the development of the central state administration on the territory of today's Czech and Slovak Republic in the years 1868 - 1993 In this period there was much public and political changes, so work includes the political and social development. The aim is to determine whether the state organization and political representation impact on the public administration. The work is based on an analysis of the laws that shaped the system of government, and professional publications.

Matka coby protagonista v makedonské kinematografii
Nedeska-Trajkova, Verica ; ANGIOLILLO, Mary Carmel (advisor) ; Dudková, Jana (referee)
Pro mne, jako pro budoucí scénáristku, jsou předmětem zájmu především sociální, kulturní a psychologické aspekty, které ovlivňují vývoj filmové postavy. Tato práce se zaměřuje na zobrazování ženy, zejména matky, v makedonské kinematografii. Ženské postavy nejsou dostatečně využívané, ani kvalitně portrétované, a je to jeden z hlavních nedostatků v makedonském filmu. Z tohoto úhlu pohledu zkoumá diplomová práce skutečnost a autenticitu prezentace žen v makedonské kinematografii, s užším zaměřením na zobrazování postav matek. Jako příkladu používá protagonistek ze tří makedonských filmů, které byli ovlivněni, a zároveň i sami ovlivnili makedonské kulturní povědomí. Jsou to filmy: Frosina (1952), režie Vojislav Nanović, Ženata što gi izbriša solzite, (Žena, která si otřela slzy) (2012), režie Teona Strugar Mitevska, a Matky (2010), režie Milčo Mančevski. Tato práce mimo jiné zkoumá jak ženské protagonistky v těchto filmech odpovídají skutečnému a ideálnímu modelu tradiční kultury, jak jsou v budování těchto postav využity prvky pocházející z rozporu Východu a Západu, a jak tyto postavy zapadají do Jungova popisu archetypu matky.

Aspects of the Pastoral Care in the Pauline Congregations
Ravasz, Hajnalka ; Pokorný, Petr (advisor) ; Theißen, Gerd (referee) ; Luz, Ulrich (referee)
The thesis "Aspects of the Pastoral Care in the Pauline Congregations" presents some aspects of the praxis of pastoral care in the graeco-roman Antiquity and in the New Testament how it is principally revealed in the 1st Thessalonians. The main chapters of the thesis expose the chosen aspects of pastoral care like the function of imitation and examples, the role of the pastor in the pastoral act, the process of comforting or the caring congregations. But the research does not end with the comparison of the antic psychologic tradition with the Pauline practise; at least one modern social-psychological method is introduced in every chapter and they are used as a help for a different and sometimes maybe astonishing re-reading of the well-known Bible texts. The social connections analyzing social psychology helps the New Testament finding new methods and language to express the caring interactions between Paul and his congregations. This interdisciplinary thesis aims after binding the biblical texts with their contemporary context and the modern social psychology to reach a helping hand for the practical theology, mainly for pastoral care drawing the conclusion from the exegesis for our eneryday practise. Powered by TCPDF (

Chytrá a udržitelná města v kontextu vědecké a inovační strategie EU
Horniecká, Marie ; Žamberský, Pavel (advisor) ; Procházková Ilinitchi, Cristina (referee)
The thesis explores how the EU support to research and innovation towards urban sustainability is designed, what the existing EU intiatives striving for achieving smart and sustainable cities are. The analysis of theoretical approaches forms the basis for developing the definition of smart and sustainable city for the purpose of this thesis. An overview of the principal EU strategic documents which address urban sustainability together with European networks is provided in order to demonstrate the linkage to the research Framework Programmes. A separate chapter is devoted to the analysis of the most pressing challenges European cities face nowadays. Database of EU funded research and innovation calls and projects is examined (E-CORDA). Calls and projects related to urban areas are identified and juxtaposed with the urban problems. Final recommendations concern with social aspects of sustainability which should be, in the author's opinion, addressed in future EU research Framework Programmes with a particular attention.

Design of a PC case
Svatoš, Hynek ; Sládek, Josef (referee) ; Křenek, Ladislav (advisor)
Bachelor’s thesis concerns with a design of computer case where modern trends and modern ways of development are taken into consideration. This thesis is focused on computer – computer case as a home entertainment center with respect to ergonomic, economical and psychological aspects which are demanded by modern society. By analysis of wide spectrum of problem is new computer case designed so that it is ideal form of a home computer. This computer serves as an entertainment and a social life center.

Volunteering as a tool of leisure time pedagogy
The thesis has a form of a theoretical study with significant relation to practice in professional volunteer supervision in Kladno Volunteer Center. The thesis is divided in 7 parts. Part One is focused on the definition of basic terms such as volunteer, voluntary work. This part deals with the issue of awarding of volunteers. Part Two is devoted to the basic terminology of leisure time pedagogy, including the definition of free time, the phenomenon, which is very important for both voluntary work and leisure time pedagogy. Part Three is centered at history of leisure time pedagogy and voluntary work. Key intersections of the two studied phenomena and their evolution are described. Part Four describes voluntary activities as a social phenomenon. Subparts are focused on the attitude of society towards voluntary work, the myths associated with it, as well as the volunteer work motivation. In part Five, I was trying to grasp volunteering as a tool of leisure time pedagogy. The subparts combine my findings acquired from books and my own practical experience. Part Six is an analysis of a specific case of ?Pět P? programme practice. Part Seven - the final one - includes a small scale empirical research.