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Serverless single page application in JavaScript
Zikmund, Marian ; Pecinovský, Rudolf (advisor) ; Suchan, Vladimír (referee)
The goal of this thesis is to design and develop a framework for building modern single- page application in the JavaScript programming language and describe this approach to development. The work also contains the documentation for a more comfortable use and customization. The content is divided into eight chapters. The introduction is followed by the retrieval of information resources, including the specifics of the JavaScript programming language and explanation of the formation of single-page application. The description of the basic principles of their functioning, motivation and justification, when and why this approach is appropriate is also included. The work is primarily focused on the issue of single-page application, for which the use of the JavaScript programming language is crucial. For this reason, this work provides a whole chapter about this programming language, also including a description of its history and role in the context of others. Below are the common characteristics of single-page applications frameworks, built on top of the library ReactJS, whose formation is engaged in the following chapter. The developed framework also contains the user guide. The practical outcome of this work is an open source framework for creating serverless single-page applications, which is due to its architecture and documentation appropriately adaptable.

Clustering and regression analysis of micro panel data
Sobíšek, Lukáš ; Pecáková, Iva (advisor) ; Komárek, Arnošt (referee) ; Brabec, Marek (referee)
The main purpose of panel studies is to analyze changes in values of studied variables over time. In micro panel research, a large number of elements are periodically observed within the relatively short time period of just a few years. Moreover, the number of repeated measurements is small. This dissertation deals with contemporary approaches to the regression and the clustering analysis of micro panel data. One of the approaches to the micro panel analysis is to use multivariate statistical models originally designed for crosssectional data and modify them in order to take into account the within-subject correlation. The thesis summarizes available tools for the regression analysis of micro panel data. The known and currently used linear mixed effects models for a normally distributed dependent variable are recapitulated. Besides that, new approaches for analysis of a response variable with other than normal distribution are presented. These approaches include the generalized marginal linear model, the generalized linear mixed effects model and the Bayesian modelling approach. In addition to describing the aforementioned models, the paper also includes a brief overview of their implementation in the R software. The difficulty with the regression models adjusted for micro panel data is the ambiguity of their parameters estimation. This thesis proposes a way to improve the estimations through the cluster analysis. For this reason, the thesis also contains a description of methods of the cluster analysis of micro panel data. Because supply of the methods is limited, the main goal of this paper is to devise its own two-step approach for clustering micro panel data. In the first step, the panel data are transformed into a static form using a set of proposed characteristics of dynamics. These characteristics represent different features of time course of the observed variables. In the second step, the elements are clustered by conventional spatial clustering techniques (agglomerative clustering and the C-means partitioning). The clustering is based on a dissimilarity matrix of the values of clustering variables calculated in the first step. Another goal of this paper is to find out whether the suggested procedure leads to an improvement in quality of the regression models for this type of data. By means of a simulation study, the procedure drafted herein is compared to the procedure applied in the kml package of the R software, as well as to the clustering characteristics proposed by Urso (2004). The simulation study demonstrated better results of the proposed combination of clustering variables as compared to the other combinations currently used. A corresponding script written in the R-language represents another benefit of this paper. It is available on the attached CD and it can be used for analyses of readers own micro panel data.

SOA and cloud computing
Křepela, Josef ; Karkošková, Soňa (advisor) ; Feuerlicht, Jiří (referee)
The primal goal of the bachelor thesis is describe principles of cloud computing, properties of SOA (service oriented architecture), their synergy following SOA Governance. At the beginning theoretical part will be described some important concepts and principles of cloud computing, there will be described deployment models and service models, SWOT analysis. In the next chapter is analyzed service oriented architecture. The third chapter describe the common features of cloud computing and SOA, synergy. The last chapter deals with governance of SOA (SOA Governance). Practical part of the work is modeling of SOA governing processes continuity with service cloud provider.

Psychometric characteristics of Youth Self-Report in clinical sample
Urbánek, Tomáš ; Čermák, Ivo ; Štěpánek, Petr ; Schmidtová, Jana
The paper deals with reliability and validity analyses of the Youth Self-Report questionnaire by Thomas M. Achenbach. It is a method comprising eleven subscales, mostly syndromes of pathological conduct of children and adolescents. The data were obtained from the psychiatric patients (girls) from 12 to 18 years, most of them were exposed to family violence and abuse. The analyses of internal consistency and correlation analyses supporting the empirical validity of scales were conducted.

Comparison of old and current cine lenses in combination with modern digital camera
Jakubec, František ; HOJDA, Petr (advisor) ; MIKŠ, Antonín (referee)
A Director of Photography has many artistic possibilities when working with cine lenses. Today, we can produce many optical effects in digital post-productions; however, working with lenses and with their defects (aberrations) is very interesting when you use them with modern recording technology. This thesis examines a small part of these issues. The theoretical part is about general qualities of optical systems, their aberrations, and measurement of picture quality. Furthermore, there is also a description of the movie camera and lenses, which were used for testing. The analytical part is about analyzing real footage from tests.

Plasma spraying from liquids: plasma liquid interaction and coating build up
Tesař, Tomáš ; Mušálek, Radek ; Medřický, Jan ; Lukáč, František
Plasma spraying from liquid feedstocks is a rapidly developing field of thermal spraying since the coatings prepared from liquids exhibit some unique features, such as high hardness, thermal shock resistance or low thermal and electric conductivity. The key factor influencing the final coating character and properties is the input material which may be in the form of a suspension or a solution. Parameters of the selected suspension (solids concentration, viscosity, surface tension, chemical composition, etc.) or solution (concentration, etc.) determine its interaction with the plasma jet which strongly influences the coating buildup. This proceeding introduces the problematics of the interaction between the liquid feedstock material with the plasma jet and presents the way of evaluation of the coating buildup.

Underground research site Bukov - geotechnical characterization of the site
Souček, Kamil ; Vavro, Martin ; Vavro, Leona ; Staš, Lubomír ; Georgiovská, Lucie
Podzemní výzkumné pracoviště Bukov (PVP) je navrženo jako testovací lokalita pro zhodnocení vlastností a chování horninového masivu, typově blízkého vybraným kandidátním lokalitám, v hloubce odpovídající předpokládané úložné hloubce finálního hlubinného úložiště vysoce aktivních odpadů v České republice. PVP Bukov, jehož výstavba byla zahájena v roce 2013, je realizováno v jižním křídle uranového ložiska Rožná, na severovýchodním okraji strážeckého moldanubika, poblíž jeho styku se svrateckým krystalinikem. Důlní díla pracoviště jsou situována na 12. patře jámy Bukov-1, v hloubce přibližně 600m pod povrchem.
Fulltext: content.csg - Download fulltextPDF
Plný tet: UGN_0465530 - Download fulltextPDF

Methodology for determining the relevant material characteristics of historical building materials for the restoration intervention
Slížková, Zuzana ; Frankeová, Dita ; Tišlová, R.
The aim of this metolodogy is to present a recommended list of material properties which have to be identified and evaluated within material survey of historical momuments.\n\n
Fulltext: content.csg - Download fulltextPDF
Plný tet: 0457225_2015_Slizkova_et_al_Metodika_urceni_rozhodnych_materialovych_charakteristik_historickych_stavebnich_materialu_pro_planovany_restauratorsky_zasah - Download fulltextPDF

Evaluation of the effectiveness of teaching vocational subjects depending on physical activity before schooling.
Janošíková, Martina ; Hanušová, Marie (advisor)
The period of transition to secondary school brings substantial changes in the requirements for study obligations, autonomy, communication, expression, or separated from their families in the form of staying at the dormitory. Students enrolled in sport centers, in addition to these changes, still struggling with the responsibilities associated with sport. Because they are students first through fourth grades of secondary schools and secondary vocational schools, an age when image self-I am, what I believe in, arises in interactions with the outside world and their own experience, plays a very important role to influence the environment, educators, teachers and trainers, with which students spend most of their time in practice. This study looks at students comprehensively in terms of personal development as a multifactorial biopsychosocial unit, in terms of cognitive and motivational processes, states and properties from the perspective of social psychology dealing with the interactions, relationships and communication, psychology of individuals within the social group and its importance for the development of the individual . It monitors conditions and educational outcomes in terms of educational psychology, dealing with forming properties, opinions, attitudes and value orientation from the perspective of educational psychology.