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Selected social determinants of health in immigrants in some regions of the Czech Republic
The main aim of the research was to map the influence of selected social determinants on health of target immigrant groups. The method was based on the concept of ten social determinants of health as introduced by Wilkinson and Marmot (2003). The quantitative method used were interviews. The survey was carried out in the period from January 2010 to December 2012. Data collection was carried out in two stages. In the first stage, the influence of two social determinants of health (nutrition and addiction) on the respondents' state of health was investigated. The second stage of the survey focused on working conditions and on how respondents can use health care. 246 immigrants were interviewed in the first stage of the survey. They were from the following regions: South Bohemian Region, the capital Prague and Vysočina Region. 236 immigrants from two regions (South Bohemian Region and the capital Prague) were addressed in the second stage of the survey. They were legally settled immigrants in the age group 18 65, of Vietnamese, Mongolian and Ukrainian nationality. The results of the survey clearly show that the target immigrant groups are more exposed to unfavorable working conditions than majority population. Compared to the Czech population the target immigrant groups show statistically significant differences especially in the area of excessive workload and discrimination in the workplace. Increasing incidence of unfavorable working conditions resulted in significant increase in occupational diseases. The factors influencing use of healthcare by immigrants are the type of health insurance, length of residence, sex and knowledge of Czech language. Immigrants who had entered the system of public health insurance used healthcare much more frequently than immigrants with commercial health insurance. Male immigrants smoke and drink alcohol much more heavily than female immigrants. The young generation of immigrants (aged 18 to 29) smoke statistically more significantly than the middle-aged and older generation of immigrants. Middle-aged immigrants (aged 30 to 50) consume more wine and spirits. Their health was perceived subjectively as "worse" by those respondents who at the same time mentioned chronic pain and psychic stress in the workplace. The following measures could lead to elimination of social inequality and to improvement of immigrants' situation in the Czech Republic: equal working conditions for immigrants and Czech employees, improvement of immigrants' knowledge of Czech, shortening of the overall time for obtaining permanent residence, simplification of the terms for gaining citizenship, guarantee of access to public healthcare to all legally settled immigrants.

The business plan selected hotel in the region Jindřichohradecko
Bachelor´s thesis is focused on analyzing tourism services in the region Jindřichohradecko and design optimal business plan for a hotel according to the current trends. The theoretical part informs readers about how to build a business plan. Analytical part shows characteristics of tourism in the region and current trends in hotel business. In the synthetic part was carried out a business plan to build a hotel that meets the criteria of horse station. Part of the project is financing plan, which shows the evaluation of economic efficiency.

The phenomenon of refugees in the Syrian civil war
Durdisová, Marcela ; Lisa, Aleš (advisor) ; Prorok, Vladimír (referee)
This thesis deals with the current issue of refugees on the background of the Syrian civil war and its consequences for stability in the region. With regard to the fact that the crisis in Syria is felt throughout the entire Middle East region, the aim of this work is to map the impact of the conflict on neighboring countries of Syria. Based on the hypothesis, the effects of civil war and refugee phenomenon destabilize the whole region; therefore, my research question concerns political and social implications of the Syrian crisis in Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. The work also reveals the vulnerability of these countries, which find themselves in a dangerous situation resulting from the Syrian events. In terms of methodology, this work uses a variety of methods. My research relies especially on the methods of research, description, comparison, analysis and synthesis, historical method and interview method as well. Based on these methods, I will answer the research question through a wide range of impacts, covering security, political, social, ethnic, and economic issues of the analyzed countries.

Foreigner employment in the selected region
The thesis is focused foreigners on the Czech labour market activity as both employees and entrepreneurs. It evaluates Czech Republic as a whole and Pilsner region.Theoretical part focuses on the supply and demand on the labour market, migration, arrival and residence of foreigners, their employment and economical impacts of the immigration.The practical part focuses on the development of foreigners' numbers in Czech Republic, their age structure, their influence on demographical structure of Czech Republic citizens and development in the numbers of employed and entrepreneuring foreigners.Until 2008, the impact of foreigners on Czech economy was quite considerable. However, due to the economical recession, many foreigners were laid off, which lead to decrease in their economical activity.

Analysis of the real estate market in Hradec Králové region
Vašata, Zdeněk ; Hartman, Ladislav (advisor) ; Trýznová, Jana (referee)
The aim of this thesis is analysis of real estate market with focus to small investor with interest in appartments in Hradec Králové region. The first part is theoretical, oriented to general information about real estate market and useful economical knowledge for investing into real estate. Practical part is focused to Hradec Králové region. The best localities are find out with financial and general (e.g. geographical, demografical and infrastructure aspects) research of the region. In these recommended areas are made model analysis and potentional evaluations for the purpose of small investor in this region.

Civic Forum: Phenomenon of Political Movement in the Process of Czech Party System Formation
Bouzek, Michal ; Just, Petr (advisor) ; Novák, Miroslav (referee)
This Master thesis deals with the phenomenon of political movements and their impact on the rising party systems in the Central and Eastern Europe countries. Movements were found in the context of social and geopolitical changes in this region and they represented the original type of political organization that was different from other political parties of Western type. The first part contains an analysis of the general theory of political parties and movements and their role in the process of democratic consolidation and stabilization of party systems. Part of the first ration that categorizes political movements in the context of theories of party families and the chapter containing the characteristics of political movements and rising party systems of selected countries in the region. In the next section follows a study of selected texts of Czech political scientists concerning issues of political movement called Civic Forum (OF), which is used as a theoretical introduction to the chapter analyzing OF. Similar target implements the part examining the ideological roots of the movement and specific anti-political politics in the Czech political system. The second part describes the effect of Civic Forum in the first two stages of the Czech party system development. In this part there is an...

Amenitní migrace a turismus
Bartoš, Michael ; Kušová, Drahomíra ; Těšitel, Jan
Amenity migration is new global phenomena. It is a specific type of migration which is not motivated by economic prosperity – it has been brought about by the desire to render more valuable natural or socio-cultural environment of the target territory, and it exists from metropolitan to rural areas. This phenomenon has been strongly supported by the spread of mass information technologies and. Under specific conditions it can become one of societal driving forces determining the socio-economic development of the given region. It seems that tourism play crucial role in formation of amenity migration. It precedes amenity migration being, as a rule, regarded its initial form.

The Site of Tumulus and Lausitz Culture in Čáslav - Na Skále, Distr.Kutná Hora
Šumberová, Radka
The Results of long term excavation of multiculture site in context of region settlement in Bronze Age.