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Optimising the material-handling equipment at Nestlé Česko s.r.o., plant ZORA Olomouc
Kovář, Jiří ; Jirsák, Petr (advisor) ; Suchánek, Miroslav (referee)
This thesis discusses the optimal way of material-handling equipment replacement at Nestlé Česko s.r.o., plant ZORA Olomouc. The theoretical part describes the issue of warehousing in general and focuses on the material-handling equipment and vehicles. The following analytical part focuses specifically on the company Nestlé Česko s.r.o., particularly the plant ZORA Olomouc with the foremost aim of analysing and optimising the current material-handling equipment.

Evaluation and motivation in public administration
Vašíčková, Natálie ; Mitwallyová, Helena (advisor) ; Vláčil, Jan (referee)
The theme of the bachelor thesis is the evaluation and motivation of employees in public administration. The introductory part outlines the evaluation and motivation of employees on a general level, and then describes the specifics applicable for public administration. The practical part is focused on the evaluation and motivation systems used at selected institutions of public administration. It aims to assess these systems, suggest possible recommendations and find out whether the systems in use include modern management methods, such as evaluation interviews, competency models and regular system of employee evaluation as such. The research method consisted of interviews with human resources managers at selected institutions of public administration. Complementary information was obtained from materials created by these institutions themselves. All institutions of public administration are governed by Act No. 234/2014 Coll. on Civil Service, enshrining the evaluation of state employees. However, it depends on whether employees are evaluated formally, or if additional evaluation tools beyond the framework of the law are deployed, e.g. competency models. Officials of territorial authorities are subject to Act No. 312/2002 Coll., which does not explicitly define employee evaluation, yet employees are evaluated at many regional as well as local administration units. The results of the research survey confirmed that modern management methods are used in public administration and that the evaluation systems do not have any significant shortcomings.

Description of the older school age boys dental injuries in České Budějovice region and proposal of the health education materials.
Thesis deals with the problem of the older school age boys dental injuries in České Budějovice region. The injury means: ?sudden damage of the health by effect of external factors which exceed adaptation options of the human body?. In the sphere of dental injuries the children is the most jeopardized group of population. The most often reason for the children injuries is their imperfect stability. In case of older children and young people there are injuries mostly caused by sport. Teoretical part of my thesis is focused on definition of older school age as well as on anatomy and teeth physiology. The part of thesis also is the enumeration of dental injuries and its treatment. I also mention prosthetic dentistry and the influence of accidents on individual physical and mental health. At the end of teoretical part there is mentioned process of the injured examination, posttraumatic dental hygiene and patient nutrition after teeth accident. Research part finds with the help of questionnaire survey the kinds of dental accidents, circumstances of injuries formation and the influence of accidents on individual physical and mental health in specific age category. The questionnaire survey was evaluated and processed in grafical part of thesis. The part of thesis also is health and educational material which helps to rise the quality of dental hygiene and also contributes to the prevention of dental accidents formation of second degree students at primary schools.

Woman education after surgery for malignant of female geniatale
The theme of my bachelor´s thesis is Education of women after surgery for malignant disease of the genitals. In the thesis I write about care and selfcare of women after gynecological surgery. I find out in whitch part of selfcare are women educated. The thesis is divided into chapters to clarify all technical terms. The first chapter is about anatomy of female genitals and examinig methods in gynecology. In the next chapter I write about classification of malignant disease of female genitals, I describe their specifics, manifestations, examinig methods and possible treatment. Some of gynecological malignant disease are operable, so I describe surgical approaches too. Further are described oncology centers, thein equipment and how many are there in the Czech republic. The next chapter is about a role of midwife in care of women after surgery for malignant disease of the genitals, and of course a psychological approach with oncology patients, becouse oncology disease is a very dificult life situation. And it is midwife´s mission to help these women. All of midwifes should know this psychological approach. The last chapter is about nursing, nursing process in care of oncological patients and about education. I describe an education about care of surgical wound and protect of infection, diet and emptying, pain and its relief, movement and sexual life after a surgery. The objectiv of my thesis was to find out chat women knouw about selfcare, if they understand the informations. I used qualitative method structured interview, in the research part of thesis. The interview I did with 8 patients of gynekology department in a Hospital České Budějovice a.s. the structured interview have 13 questions. The patients are different ages, have different level of education and different surgery approaches. I set 3 research questions: Want the women to know more information about their health condition? Are the informations of midwifes undestandable or very professional? Observe the women recommendations of midwifes? Eight interviews show that the rate of the submitted informations is sufficient, women know how to take care of yourself. And they know, if they need anything can ask a midwife. On the second did not answer all women equally. Two of the women said, they did not understand all of the midwifes said. They wanted less technical terms. Six of the women understood all. The third question answered all women equally. They observed the recommendations of midwifes. The research shows women are satisfied with nursing care after surgery. The level of informations is enough to care of yourself. They are satisfied with midwifes´care on the gynaecological department. All af women are educated about specifics of their type of surgery, care of surgery wound, hygiene, protect of infection, diet, emptying, sexual life after release from hospital. I think this tehsis can be used as an educational material for midwifes or students of midwife.

Potential of IoT in Smart City
Pavlíček, Tomáš ; Gála, Libor (advisor) ; Basl, Josef (referee)
The aim of this masters thesis is to identify, in which phase of adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) application areas of concept Smart City are nowadays Czech regional cities, what is their outlook to 2025 and also identify in which dimensions of concept Smart city, supported by IoT technologies, perceive Czech regional cities the greatest potential. Based on information obtained from the studied materials, the concept of Internet of Things (IoT) is described, along with a detailed description of one of its application area, namely Smart City. This area is further divided into specific dimensions, that cover specific application areas which can, through internet technology, support things in a special way. With these insights, the questionnaire (built on identified IoT application areas of smart city) was developed. Thesis should be beneficial for all towns in the Czech Republic, because it provides a comprehensive view of individual IoT application areas of concept Smart City including information on which of these IoT application areas are currently focusing regional cities, and on which they want to focus to the future. On the other hand, the survey results could also be beneficial for commercial entities, which focus on IoT implementation in cities. These entities will be able to recognise which IoT products are currently best for cities.

Optimalization of material flow in automotive industry
Kolář, Tomáš ; Jirsák, Petr (advisor) ; Vinš, Marek (referee)
This master thesis is focussed on optimalization of material flow in an automotive company. First part introduce theoretical background. Automotive industry and its actual trends on global markets. Follows short introduction of the company where project of this thesis was executed. Main theoretical part describes concept of lean management, its tools in practical examples, but it is also focussed on philosophical approach to the work and mindset of the company. Follows the aplication part based on theoretical background. The whole project of this master thesis is focussed on specific area called PC store. At first this area is showed in context of overall material flow. Shortly there are introduced processes and areas where full material packaging flows. Follows deeper analysis and optimalization of PC store itself. There are three approaches of stock and lead time reduction applied. Last part shows the comparison of initial and future state including performed changes.

Bulín, Tomáš ; Švábenská, Eva ; Hapla, Miroslav ; Ondrůšek, Č. ; Schneeweiss, Oldřich
Electrical steel M470-50A belongs to the most often used materials in electrical machines. Due to this fact, it is desirable to know the magnetic parameters after processing raw sheets into the required shape. Basic parameters of mechanical, electrical, and magnetic properties of the sheets are usually obtained from the producer but the magnetic properties are changing in dependence on additional machining processes. The aim of this study is to describe changes in parameters of magnetic behavior after punching, laser and spark cutting of the original sheets. The basic information of structure was obtained by optical and scanning electron microscopy. The magnetic parameters were acquired from the measuring of magnetic hysteresis loops in dependence on saturation fields and frequencies. The results are discussed from the point of view of applied\ncutting technology with the aim to obtain the best magnetic parameters and consequently a higher efficiency of the final product. Results can be used as input parameters in simulation of the electrical machine.

Changes in structure and phase composition in the surface of tram rail
Švábenská, Eva ; Roupcová, Pavla ; Schneeweiss, Oldřich
We have investigated structure and phase composition of surface layer of tram rails after long time running and the results were compared with those obtained on the original part of material. Changes due to effects of severe plastic deformation together with thermal shocks by friction process were expected. The information about structure and phase composition was obtained by optical and scanning electron microscopy, X-Ray Powder Diffraction, Mössbauer Spectroscopy and Glow Discharge Emission Spectroscopy (GDOES) and this was completed by microhardness measurements. The results show that the surface layer in comparison with the original material exhibits important changes in grain structure, an increase in microhardness and high content of iron oxide and hydrooxides. According to the depth profile of the chemical composition measured by GDOES there is an increase in carbon content in the surface layer which can be effect of up-hill diffusion.

Čermák, Jiří ; Král, Lubomír ; Roupcová, Pavla
Hydrogen solved in amorphous alloys (AAs) influences their magnetic characteristics. AAs are also perspective\nas additives that can improve hydrogen storage kinetic in certain types of ball-milled hydrogen storage\nmaterials (HSMs). Therefore, knowledge of hydrogen solubility and hydrogen sorption kinetics in AAs are of a\ngreat importance for aimed design both AAs with optimal magnetic parameters and HSMs with desired sorption\ncharacteristics. In the present paper, amorphous alloy Co30Fe55B15 (an example of the type a-TM1xTM2y Bz ;\nTM - transition metal) was investigated. Hydrogen concentration c H was measured by Sieverts method in\ntemperature interval from T = 150 °C to T = 350 °C under hydrogen pressure p up to 6 MPa. It was found that\nc H was an increasing function of p and its maximum value was typically 0.5 wt.% H2 at 350 °C and 6 MPa.\nHowever, when the alloy was preliminary hydrogen charged (PHC), the pressure dependence of total c Htot in\nthe first absorption cycle(s) is non-monotonous in dependence on PHC conditions. For the sake of comparison,\nthe same absorption characteristics were measured also in Mg2Ni intermetallic that is a common constituent\nin Mg-based HSMs. Comparing Co30Fe55B15 and Mg2Ni, it was concluded that Co30Fe55B15 shows lower\nhydrogen solubility, but much better absorption kinetics.