National Repository of Grey Literature 13,809 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 1.38 seconds. 

An Employee Education and Development System in a Selected Organization
The goal of this thesis entitled "An Employee Education and Development System in a Selected Organization" is an analysis of the existing education systém in the selected organization, an evaluation its setting and a proposal appropriate measures to eliminate or help eliminate its potential deficiencies. In order to achieve the goal is made part of the initial theoretical work, based on the staging of literature dealing with the issue of staff training. The first chapter presents a general introduction to the education system. It defines the concept of education, describes what areas it covers and explains why it is important for the company to pay due attention to personnel training. Another chapter, entitled "Systematic education" has been closely engaged in the systematic education, which is one of the basic prerequisites of effective staff training. The systematic education defines four key phases of the cycle, namely the identification of training needs, planning education, training and actual implementation of the final phase of evaluating the results of the educational program and assessing its effectiveness. The practical part is devoted to a specific goal of the study, analysis of the education system of the selected organization, which is the Regional Council of South Bohemia. At first the position and scope of the organization within the region are characterized and its organizational structure is described. Then the system of education for officials in this office is mapped . It was found out that this system works in four basic areas such as initial training, ongoing training, proficiency tests and training managers. Individual areas are described in detail, which helps the last phase of work, finding deficiencies and subsequent propose measures for their elimination. These recommendations should lead to greater efficiency and improve the existing system.

Critical evaluation of Šik s reform
Šrámek, Ondřej ; Szobi, Pavel (advisor) ; Dufek, Pavel (referee)
The thesis deals with the so called Šik s reform, which was a reform, that tried to implement certain elements of market economy in the centrally planned economy of Czechoslovakia in the sixties of the twentieth century. Firstly the thesis describes the course of the reform, when the importance of the central plan was significantly reduced, the position of enterprises was strengthened and the price system was rebuild. Lately the thesis examines and compares opinions on reform and new economic system of foreign and domestic experts. The goal of the thesis is to discover mistakes and imperfections of implementing of new systém, which could endanger its functioning.

The Macroeconomic Impacts of the Selected Oil Shocks in the United States of America
Šikulová, Markéta ; Johnson, Zdenka (advisor) ; Tajovský, Ladislav (referee)
The aim of this study is to analyze macroeconomic impacts of four selected oil shocks on the United States economy and their subsequent comparison. The first part of this study deals with the theoretical background of supply shock, its influence on the economy, and the possible responses of economic policy. Furthermore, in the first part I focus on the historical events that led to the oil crisis, specifically on the OPEC oil embargo imposed on the United States, production cuts caused by the Iranian revolution, Iran-Iraq War and Persian Gulf War and on the demand as well as the supply factors that led to the oil shock of 2007-2008. The second part of this study presents the specific impacts of four selected oil shocks on the US economy and their comparison. Based on the findings, it was possible to confirm the hypothesis saying that past oil shocks, especially those that took place in the 1970's, had more negative impacts on the United States economy in comparison with those that happened more recently. In other words, that the effects of changes in oil prices have lessened over time. There are many reasons of this moderation, but the most important ones include more effective monetary policy response, the decrease in wage rigidities, and more recently also the decline of United States dependency on imported oil.

On possible approaches to detecting robotic activity of botnets
Prajer, Richard ; Palovský, Radomír (advisor) ; Pavlíček, Luboš (referee)
This thesis explores possible approaches to detecting robotic activity of botnets on network. Initially, the detection based on full packet analysis in consideration of DNS, HTTP and IRC communication, is described. However, this detection is found inapplicable for technical and ethical reasons. Then it focuses on the analysis based on network flow metadata, compiling them to be processable in machine learning. It creates detection models using different machine learning methods, to compare them with each other. Bayes net method is found to be acceptable for detecting robotic activity of botnets. The Bayesian model is only able to identify the botnet that already executes the commands sent by its C&C server. "Sleeping" botnets are not reliably detectable by this model.

Current economic diplomacy of China and India in Africa
Antonínová, Markéta ; Stuchlíková, Zuzana (advisor) ; Sejkora, Jiří (referee)
This master´s thesis studies the topic of the economic diplomacy of China and India in Africa. The aim of the thesis is to determine the differences between India´s and China´s economic diplomacy and in their approaches to Africa. First, the official relations with Africa are compared. Thus the thesis examines the goals and instruments of Indian and Chinese economic diplomacy and the institutional framework of the relations with Africa. Second, the thesis seeks to identify the differences and similarities in China´s and India´s motives for their engagement in Africa and also in consequences of their activities.

Marketing plan for selected gastronomic tours
Mokrišová, Kristýna ; Kalábová, Markéta (advisor) ; Petrů, Zdenka (referee)
The topic of this thesis is marketing of gastronomic travel agency. Gastronomic tourism is currently among the tourism trends. Based on the growing potential, in this paper will be presented fictitious gastronomic travel agency selling gastronomic tours. The main objective is to propose a marketing campaign of specific gastronomic tours. The marketing campaign will be set up to address, engage and make customers to purchase offered services. The campaign is therefore able to offer to potential customers exactly what they desire. The marketing approach is not the same to everyone, it reflects the consumer and media behavior of different target groups. Thanks to the proposed campaign the competitiveness of the company will be increased, profit will be gained, it means voluminous sales of offered tours and strong position in the market will be obtained.

Case Study - Divorce and its conditions
Kopecká, Veronika ; Spirit, Michal (advisor) ; Jansa, Viktor (referee)
This bachelor thesis centers around divorce issues and its circumstances, which is illustratively demostrated on a real life scenario. For meeting my aims, that is to introduce and characterise divorce as a phenomenon with huge amount of negative social-economical and social-psychological results including causes and mechanisms of divorced family and breakup of marriage, I used a literature that examines this area, followed by comparison of acquired data with a case study. In this thesis, an assumption of negative results of a divorce has been comfirmed, but so has the work of a state to effectively separate a married couple. The benefit of this thesis lies in an opportunity to get acquinted with requisities of a divorced marriage and should the reader be in similar situation when a divorce is imminent or planned for, he can take proper steps by familiarizing with circumstances and results of a divorce.

The Evolution of the Global Microchip Market
Srba, Lukáš Martin ; Bolotov, Ilya (advisor) ; Čajka, Radek (referee)
This thesis aims to explain the evolution and transformation of the microchip industry. It focuses on the changes and prediction of the future state including its causes and consequences. The analysis starts on the general description of the market and continues through its subjects ending on relationships between them. This serves as a source of information to the prediction in the final part of the thesis. In the beginning the products, which are taken into consideration in this work (namely CPUs, GPUs and APUs), are described. Following this, there is an analysis of the competition environment that defines a structure of the market upon which further work is based. (Three levels; the manufacturer of photolithographic machines, makers of the chips and their designers and OEM and aftermarket subjects.) The penultimate part defines the barriers to entry to this market and three categories are drawn up: economic, technical and geoeconomic, which are applied to every level of the market. Thus all prerequisites to a successful prediction are satisfied. In the last part of the thesis the prognosis is made and defined, along with its assumptions and limitations. In the concluding part of this work the consequences and results are summarized.

Poetry of Karel Hlaváček
Loučková, Tereza ; Kořená, Markéta (advisor) ; Binar, Vladimír (referee)
Moje diplomová práce má přiblížit poetiku Karla Hlaváčka ve všech čtyřechjeho sbírkách. Pod slovo poetika jsem zahrnula versologii (metrum, rytmus, rýmy ... ), eufonii, básnické figury, tropiku, slovník, motivy a kompozici. Pokusím se o podrobný rozbor všech složek Hlaváčkovy poezie, zcela ponechávám stranou interpretaci, kteráje dalším, velmi specifickým stupněm rozboru básnického díla a vyžadovala by samostatné bádání. Diplomová práce je tedy členěna na čtyři základní oddíly, z nichž každý patří jedné Hlaváčkově sbírce. Každý má svůj vlastní krátký úvod, ve kterém uvádím kdy ajak daná sbírka vznikla. Následuje vlastní rozbor, ten má ukázat především Hlaváčkovy přednosti a tvárné prostředky, které se vyskytují ve všech sbírkách, tedy to, co je typicky hlaváčkovské. Analýza sbírek je prováděna krok za krokem podle běžného schématu: rytmický rozboreufonický rozbor - sémantický rozbor - motivicko-kompoziční rozbor. Těžiště mé práce je však ve výběru a uvádění dostatečného množství příkladů ve všech oddílech, protože především díky nim se ozřejmí všechny zvláštnosti Hlaváčkova básnického jazyka; často je i popis zbytečný, úryvky básní hovoří samy za sebe a není třeba je dále rozebírat. Navíc se tak každému čtenáři naskýtá možnost najít mezi uváděnými příklady další a další zajímavé zvukové (a jiné) souhry a...

Animal from the Garry Winogrand´s point of view
Tvarůžka, Václav ; DVOŘÁK, Tomáš (advisor) ; Ledvina, Josef (referee)
Work is an introduction to the work of Gary Winogrand and also analysis of the issue of limited possibility of looking which manifests in the particular problem, of impossibility of looking at animal. Work is based on essay from John Berger who concludes this communication problem trough the rise of capitalism and lost connection between human and animal creature. This thing is also connected to the phenomenon of zoological garden. Work is set in this certain context and further it is analyzing the photographs from Winogrand himself and also other authors, which are dealing with affinity problems like for example problem of authenticity (in the photography with the motive of animal), which is represented by Joan Fontcuberta. Or the problem of anthropomorphization (Walt Disney).