National Repository of Grey Literature 250 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.06 seconds. 

Motion in Faulkner: An Analysis of Movement in The Sound and the Fury
Hesová, Petra ; Ulmanová, Hana (advisor) ; Matthews, John Thomas (referee)
The Gothic is an extremely viable mode in the history of American literature. As a genre concerned principally with distortions and aberrations, it provides a platform for writers to voice their concerns about periods of transformation and destabilized boundaries. William Faulkner, one of the leading authors of the American South, frequently employs the Gothic mode in his portrayals of the South as a traumatized region trying to cope with the echoes of the Civil War and with the disintegration of old aristocratic values, which manifests itself in the decay of institutions (such as the family) as well as a collapse of individual minds. This emphasis on the human psyche is evident especially in the novel The Sound and the Fury, whose main characters and narrators are representatives of the various extremities of the human psyche (severe mental retardation, suicidal tendencies, schizophrenia and paranoia). Faulkner's use of the Gothic mode is rather unorthodox and innovative, employing inversions and parody which can be appropriately demonstrated by the category of motion and his use of the traditional Gothic devices and character types. The traditional motion patterns - flight and pursuit, quest and purposeless wandering - that are originally connected predominantly with only one Gothic type (the...

The Concept of Baptism by Jan Bechyňka in the Traktát o viděních a pokušeních zbožného mládence (Tractate of Visions and Temptations of Devout Youth) and in the Treatise O křtu zvonu (On baptism of the Bell).
Beranová, Bohumila ; Rejchrtová, Noemi (advisor) ; Halama, Ota (referee)
The thesis deals with conception of baptism by utraquist priest Jan Bechyňka. At first the figure of the peculiar writer and theologian after being introduced is integrated into historical connections of the jagellonian era. The chapters that follow aim at the particular topic. Bechyňka ́s view of pedobaptism drawn from a long passage about commitment of baptism from his Traktát o viděních a pokušeních zbožného mládence [The Tractate on Visions and Temptations of Devout Youth] is compared with pedobaptism in Chelčický ́s Zprávy o svátostech [Reports of Sacraments] and with baptism in general of another Chečický ́s work - Rozpravy [Disccusions] in Parisian manuscript. At first I had intended finding out paralles between mentioned thinkers, however certain differences have appeared as well, not in essential facts. In the case of Bechyňka ́s tractate O křtu zvonu [On Baptism of the Bell] I give an interpretation to it in the concrete. The last chapter deals with utraquist baptismal praxis in the early modern times and in the present day and in general describes baptismal rites of these times. As a apendix I add Bechyňka ́s tractate O křtu zvonu [On Baptism of the Bell] with a commentary and transcriptional notes. Powered by TCPDF (

Prague folk-tales in the second half of 19th century
Janeček, Petr ; Sochorová, Ludmila (advisor) ; Sochorová, Ludmila (referee)
Presented study analyzes local oral tradition in the second half of the 19th century with particular interest in Prague local legends, their character, genesis and function. The ca se study of Prague local legends, collected by Czech writer Popelka Biliánová, has two main goals: to analyse and classify these oral texts, and to connect their interpretation by their collector to Czech national movement, ethnic stereotypes and archeological, historical and mythological studies of the period. Prague local legends collected by Popelka Biliánová represent, unlike other prague local legends, which were heavily influenced by medieval chronicles or literary tradition, in its larger part authentic oral texts. None of the collectors of Prague local legends before and after Biliánová's period, with possible exception of Biliánová' s precessedor, historian Josef Svátek, was able to collect such authentic local folklore tradition. Biliánová' s Prague legends could be classified as a folklore genre of superstitious legends and have relatively recent origin: some derive from Catholic pious legends connected to local churches and holy places (the oldest of them stemming from the 17th and 18th century), some are quite recent individual memorates. Although Biliánová' s Prague legends were collected mainly for support of Czech...

Prostředí románů Iana McEwana/The Environment of Ian McEwan's Novels
HŮLKOVÁ, Kateřina
The bachelor thesis focuses on the analysis of the environment in the novels of the significant contemporary British prose writer Ian McEwan, primarily it focuses on his works The Cement Garden, The Comfort of Strangers, and Amsterdam. Through the interpretation of the primary texts, the work attempts to capture the symbolic image of the postmodern world in the environment of a European city in contrast to the closed world of the house from McEwan´s first novel.

Expressionism in Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz's play The shoemakers
Logunova, Maria ; Poslední, Petr (advisor) ; Pátková, Jana (referee)
Aim of this bachelor thesis Expressionism in Stanisźaw Ignacy Witkiewicz's Play The Shoemakers is finding and defining elements of expressionism in the work of a significant Polish writer, theorist and painter Stanisźaw Ignacy Witkiewicz. For this goal, the author assesses his play 'The Shoemakers'. Firstly, for the aim to be achieved, development of expressionism in Europe, notably Poland, needed to be briefly described. Furthermore, Witkiewicz's relation to art was mentioned, and his theory of artistic creation, so called Theory of Pure Form, was examined. By interpretation of 'The Shoemakers', present expressionistic and formistic components were illustrated and further assessed.

The Valley of the Bees. Analysis of a historical film. The historical film and the making of historical cognizance. Historical film in teaching history
Balík, Ondřej ; Klimeš, Ivan (referee) ; Beneš, Zdeněk (advisor)
I have always considered the enormously powerful and influencial film art to be an interesting topic for various reflections. The obvious difference between written literature, which works with the imagination of a reader, and the illusion-based film, makes us ask what information a viewer gets from a film, and what implications it bears. In order to get an answer to this question, I decided to choose a film and to analyse it. The historical feature film Údolí včel (The Valley oj the Bees) is an outstanding work of art of the famous Czech film director František Vláčil and the screen writer Vladimír K6mer, who made this film in 1967. The story is set in an the thirteenth century. A young son of a Czech thane Ondřej is sent to a monastic knight order. He meets a friend there - Armin von Heide - a hard and a somewhat fanatic knight. Ondřej runs away from the monastery, chased by Armin. At home, he takes care of Vlkov, an estate he inherited from his father. He falls in love with his stepmother and they decide to get married. But on the day oftheir wedding, Armin, who finally found Ondřej, decides to kill Ondřej 's young wife. In his despair, Ondřej lets his dog s kill Armin and then leaves home to retum to the monastery.

Ranko Marinković in Czech translations
Zámečníková, Daniela ; Nedvědová, Milada (referee) ; Otčenášek, Jaroslav (advisor)
This work deals with the literary production of Croatian author Ranko Marinković and surveys primarily his publications released in Czech language. The biggest part presents two most important translations - the collection of short stories Ruce (The Hands) and the novel Kyklop (The Cyclops).

Image of mafia in Leonardo Sciascia's works
Bubela, Petr ; Flemrová, Alice (advisor) ; Pelán, Jiří (referee)
The aim of my thesis is an analysis of the literary image of mafia in Leonardo Sciascia's works from the 60th and 70th of the 20th century. The literary techniques are documented using the examples of the concrete parts of the text in which the mafia operates. At the same time I give an account of the way Sciascia applies the genre rules of the detective story. The subjects of study represent four novels (The Day of the Owl, To Each His Own, Context and One Way or Another) together with one drama L'onorevole. The above mentioned works have been interpreted and analyzed in terms of the structure, genre and language used while the findings of other scholars focused on Sciascia's work have been taken into account of as well. Mafia constitutes one of the key motifs in the work of Leonardo Sciascia. His reoccurring interest stemmed from the fact that he was well acquainted with the phenomenon, partly due to his personal experience and partly due to his intensive study of the matter. Nevertheless he refused to attribute the existence of the mafia solely to Sicily. In his perception, mafia was only one manifestation of Power on which he critically reflected all his life. Sciascia perceived mafia as a result of the social conditions and as an integral part of the power system of Sicily, or consequently the...