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Physiotherapeutic procedures in patients with rheumatoid arthritis with maximum difficulties in the joints of the hand area
This bachelor thesis is focused on physiotherapeutic methods used in patients with rheumatoid arthritis whose difficulties are mainly in the joints of their hand. Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory joint disease in most cases with a protracted course and it may cause joint deformations. These lead to handling issues which complicate normal daily activities of the patients. Thus this disease causes both physical disability of the patient and as well significantly disrupts their social and psychological life. In the first part, which is concerned with theory, I briefly outlined the functional anatomy and kinesiology of the upper limb and shoulder girdle. Furthermore there is a detailed description of rheumatoid arthritis, definition of the disease, its causes and occurrence, clinical features, laboratory and x-ray examination, differential and functional diagnosis and all the treatment possibilities. In the conclusion of theoretical part there is the prognosis of the disease and practical difficulties during the care of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. The aim of this thesis is to map the possibilities of physiotherapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and the use of physiotherapeutic procedures and methods in individual patients with this disease. The qualitative research method, in which three patients treated in Berta Spa in Třeboň participated, was used for the practical part of the thesis. The therapy was initiated by an entrance kinesiological analysis, including the specific examination such as the examination of joint-play in small joints of hands, examination of the gripping, palpation of muscle tonus in muscles of the upper limbs and goniometric examination of joints of the upper limbs. This was followed by nine individual therapies, during which we focused mainly on upper limb joints. At the last session an output kinesiological analysis was conducted and the patients were taught about the necessity to comply with regime measures. At the end they spoke about their subjective feelings connected with the therapy and with their Balneotherapy stay in the spa. The results of the treatment were recorded for each individual case. This bachelor thesis may serve as an educational material for students in medical fields, general public to increase awareness of rheumatoid arthritis and last but not least for patients themselves or their families.

Influence of handball on the shoulder girdle state
Zemanová, Monika ; Nováková, Pavlína (advisor) ; Hošková, Blanka (referee)
Title: Influence of handball on the shoulder girdle state. Goal of the project: Examine and evaluate of functional condition of shoulder joints of young handball players on various player positions between input and output investigation. Suggestion of strengthening and stretching exercises for the area of shoulder girdle and finding if the exercises has some influence on the shoulder point as well as on the player performance. Method: We made comparison of input and output test results by the method of "kvasiexperimental" qualitative study. A modified questionnaire was given to each player before input investigation. Based on the questionnaire we learned deviations from the function, eventually the pain in the area of shoulder joint. After input investigation strengthening and stretching exercises of the shoulder girdle for 13 handball players on the various player positions in the youth team of Dukla Prague were suggested. Results: Results of the investigation of shoulder girdles in the group of handball players did not prove large number of subjective symptoms in the sense of pain and limitation. During clinical examination we also did not learn on any player results pointing the suspicion on expressive structural disorder of the monitored area. However the number of functional changes was...

název v anglickém jazyce není uveden
Šenolt, Ladislav ; Pavelka, Karel (advisor) ; Rovenský, Jozef (referee) ; Pokorný, Jaroslav (referee)
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA) represent the most common forms of musculosceletal disorders that affect diarthrodial joints, lead to joint damage and disability. Extra-articular manifestations accompanied the joint disease only in RA. Diagnosis of both conditions most commonly bears on the conventional radiography. Mostly in OA, radiographic changes often occur late in the disease and are largely irreversible. Molecular markers could reflect joint damage, inflammation, or immune response. Current investigation revealed potential uses of molecular markers, ranging from understanding pathogenesis of the diseases to predicting and monitoring the outcome of the treatment. The aim of the thesis was to analyze several biochemical markers in serum, synovial fluid and synovial tissue samples from patients with RA and OA. and to evaluate their diagnostic and predictive values as well as their contribution to the pathogenesis of the diseases. We found increased serum pentosidine concentrations in OA patients that were ol a predictive value of the joint space narrowing in OA of the knee joint and correlation between pentosidine and cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) in synovial fluid that make pentosidine one of the new potential biomarkers of the OA. Scrum level of COMP was similar among...

The influence of sports load on the shoulder joint in discus and javeling throwers and shot-putters
Pavelková, Pavla ; Špaňhelová, Šárka (advisor) ; Teyssler, Petr (referee)
Shoulder joint pain is a common phenomenon faced by javelin throwers, shot putters and discus throwers. Basic anatomical findings related to the glenohumeral joint are summarized in this work, followed by a description of the kinesiology of movement in the glenohumeral joint. Performed movement analysis of each sport makes the imagination of movements carried out during the throw easy. The chapter on the differential diagnostics of shoulder joint pain summarizes both transferred, muscle and joint pain. The final chapter examines the effect of kinetic activities on an athlete's joint. Powered by TCPDF (

Epidemiology Study of patients after the THA
Herůfek, Radim ; Džupa, Valér (advisor)
Total hip arthroplasty is one of the best methods of treatment postwar medicine. Patients with severely degenerated joints are plagued by persistent pain that will not allow them normal daily activities , do not allow them quality sleep and also cause great mental anguish. Joint replacement implant leads relieving pain , restore function . Originally disabled patient returns to normal life and employment , which is often physically demanding. Therefore, total replacement of the significant effect of treatment , social and economic . The significant development of total joint arthroplasty for the last 40 years has resulted in various types and designs of acetabular holes femoral stems and heads , which in turn causes a lack of clarity on the menu, which , moreover, is still expanding. For implantation compensation is very important accurate indication of a specific type prosthesis , and therefore it is necessary to conduct epidemiological studies of patients who help refine the indications thus facilitating the selection of individual components. The following work is an overview of epidemiological data of patients with implantation of hip replacement patients operated on Orthopaedics and Traumatology FNKV clinic in 2006.

Stress analysis of the total hip joint endoprosthesis head under oblique loading
Janovský, Martin ; Janíček, Přemysl (referee) ; Fuis, Vladimír (advisor)
This diploma thesis is concerned with the stress analysis of the total hip joint endoprosthesis ceramic head under oblique loading. Load was obtain from experimental in vivo measurement on three patients, whereas two of them was the same weight. As input variables were use contact forces, especially knee bend and standing on one leg. Furthermore they will be considered shape deflections from ideal cone, especially circle deviation, cone deviation and cone plus circle deviation together.

Nursing care of patients with systemic connective tissue disease - lupus erythematosus
KAAS, Jiří
Lupus erythematosus is a chronic disease that is classified as a systemic or diffuse connective tissue disease. This is an autoimmune inflammatory disease which may affect virtually any organ of the human body. The nature of the disease lies in the increased activity of B cells that produce organ-nonspecific autoantibodies reacting with various structures of cell nuclei. The most frequently affected organs are the joints, skin, heart, kidneys and the central nervous system. The disease is accompanied by a number of clinical manifestations such as fatigue, musculoskeletal pain, increased body temperature and other symptoms. For the nurse standing at the bedside of a patient with this disease, the knowledge of different manifestations of the disease and the readiness to provide highly individualized nursing care is important. The aim of this thesis is to determine the specifics of nursing care and the most frequent nursing problems of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. The empiric part of the thesis was conducted through the qualitative research. The data collection technique was a semi-structured interview, which was practically carried out with ten patients from the South Bohemian and Pilsen regions. Interviews with individual respondents were integrated into case studies. The most interesting data were represented in the form of categorized tables. The results of the research have proved a wide spectrum of patients´ problems and have shown that the disease does not affect only the patients´ physical aspects, but it significantly affects both the psychic and social aspects. Based on the results of the work, a booklet that can be used as an educational or informational material for students of medical disciplines and also for qualified nurses, was created. The booklet is supposed to provide a comprehensive view on patients suffering from this disease.