National Repository of Grey Literature 409 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.02 seconds. 

Nutrition as a nursing problem in children with celiac disease
VESELÁ, Markéta
The Thesis consists of the theoretical and research part. The theoretical part of the Thesis deals with the anatomy and physiology of the small intestine of the child. It also brings detailed characteristics of celiac disease and for the sake of interest we mentioned the interesting history of coeliac disease. Furthermore, we focus on the types, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and complications of celiac disease. Substantial part is devoted to nutrition, where we focus on its basic elements and, gradually, we walk through proper nutrition in children. In descending order we go through individual child periods, from infancy to adolescence, mentioning what nutrition is the best for the particular age period. The next chapter gives the detailed description of the gluten-free diet which must be kept by the coeliac patients during all of their lives. Research part of the Thesis is processed using the quantitative strategy. The objective of the Thesis was to find out which problems the coeliac children appearing at the paediatric gastroenterologist and the general practitioner for children and adolescents suffer from, as well as the assessment of these problems using nursing diagnosis: 0002 Imbalanced nutrition: less than the organism needs. The second objective of the Thesis was to determine differences in the incidence of celiac disease in children by sex and age when diagnosing this disease. The objectives faced 2 hypotheses. H1: There is a difference in the incidence of determining the signs and related factors in children registered in gastroenterology clinics and general paediatricians. H 2: The incidence of celiac disease will be higher in girls than in boys. To collect data, we chose a content analysis of documents, in our case, analysis of medical records of children at a gastroenterology outpatient department and at a general practitioner for children and adolescents. The data were being collected in the period from January to February 2014. The survey was conducted at the paediatric gastroenterology office of MUDr. Ivana Ženíšková in České Budejovice and at the general practitioner's office for children and adolescents of MUDr. Zdeňka Soukopová in Náměšt nad Oslavou. So as to process the research data we developed a research form - a record sheet, which contained 24 defining characters and 6 related factors from the nursing diagnose: 0002 Imbalanced nutrition: less than the organism needs. Furthermore, the research form included some demographic data: age, sex, home address, family predispositions, duration of breastfeeding, cage of the child at the introduction of complementary feeding, age when the disease is diagnosed, and what foods were first administered to the child. Another point we decided to include in the research form was the defining characteristics and related factors supplemented from the medical records of children. When processing the research data we used the linear method and recorded frequency of the incidence. The results of NANDA diagnoses validation were processed according to Fehring's DCV where we calculated the arithmetic mean, assigned appropriate values and included them in summary tables. The values in the tables are marked in colours, where the green colour marked very significant characteristics according to Fehring and the red one marked very little significant characteristics according to Fehring.

The identity of gypsy children in "white" Czech families
Mrázková, Marie ; Šmídová, Olga (advisor) ; Balcar, Petr (referee)
Tendency of this article is to show, how three factual Gypsy children which were put away to creche directly after their born and which were educated with two "white" Czech families, create their identities. Basic research question was how the children construct their identities in interaction with the world and important others. My approach to this question is constructionist. I tried to find strategies of making identities. I worked with biographical stories. Simultaneously we can also speak about participate observation because I come from one of these families. Among my most important findings is the fact that children identity is influenced by parents standings and meanings. In the first family dominates a position that it is a stigma to be Gypsy in Czech racialist society. In the second family it is spoken about it that people should be valued according to their acts and not according to their flesh-colour. Gypsy child in Czech family has very difficult position because it does not properly belong to any society. Children from the first family realise their incident to Gypsies and try to manage their stigma with strategy. Child from the second family choose among both societies to obtain the biggest advantages. Powered by TCPDF (

Ecological water service accidents in Tábor region during 1995 - 2005
Ecological water service accidents in Tabor region during 1995 - 2005 In developed, densely populated area the requirements for water are increasing, as for the element that is necessary for life on Earth and for the production processes in human society. To ensure this needs covering became a limit factor of development of all economic spheres during the last years. That´s why the water management is getting into a front of public interest. The requirements naturally increase also in others economic spheres and all life fields. Filling of these requirements is connected with many actions, that influence the water purity. Beside the consequent water pollution or water quality inducement , we can talk also about the water-service accidents. Usually we speak about the emergent situations, that have the negative influence on a water useful qualities and cause biological, sanitary, visual and other defects. Redevelopment of these accidents are very laboured and expensive. That´s why the goal of all actions spheres is to precede the pollution of surface and underground waters in time. Subject of this work was the examination of water-service accidents in Tabor region in period of 1995 {--} 2005. The base of the examinated samples was a try to analyze the emergent situation causes, evaluation of solution mechanism of water-service accidents and evaluation of their incidences. By using the current knowledges the conclusions were deduced not only for the prevential sphere, but also for action-redevelopment and financial part of final stabilization. From the database 1995 {--}2005 were found, that on the Tábor region there were a 142 emergent accidents examinated {--} pollution, surface or undeground water threats, or technical problems in given region. Most of the problems were identified in agriculture and water-service fields (24% each), other accidents in food industry ( 13%), transport (16%) . Very serious emergent situations appeared on the pipeline, that goes throug the region. Among the unheathy substances the accidens were caused mainly by the oil products (in 52 cases),fertilizers and other substances used in agriculture caused the accidents in 41 cases. Mainly the human factor appears while accident rise {--} in half of examinated cases. From the results was also deducted, that in 18 cases the accidents appeared in water sources protective zone, 4 events happened in Protective zone of natural water accumulation Třeboňsko. 21 accidents caused the fish or other water animals kill. From the given balance-sheet and knowledges the following conclusions for prevential sphere were made: constructions, equipments or actions, that can influence the water situation are made with the agreement of water right authorities, Their contruction {--} technical implementation mostly doesn´t collide with valid regulations and standarts. In prevential sphere is necessary to keep the legal regulations, related mainly to the periodic checks and revisions of objects build for stocking and manipulation with unhealthy substances, also the prosecution of control systems and using the instruments usefull also for the water-service. Not only for the prevential sphere, but also for the check and redevelopment activities theirselves would be suitable to exert the simple analytic components. The negative part during the accident solution is the feedback and laboratory results absence. More workshops and work stations should have their own contra-accident instruments. Wrecking plans should be much more easier, current range should be include into a operating regulations. In the interest of fish and othe water animals protection the cooperation with specialised workplaces and veterinary authorities should be extended. Legal share of competence for the sphere of undergroung water little bit complicate the wrecking situations solution possibilities .

The influences on the incidence of orofacial clefts in Czech Republic
Urbánková, Iva ; Dušková, Markéta (advisor)
Cleft lip and palate is one of the most common congenital developmental defects . Morphological character defect has severe negative functional effects on swallowing , breathing, chewing and speech formation . aesthetically , the This is a significant handicap facial triad that affects the most overall facial appearance . Approximately 15 % of children have a defect associated with other disabilities , but isolated defect is neither lethal nor associated with mental failure . It is clear that the defect is a problem both health psychological and socio-economic . Therefore , the issue of treatment of patients with cleft recognized worldwide as so important that in this respect works close international cooperation, which is also included Czech Republic . It should be emphasized that the solution to the question of facial clefts has in the Czech Republic long tradition whose beginnings are associated with on behalf of Professor František Burian and Plastic Surgery Clinic in Prague, where he is currently the Center for cleft defects . The Czech Republic has center two , one already mentioned in Prague and one in Brno.

The influences on the incidence of orofacial clefts in Czech Republic
Bayer, Jiří ; Dušková, Markéta (advisor)
Cleft lip and palate is one of the most common congenital developmental defects . Morphological character defect has severe negative functional effects on swallowing , breathing, chewing and speech formation . aesthetically , the This is a significant handicap facial triad that affects the most overall facial appearance . Approximately 15 % of children have a defect associated with other disabilities , but isolated defect is neither lethal nor associated with mental failure . It is clear that the defect is a problem both health psychological and socio-economic . Therefore , the issue of treatment of patients with cleft recognized worldwide as so important that in this respect works close international cooperation, which is also included Czech Republic . It should be emphasized that the solution to the question of facial clefts has in the Czech Republic long tradition whose beginnings are associated with on behalf of Professor František Burian and Plastic Surgery Clinic in Prague, where he is currently the Center for cleft defects . The Czech Republic has center two , one already mentioned in Prague and one in Brno.

Tapestry in architecture
An object of this disertation is a tapestry and its join or integration in the interiorr of public building. A single text is separated into a few parts. Into theoretical a documentation to practical work and finally is added hooked illustration. Every part has its specificity and it deals with definite topic. History of worlďs and Czech tapestry short describes the first part, the theoretic. My effort here was dokument in more details historic and contemporary creation of both Czech manufactures conversant with tapestries. In the documentation to practical part I besides of interiorselection public building target the psychologically and colour incidence of given space. Another chapters then solves proportions, colourfull ness material and finally art, which will be the tapestry made an issue of previous thinking and treatise was an origin of final design tapestry in two variants of final fulfilment also in two possible techniques.The last chapter this part deal with suitable location of tapestry in the space of borehall. Final variant sof tapestry installed by the help of computer programme Photoshop we find in the last, also picture part.

Vady drůbežího masa
Rumanová, Monika
This bachelor thesis deals with poultry meat quality focusing on the poultry meat defects. Among the important characteristics of the poultry meat quality includes especially the appearance of the poultry meat and its defects, the poultry meat colour and skin colour, meat texture and its flavour. The most common defects of the poultry meat are quality deviations PSE and DFD. Improvement functional quality PSE meat can be achieved by mixing it with normal meat, application to products, whose are not effected by this meat and also adjustment its pH by salts and phosphates. Meat with DFD defects is necessary due to the high microbiological volatility process swiftly into the heat -- treated products. With reducing the incidence of defective meat can be achieved by reducing stress factors during the manufacturing process as well as adherence to the principles of technology during the various operations that follow after the slaughter.

Hořínka, Slavomír ; Bartoň, Hanuš (advisor) ; Slavický, Milan (referee) ; Bláha, Ivo (referee)
In my dissertation Sound Colour and its Function in Music Composition Construction I am trying to find new point of view on the situations, when sound colour is becoming an active element. Fundamental factor in selection of concrete compositions is hierarchy in construction (its presence or contingent abstention). I am using a triad of terms as a methodological instrument ? Dynamic culmination, Tectonic centre and Tectonically-dynamic culmination. *ey are specified in the 2nd chapter. Dynamic culmination relate to the dynamic behaviour, tectonic centre relate to the hierarchy in construction and tectonically-dynamic culmination is incorporation of these two in the same time. Crucial term in my dissertation is centre. Such I read as a part of musical structure, which is more important than other parts, in light of perception. By this way the centre is structuring musical stream in time hierarchically. In analysis I am dealing with sound colour function in less common construction solution, in term of dynamic behaviour and hierarchy. *ey include cases when: Composition has tectonic centre, which is not identical with dynamic culmination; Composition is constructed as an arch, but without tectonic centre; Composition has several dynamic culminations but no tectonic centre; Composition has no dynamic culmination, but other tectonic centre; Composition (or its part) is constructed as inverse arch, i.e. descend to the rock-bottom and backwards; Composition has neither no dynamic culmination or tectonic centre. In conclusion I am concerning with retrieved information in more universal context. *us leads me to the question of hierarchical structuring during musical perception and other wider incidence aspects of construction conceptions mentioned above.

Vliv mechanizačních zásahů a aplikace top dressingu na regeneraci travního drnu
Hotař, Lukáš
Summary The thesis deals with the effect of mechanic invasion and top dressing applications on the quality of the lawn's greensward and weight of the root system of the plant. The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the effect of aeration, verticutation and top dressing in terms of support of plant root system, the presence of weeds in the lawn and also effect on the color of the grass and compactness of the lawn. Made mechanization interventions were evaluated without further intervention, verticutation and aeration. Application of top dressing is evaluated with and without step. The experiment was turfed in the Central region, twenty kilometers southeast of Prague. The greatest effect (P<0,05) on the weight of the root system should aeration with verticutation and smallest (P<0,05) the weight of the root system had lawn without mechanization invasion. In evaluating the compactness of the lawn was rated verticutation (P<0,05) as the worst. The best (P<0,05) color had lawn without any mechanized invasion and least (P<0,05) weed species was found out in combination of aeration and verticutation. Application of organic top dressing showed a positive effect on the weight of the root system. It was also found lower incidence of weeds. For top dressing applications has not been demonstrated a positive effect on the colour of the lawn. Application of top dressing had a positive effect on compactness of the lawn.