National Repository of Grey Literature 484 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.21 seconds. 

Information on Several Interesting Case Reports of Liquid Mercury Intoxication
Navrátil, Tomáš ; Vlčková, Š. ; Mrázová, K. ; Nováková, Kateřina ; Zakharov, S. ; Honsová, Š. ; Pelclová, D.
This contribution reports on several mercury non-professional intoxications. It can be summarized that it is very important to differentiate among forms of mercury which can (acute or chronic) endanger human health. Contrarily to the wide spread fears, liquid mercury represents low danger for men and for environment. Solid amalgams are probably the less toxic forms of mercury compounds. On the other hand, widely spread daily consumer goods can be very dangerous and toxic (saving balls, fluorescent tubes, etc.). Moreover, these goods are not marked as “toxic mercury containing”. The article discusses the instruction for removing mercury from our environment. Most of the reported data are based on database of the Czech Toxicological Information Centre (TIC) (from the years 1995 – 2015).

The possibilities of use of the robotic system da Vinci for treatment of localized prostate tumor
Podzimek, Michal ; Kočárek, Jiří (advisor) ; Kolombo, Ivan (referee)
Cancer of prostate is the most frequent male malignity and also it is the second most common cause of death in Europe and in the USA. There are 2 228 new cases reported in the Czech republic per year. The probability of occurrence of this disease is one to six during whole life. There is a good success in detection of his disease in the early stage due to development of screening methods. In such case the radical prostatectomy is very successful method of treatment. Besides of operation methods like open radical prostatectomy and laparoscopic prostatectomy there is a new operation method using robotic system da Vinci. The aim of this machine is to bring the advantages of the miniinvasive surgery together with keeping intuitive handling like in open surgery. First da Vinci system was bought and installed in the Central military hospital in Prague, Czech republic in 2005. The common knowledge about using this method is very low in both general public and specialists. Nor patients, neither their doctors often know about possibility of surgery using da Vinci system. The main objective of this thesis is to evaluate almost three years of experience of treatment localized prostate tumor using da Vinci system, and to describe its possibilities, benefits and disadvantages. Collection of 255 patients files aged...

Utilization of the database applications in clinical research
Telička, Zdeněk ; Jiskra, Jan (advisor) ; Doležal, Tomáš (referee)
The Diploma Thesis "Utilization of database applications in clinical research" deals with development of client-server database application for 3rd Medical Department, 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague. Application's aim is to store structured data of patients' examinations, treatments and biochemical results. Purpose of the application is to facilitate data processing for clinical research, which is very difficult, because information stored in hospital information system doesn't contain detailed records from medical examinations. Also, searching for several entries is slow. As well, application allows import patient identification data from hospital information system. This function provides physicians wide range of possibilities in data processing 4 and comparison in relation to treatments. Effective feature of this application is faster writing medical reports stored in information system because they are automatically generated from application's database.

Psychometric characteristics of Youth Self-Report in clinical sample
Urbánek, Tomáš ; Čermák, Ivo ; Štěpánek, Petr ; Schmidtová, Jana
The paper deals with reliability and validity analyses of the Youth Self-Report questionnaire by Thomas M. Achenbach. It is a method comprising eleven subscales, mostly syndromes of pathological conduct of children and adolescents. The data were obtained from the psychiatric patients (girls) from 12 to 18 years, most of them were exposed to family violence and abuse. The analyses of internal consistency and correlation analyses supporting the empirical validity of scales were conducted.

Carpal tunnel syndrome in spinal patients
Zmeškalová, Petra ; Špaňhelová, Šárka (advisor) ; Lepšíková, Magdaléna (referee)
The aim of this work is confirming of incidence carpal tunnel syndrom in patients with spinal cord lesion. This ailment stem from repetitive loading of hands on propulsion of mechanical wheelchair. Work contains the causes of biginning, risk factors for patients, prevention, conservative and operation therapy. Thesis involves characteristic of patient after spinal cord injury, seat and wheelchair propulsion. The practice task contains case report of patient and suggestion of therapy for her. Powered by TCPDF (

The influence of spinal patients regular training in Locomat System on chosentime and space parametres of their walk
Strnadová, Helena ; Oplatková, Lenka (advisor) ; Strapková, Zuzana (referee)
Diploma thesis "Influence of regular training of spinal cord patients in Lokomat system on particular spatio-temporal parameters of their walk." is a theoretical-empirical case report. Theoretical part deals with the neuroanatomy of the spinal cord, control, analysis and possibilities of check up of physiological walk. This part is concluded by the summary of entries about the Lokomat system, its basic technical equipment, advantages / disadvantages, indications/ contra-indications of its use in practice. The empirical part deals with the examination of the influence of the training in Lokomat system on the walk of the patients with incomplete spinal cord lesion. The main subject of the research is to monitor the changes in particular spatio-temporal parameters of walk (gait speed, stride length, stride time, single support time). Powered by TCPDF (

Experiences of health workers with acupressure
The abstract of the diploma thesis is focused on the acupressure and its influence of backache of medical staff. We chose the theme of acupressure because it is a non-invasive treatment method which can be practiced by everyone in the comfort of the home and no aid is necessary to have, just the basic knowledge and training how to perform acupressure. Acupressure is not physically or time consuming and that is why it is considered as a suitable means as an additional treatment of pain and other health disorders. It can improve nursing care. The theoretical part deals with pain and pain of medical staff who are the highest risk group of backache in the lumbar region. The backache is the most frequent cause of incapacity for work. Furthermore, in the theoretical part we deal with acupressure, one of the methods of alternative medicine. For the processing of the theoretical part, we used the available foreign and Czech literary sources. The empirical part of the diploma thesis is a quantitative method. The results obtained from the research were processed in the overview tables and case reports. For the thesis we set two research objectives. The first objective was to find out the experience of medical staff with acupressure. The second objective was to verify the influence of the techniques of acupressure for backache of medical staff. On the basis of the aim two hypotheses were created. The first hypothesis should show whether the backache will be softened by application of the acupressure techniques. The second one shows whether there is the difference in approach of nurses and doctors to perform acupressure.

Specifics of nursing care in patients after transapical aortic valve implantation.
Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) is a new and an attractive method in cardiology and as well as in cardiac surgery. It is constantly evolving method which has been developed as an alternative to standard open surgery, especially in patients with severe symptomatic aortic stenosis with unacceptably high perioperative risk or patients who are not suitable for conventional open heart surgery because of age and comorbidities.A teamwork is very importantfor this new method and approach. The choice for TAVI is discussed by the institutional multidisciplinary heart team, typically consisting of interventional cardiologists, imaging-specialists, cardiac surgeons and anaesthesiologists. The first implant in a human being was performed by Cribierin 2002. In Czech Republic this method was first used in 2008. Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) was accepted as a minimally invasive alternative to open surgery. This method does not require the use of cardiopulmonary bypass, and cardiac arrest. Other several benefits includinglower risks of bleeding and stroke events, better wound healing, less pain, as well as more rapid early recovery due to preservation of continuity of the sternumthat result in shorter durations of stay in the hospital, earlier rehabilitation and faster returns to normal life. In the presented work was used a combination of qualitative-quantitative methods of investigation. The data was obtained by using the quantitative research. The main technique was using the questionnaires designed for nurses working at the Department of Cardiac Surgery, Hospital Czech Budejovice, a. s. These results were backed up by the implementation of qualitative research, which investigated the patients and physicians view on monitored issues. Questioning method using a semi structured interview technique was used for qualitative research. The results of the survey were processed using descriptive statistics charts in LibreOffice Calc and using diagrams created in LibreOffice Writer. Qualitative results of the research were transcribed from audio recordings and coded, and the base code was created nine categories of interviews with clients/patients and three categories of interviews with doctors. The aim of this work was to explore the specific problem of nursing care about the clients / patients after transapical aortic valve implantation. On the base of our obtained data it is evident, that the client/patient after TAVI may be positioned sideways, the use of surgical drains are less frequently, so the care about the surgical wounds is simpler, patients report less pain in the surgical wound and postoperative rehabilitation and recovery is shorter. H1 - The nurses take care about the clients/patients after transapical aortic valve implantation in the same way as about the clients/patients after open aortic valve replacement, without realizing the differences between the patients treated with different approaches, was not confirmed. The nurses'sees/reported major differences in invasiveness and extent of providing care, rehabilitation, convalescent, in the duration of the hospitalization and better cosmetic effect. The results of the research can serve as a basis for creating the standards of nursing care or educational material for clients/patients. It is also possible to present the results of this work at a specialized seminar for non medical healthcare workers and results can also increase the quality of nursing care about the clients/patients after transapical aortic valve implantation.

A historical view of the army nurse profession.
The thesis deals with the profession of a military nurse. We can assert that the official study of military, non-medical health-care related qualifications and its use in practice not only for military purposes dates back to the fifties of the last century. However, women as health care professionals, consequently in uniforms, have always been an actual issue. The development of health care activities always existed, however, we must not neglect influence of scientific and medical findings. The historical timeline of development of medical care in the battle field was recorded and ranges from pre-historical healing. The way of Christian medicine was negatively influenced by the Catholic Church. The dark period of the Middle Ages had actually wrested medical performance from the hands of specialists and the suffering were left to the "tender" mercies of the priests. The following part of the thesis concerns modern medicine where enlightenment reforms were exercised. Some of the original six-month courses for military surgeons were organised in this period of time; they weretransformed into Military Surgical Academy, out of which the famous Josefinum originated. A expression of humanity which supported a form of health care of war veterans was demonstrated by constructing buildings for invalid people. The second half of the nineteenth century is characterized by the phenomenon of the presence of nuns in military hospitals. This study goes further in depth of professionally organized healthcare right in the battle field, which dates back from the era of wars in the Crimea.This stage describes the transformation of caring into nursing which requires the necessity of specialized preparation of persons providing nursing practice. In addition, Henry Dunant engraved himself into the history of the profession of a nurse, as the founder of the Red Cross, who first trained health care professionals for working within armed intentions of the state. The continuation of this action sketches out the process of providing first aid in principal armed conflicts of the twentieth century. It describes the functioning of commander operated military health service of that time. WWI drove Czech medical staff to both sides of the front where they provided medical help to the injured. Nurses of the WWII already performed their duties in uniforms as the rightful members of the army. The thesis also mentions post-war usage of military health care professionals in secret foreign missions and their specialized erudition.Last but not least, it marginally discusses contemporary possibilities of modern health care service of the Army of the Czech Republic. The goal of the endeavours of writing this thesis was to chart out clearly the development of the profession of a military nurse within the historical context, focusing mainly on women coming from Czech regions. In order to make the history background concerning specific female participants of the world war conflicts understandable to the reader, this paper reports, in broader extension, peculiar medical and nursing findings, already from the era of prehistoric civilisations. The history study method were applied for the purpose of the theoretical thesis. The methodology is based on searching, studying, sorting and the consecutive systematic objective describing of the events from the past times with the intention to propose comprehensive report on the subject given. It was necessary to study inexhaustible amount of sources to obtain awareness of historical connections. Factual information was derived by analysing of primary and mainly secondary documents. The thesis sketches out histories of military health care and the profession of a military health care professional stemmed from the exploration of appropriate written sources and conclusion of the basic findings. The intentions of the work are not only to clarify the past but also to contribute to solutions of every-day issues.