National Repository of Grey Literature 19,426 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 1.90 seconds. 

Mediation as an Alternative Method of Solving Human Conflicts
The Bachelor´s Thesis deals with solving of human conflicts using the method of mediation. The theoretical part describes types and ways of solving conflicts, the method of mediation including the techniques and forms, it mentions its history and legal regulations in the Czech Republic. Other part is addicted to roles, main tasks and key competences of a mediator. The last chapter of the theoretical part presents some providers of this service and lists areas of social practice where the mediation is exercisable. The practical part illustrates utilisation of mediation in practice using two case reports. Case report of criminal mediation is obtained on the basis of an extract from a professional document with the consent of the Probation and mediation service of the Czech Republic. The sexond one, the civil mediation, describes a heritage conflict within a family.

Unconvential monetary policy adopted by ECB and FED in 2008-2015
Pörner, Marek ; Šetková, Lenka (advisor) ; Ševčíková, Michaela (referee)
The main aim of this thesis is to analyse the accomplishment of the goals set, namely those of the selected unconventional monetary policies approved by the Federal Reserve System and the European Central Bank in response to the last financial crisis. With the FED the attention is focused on Quantitative Easing, whereas with the ECB it is focused on the programmes called Enhanced Credit Support, SMP, OMT and EAPP. Important parts of this thesis are also the explanation of the transmission mechanism of the unconventional monetary policy, the evaluation of macroeconomic impacts of these non-standard tools, the comparison of procedures of the two monitored central banks, but mainly the analysis of selected risks related to those tools. The principal method was an empirical analysis supported by economic studies dealing with the issues mentioned above. In the thesis it was discovered that the individual goals of the monitored programmes were achieved (with the exception of the SMP). With the programme EAPP no conlusion can be drawn because the programme has not been finished yet. Nevertheless, these non-standard tools bring certain risks such as a creation of a bubble in the markets of assets, a redistribution of wealth, a spillover effect, etc. For that reason it will be possible to evaluate the overall effect of the unconventional monetary policies only after a longer time period.

The effect of investment in tertiary education on gross wages in the region Prague
Diessner, Daniel ; Chytil, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Babin, Jan (referee)
The aim of this work is to determine whether and how higher education affects gross wages. The theoretical part focuses on the theory of human capital, especially investment in education. The theory posits that a higher investment in human capital leads to higher yield, higher wages. The validity of this concept will be tested on the group of respondents who entered the labour market at the turn of millennium. Concentration of candidates with tertiary education in this period has risen considerably, which could cause an imbalance in the labour market. The practical part is based on the work of Mincer (1974). I used Mincer Earnings Function as a basis to build regression model. Partial aim is to prove the declining rate of return on investment in tertiary education using Mincer Equation.

The analysis of price elasticity of demand for beer
Hromadníková, Kateřina ; Mirvald, Michal (advisor) ; Babin, Jan (referee)
The thesis analyses price elasticity of beer demand. Hypothesis about inelastic demand is tested first for nationwide level and then on data of specific brewery. Elasticity was determined by regression analysis, specifically by ordinary least squares with all variables expressed in logarithmic form. Consumption of beer is the endogenous variable and price of bottled beer (price of one hectoliter of beer in case of brewery), average gross income and price level are in the role of the exogenous variables. The hypothesis about inelastic demand was successfully proved. Price elasticity estimates range from -0,66 to -0,2. In case of specific brewery price was not significant. On the other hand, average gross income seems to be the significant determinant. According to income elasticity beer seems to be luxury good in case of specific brewery and necessity in case of nationwide level.

Consumer Credit in the Czech Republic from the Client’s Perspective
Huleš, Matěj ; Hejda, Jan (advisor) ; Kaczor, Pavel (referee)
The aim of the thesis titled Consumer Credit in the Czech Republic from the Client´s Perspective is the analysis of the offer of consumer credit loans in the Czech market and an explanation of the basic problems of consumer credit. The first part explains basic information and theoretical concepts related to the issue. In the second part of the thesis, these concepts are put into practice and two model examples are used to explain the procedure for selecting a credit product that will meet the consumer´s needs. The section deals with the comparison of these products. Credit loans are subjected to the comparison in terms of total costs and sub-parameters of the loans, which affect the costs. Following the results of the comparison, the conclusion contains practical recommendations for consumers. The thesis results in a comprehensive educational text that will help anyone interested in consumer financial products to make their choice.

On possible approaches to detecting robotic activity of botnets
Prajer, Richard ; Palovský, Radomír (advisor) ; Pavlíček, Luboš (referee)
This thesis explores possible approaches to detecting robotic activity of botnets on network. Initially, the detection based on full packet analysis in consideration of DNS, HTTP and IRC communication, is described. However, this detection is found inapplicable for technical and ethical reasons. Then it focuses on the analysis based on network flow metadata, compiling them to be processable in machine learning. It creates detection models using different machine learning methods, to compare them with each other. Bayes net method is found to be acceptable for detecting robotic activity of botnets. The Bayesian model is only able to identify the botnet that already executes the commands sent by its C&C server. "Sleeping" botnets are not reliably detectable by this model.

Valuation of the MSV Metal Studénka, a. s.
Honc, Adam ; Strouhal, Jiří (advisor) ; Smrčka, Luboš (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to determine the market value of joint-stock company MSV Metal Studénka for 31. 12. 2015. The thesis is divided into theoretical-methodological and practical part. The former contains the definitions of terms, techniques and methods which relate to not only the problems of company appreciation but also insolvency law focusing on corporate restructuring. In the practical part, the theoretical groundwork is applied. After the initial introduction of the company including a brief description of the course of insolvency proceeding, a strategic and financial analysis is conducted. After the evaluation of the company's financial health and future perspective, a division of assets into operationally necessary and unnecessary, analysis and value generator prognosis, financial plan formulation and the evaluation itself follow. For the final company appreciation, the discounted cash flow method in the variant of free cash flow to the firm (FCFF) is used.

Communications Intercultural Aspect in Working Environment of a chosen Firm
Jenšovský, Šimon ; Hiršová, Miloslava (advisor) ; Balgová, Dagmar (referee)
The thesis covers cultural differences among employees of a multi-national corporation in relation to communication and task execution. Thesis aims to construct a theoretical framework to map these cultural differences and apply gathered insights in practical research targeting the effect of cultural differences on communication and task execution. Research questionnaire replicates Hofstede's work and also builds on practical application of Hofstede's work by several authors. Research data were gathered via digital questionnaire. Data refinement and evaluation was conducted using frequency description and statistical methods of structure comparison. The thesis provides a set of practical recommendations as a result. These are aimed to help reduce or possibly eliminate negative effects of cultural differences in the workplace.

Application of Monte Carlo simulations in banking
Boruta, Matěj ; Teplý, Petr (advisor) ; Fučík, Vojtěch (referee)
Currently, banking is exposed to huge market risks. One of those risks is occurrence of negative interest rates in the EU. Nowadays, it is important to use sophisticated and modern measurement tools and approaches to measure and manage banking risks. One of those methods is Monte Carlo simulation. This bachelor thesis is aimed at analysis and prediction of 3-month maturity Prague Interest Offer Rate (PRIBOR) for 3, 6 and 12 months with using Monte Carlo simulations. It was found that this method is suitable for prediction market variables with low volatility. If anybody uses this method, it is necessity to have in mind all pitfalls and assumptions, that this method includes, as an adequate random generated number of scenarios, approximation of correct probability distribution, independence of dataset and not least, as far as possible, to focus on factors generating randomness of market variable and not the prices, that express rather consequences of randomness than its cause. Further, the Monte Carlo prediction was compared with prognosis of the Czech Nation Bank and it was found that Monte Carlo prediction is more accurate for short term predictions. 12-month prediction of Monte Carlo simulation discovered also possible occurrence of negative interest rate at 0,05% level of probability in compare to the Czech National Bank prognosis, where was no negative interest rate predicted.

Dynamic model of human resources in project management
Hančar, Michal ; Mildeová, Stanislava (advisor) ; Šviráková, Eva (referee)
This thesis is focused on dynamics of soft factors influencing workers during projects. These factors include motivation, workplace atmosphere, team synergy of workers and their emotions, and attribute of project manager who manages the project. Identification of soft factors and their relationships was achieved by examination of scientific literature in psychology and system dynamics. Description of managing project matters was achieved by examination of scientific literature dealing with project management. The main objective of this thesis is to create a dynamic model which simulates behavior of these soft factors influencing the project staff. The primary metric of the model is efficiency of workers participating on the project based on input parameters. Validation of the model was achieved by verification of historic behavior of key elements. Results of validation experiments correspond with historic behavior with roughly 95 % accuracy. At the end of this thesis is presented an ICT project case study. Based on the results of simulation experiments is performed a scenario analysis which tries to bring possible suggestions for project management.