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The use of assistive devices for patients with Bechterev disease
The theoretical part of the thesis describes the actual disease. It is a rheumatic disease which includes inflammatory processes located in the spinal area. The disease is also called Ankylosing spondylitis. Typical symptom of the Bechterew's disease is stiffness and consequent back pain. Successful treatment must include use of nonsteroidal antirheumatic drugs and pain-relievers. However, the most crucial element is regular physical training, which must not be avoided otherwise the client may become permanently disabled and need assistance. The successful treatment also in cludes repeated spa stays. The thesis also deals with the role of a nurse, who together with a professional team, including physiotherapists, ergotherapists and social workers, care for the client's needs as well as for his/her education and his/her family members' education. The nurse should emphasize the importance of regular physiotherapies and use of prescribed drugs to the patients with such diagnosis. The most crucial part of the thesis deals with compensation aids which allow the clients relieving pain when moving and which get the patients back in their common lives. The patients start to use the compensation aids, such as walking sticks, wheeled walkers, and hygienic aids with long handle, in advanced stages of the disease, when common movements are difficult and painful for them. Furthermore, I am writing about the possibility of renting or purchasing such aids. There are compensation-aid rental companies and shops which offer such aids. Another part of the thesis deals with compensation allowance, which the clients may receive from their insurance companies.It also describes changes in the patient's life and environment, which may occur after receiving the compensation aids. The major goal of the thesis is to describe the possibilities of usage of compensation aids by the Bechterew's patients. To reach that I have chosen two survey questions. The first one reveals the type of compensation aids the clients prefer using and the way how they get these. The latter question explores influence of the compensation aids to the clients' lives. The survey was done by qualitative research method. For this purpose, semistructured in-depth interview was conducted with clients who suffer from the Bechterew's disease and who use compensation aids for their everyday routines. The obtained information shows that the most used aids are those which we are typical for people with movement disorders. Mostly, the clients pay for their aids by themselves. Vouchers prescribed by doctors are only used to get the forearm crutches. The Bechterew's disease is still an incurable disease. It may have very serious consequences for the patients unless they execute regular physiothe rapy, repeated spa curative stays and use the medicaments. The thesis may be used as a source material for special brochures created for mobility-impaired clients.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of teaching vocational subjects depending on physical activity before schooling.
Janošíková, Martina ; Hanušová, Marie (advisor)
The period of transition to secondary school brings substantial changes in the requirements for study obligations, autonomy, communication, expression, or separated from their families in the form of staying at the dormitory. Students enrolled in sport centers, in addition to these changes, still struggling with the responsibilities associated with sport. Because they are students first through fourth grades of secondary schools and secondary vocational schools, an age when image self-I am, what I believe in, arises in interactions with the outside world and their own experience, plays a very important role to influence the environment, educators, teachers and trainers, with which students spend most of their time in practice. This study looks at students comprehensively in terms of personal development as a multifactorial biopsychosocial unit, in terms of cognitive and motivational processes, states and properties from the perspective of social psychology dealing with the interactions, relationships and communication, psychology of individuals within the social group and its importance for the development of the individual . It monitors conditions and educational outcomes in terms of educational psychology, dealing with forming properties, opinions, attitudes and value orientation from the perspective of educational psychology.

Individual human odor as a forensic trail in criminal proceeding made by contact or contactless transmission and its resistance to physical agents
Santariová, Milena ; Bartoš, Luděk (advisor) ; Chmelíková, Eva (referee)
The dissertation thesis consists of four papers that have been published in scientific journals. Study n. 1 The need to recover evidence from water is quite common in criminal investigation. The article deals with the possibility to collect human scent from such objects and with the ability of specially trained dogs to match such scent samples with scent samples collected from detained suspects. During an experiment, designed as a blind one, it has been proved, that human scent can survive on submerged objects and can be later used for scent identification. Study n. 2 To collect odors the Czech Republic Police use special fabric sorbents manufactured under the registered mark ARATEX. Before use the fabric sorbent is treated by water vapor sterilization. After the scent identification the sorbent is destroyed. The goal of the study was to verify if the vapor sterilization is effective enough to remove human scent that has already penetrated into the sorbent structure or in other words if the sorbent can be exposed to vapor sterilization and then used again. Specially trained dogs were used to match starting odors with target odors in the line-ups. The results showed that dogs are able to correctly match human odors even after they have being exposed to vapor sterilization. Study n. 3 The purpose of the study was to determine the temperature at which the human scent is degraded so that a dog would not be able to identify it. In contrast to expectations, eight dogs used in the experiment almost flawlessly identified human scents from five scent donors exposed to temperatures of 100°C, 200°C, 300°C, 400°C, 500°C, 600°C, 700°C, and 800°C. Only two of the dogs were able to identify 5 of 15 scent samples exposed to 900°C. No dog identified a scent exposed to 1000°C. Our study verified heat survivability of human scent far beyond existing expectations. Study n. 4 We tested the hypothesis that if odor fallout (the release of a human odor onto an untouched object) in human subjects exists, then holding a hand above an absorbent will produce a detectable scent which will be subsequently matched in a detection test by trained dogs. Scents were collected from seven males to sterile cotton absorbent squares. The left hand was used to get the control scent and the right hand served as the target scent. Each experimental subject was sitting and his left hand was laid down on a cotton square for 3 min. The right hand was held 5 cm above another cotton square for 3 min. The scent identification was done by two specially trained police German shepherds. Both dogs performed 14 line-ups and correctly matched the collected scents of all test subjects. The results suggest the existence of human odor fallout, whereby a human scent trace is left by humans even if they do not touch an object.

Physically-based Modeling and Simulation
Dvořák, Radim ; Racek, Stanislav (referee) ; Šujanský,, Milan (referee) ; Zbořil, František (advisor)
Disertační práce se zabývá modelováním znečištění ovzduší, jeho transportních a disperzních procesů ve spodní části atmosféry a zejména numerickými metodami, které slouží k řešení těchto modelů. Modelování znečištění ovzduší je velmi důležité pro předpověď kontaminace a pomáhá porozumět samotnému procesu a eliminaci následků. Hlavním tématem práce jsou metody pro řešení modelů popsaných parciálními diferenciálními rovnicemi, přesněji advekčně-difúzní rovnicí. Polovina práce je zaměřena na známou metodu přímek a je zde ukázáno, že tato metoda je vhodná k řešení určitých konkrétních problémů. Dále bylo navrženo a otestováno řešení paralelizace metody přímek, jež ukazuje, že metoda má velký potenciál pro akceleraci na současných grafických kartách a tím pádem i zvětšení přesnosti výpočtu. Druhá polovina práce se zabývá poměrně mladou metodou ELLAM a její aplikací pro řešení atmosférických advekčně-difúzních rovnic. Byla otestována konkrétní forma metody ELLAM společně s navrženými adaptacemi. Z výsledků je zřejmé, že v mnoha případech ELLAM překonává současné používané metody.

Tretiag, Štěpán ; KORČÁK, Jakub (advisor) ; HRBEK, Daniel (referee)
Using the concrete examples of my practical bachelor work my intent is to retrospectively describe and reflect on our scenic realization of the play Missing by south-African author Reza de Wet. The essence of a modern dramatic direction is to perceive the script of a play as a model which becomes a basis for its interpretation and the subsequent staging of the play. It is the process from the initial interpretation to final scenic realization I wish to focus on in my work.In the first part I will be dealing with creation of a physical space, that being stage design. I will try to capture what lead us to its final shape and how the basis for that can be found in the script of the play as well as the potential capability of the physical space to become a dramatic space. Its ability to create a platform for the actors to proceed from and how can it provoke them into acting, in particular. In the second part I will be dealing with the dramatic space, ergo the spacial expression of relationships and themes. I will proceed again retrospectively, focusing on how we managed to achieve the stage image which is functioning as a materialized metaphor. I will focus mostly on non-verbal actions, but with regard to the fact, that dramatical script is the basis for our realization of the play.

Inclusive education opportunities for children with physical disability in nursery schools in South Bohemian region
This thesis focuses on inclusive education of children with physical disability in nursery schools in South Bohemian region. The authoress describes in theoretic part of its thesis individual kind of congenital and acquired physical disabilities, next she compares inclusive education with integration and present situation of inclusive education in Czech Republic, including looking at this education in the past. She writes about child development in preschool age too, and this of aspect his motor and cognitive development, socialization in nursery school and about specialty children's psychology of a child with physical disability, which differs from development healthy child. In practical part the authoress concentrates on the opinions of selected educational staffs (teacher) and parents regarding this phenomenon in education. Research sample contains nine respondents, of which five teachers and four parents, for teachers were prepared eleven questions and for parents nine. She used as a method of research semi structured interview, that she could ask for details and digress from prearranged question. The authoress wanted to know with this research, if these two groups would be willing to support this education and what they are the reasons for this. Next she ascertained attitudes of parents of children with physical disability and benefit of this education for children with physical disability and for other children, healthy. She donated to compare these opinions between educational staffs and parents too. Finally, she tries to compare opinions between educational staff and parent from one nursery school.

Coping strategies in children´s fear and pain in relation to nursing care
For the nurse, taking care of hospitalized children is important not only pediatric nursing knowledge, personal and social preconditions, but also the theoretical and practical competency of methods and techniques, which are used for identification and effective influencing of pain and fear. The aim of this thesis was to identify the main sources of fear of the hospitalized preschool and young school age children and to find out the effective methods and principles of the cooperation with children, alternatively with their accompanying parents in order to moderate the fear of the small patient. Then the thesis tried to chart the nursing diagnostic and evaluation procedure of the pain and get the most used nursing methods of non-pharmacological pain relief. To obtain the necessary data, the qualitative research was used with a semi-structured interview as a research instrument. The first research group consisted of 12 nurses, the second group consisted of 12 children ´s patients of preschool and young school age. The majority of the asked nurses thinks, that children´s patients are afraid especially of non-familiar environment, then of the awaited pain and of the solitude without parents. However, the most patients said, that they were afraid especially of pain, then of non-familiar environment, restriction of their needs, hostile attitude of the medical staff and of the other neighbouring patients. They were also frightened of the death and of the darkness. Most reported nurses mean, that the most effective solution of the children ´s fear is the friendly attitude of the medics. They also mentioned the fact of taking the focus off the fear and the presence of the parents is also beneficial. The nurses ´ answers were in conformity with patients opinion in two fields - friendly attitude of the medics and taking the focus off the fear. Then the children mentioned abiding of their specifics in connection to falling asleep and the demand of beying treated by the same sister or by few same sisters. All respondents also talked about the benefit of parents presence. Regarding the principles of the cooperation, nurses answered the importance of united medical procedures, especially the proper way of information transfer. Then the respondents nurses mentioned the psychical and emotional support for children and their accompaniments, the atmosphere of confidence and the value of well done education. Also the need of calm, silence and privacy was stated. Unlike nurses, children and their parents regarding to principles of the cooperation prefer the psychical and emotional support, then the importance of enough information was mentioned. The fourth research question bears on the methods used for children pain monitoring. The nurses said, that the intentional interview with the patients or with the parents was used as a main technique, that was stated by patients as well. Research question number five said: What are the most used nursing methods of non-pharmacological pain relief at children? Most responded nurses mentioned the distraction of children attention from the painful incentive, then the importance of physical methods, relief position and purposeful preparation for the unpleasant intervention. Nurses also named the helpful contribution of the parents, relaxing exercises and the method of imagination. Regarding the pain treatment, it was noted, that all patients prefered the analgesic therapy. Then they quoted the distraction of their attention from the painful incentive, the friendly attitude of the medics, using the ice compress and the relief position. In the pain acute phase, children required mostly calm, comfort and privacy. All children also considered the presence of parents as very helpful. The theoretical and empirical part of the thesis are suitable for being studied by nurses taking care of children and it can be helpful for nursing quality improvement at children ´s wards in hospitals.

Lifestyle of patients with peripheral arterial disease before and after surgery
Theoretical background: Peripheral arterial disease is a serious disease of Loir limb arteries which originates from atherosclerosis. The theoretical part deals with the lifestyle. There are mentioned basic risk factors of chronic forms. Further described are the pathophysiology changes generated on the basis of atherosclerosis and related causes for the origin of the disease. Subsequently there are explained methods of classification, developed clinical symptoms, diagnosis and therapy. This section also looks at the role of a nurse in the care of patients with peripheral arterial disease. Objectives: The aim of this work was to evaluate how patients with peripheral arterial disease changed their lifestyle after invasive vascular surgery. There were provided the following research questions: How do patients with peripheral arterial disease approach to the prevention of risk factors? What is in patients with peripheral arterial disease the main impuls for the possible change of their lifestyle? What influences surgery patient's attitude to risk factors for peripheral arterial disease? How crucial is a lifestyle change in patients after surgery for peripheral arterial disease? Methods: The theoretical part is processed using expert sources. The empirical part of the theses was processed using qualitative research. The chosen technique for data collection was semi-structured interviews with patients, with prepared open questions. The research was done in several phases - the first interview was conducted at the patient admission department (before surgery), followed by the next phase after three months, and 6 months after surgery. The interviews were recorded on a prepared form, then transcribed into electronic form and analyzed by open coding method. Results: The research showed that surgery can sometimes be triggered by changes in the patient's lifestyle. The first interviews in the preoperative period focused on how respondents felt, what was their lifestyle before surgery for atherosclerotic changes of the lower extremities. One of the questions was focused on patient knowledge about risk factors for the development of PAD and possible prevention. The second phase of interviews took place 3 months after the surgery. It dealt with the question about the respndents´ lifestyle, the respondents in the postoperative period, whether there were any changes. Some positive changes occurred in eating and there were some changes in doing physical activity. The third stage was carried out six months after surgery, again in order to detect changes in lifestyle. Minor changes came in smoking habits, the issue of diet and physical aktivity. Questions were also focused on the psychological level. We found out who helped patients and what was most motivating in implementing changes. In the conclusion/summing up question the patients marked themselves ow they managed to make a change. Conclusion: The number of patients with peripheral arterial disease and other cardiovascular diseases is increasing. The basis is the start to modify risk factors, namely tobacco use,dietary habits, physical activity. The medical staff members participate on changes in patients´ lifestyle by appropriate education. The problem occurs when the patient despite the support of close people can not cope to carry a twist in their life. There should a medical staff member offer a professional help to deal with this important step. Practical use: The aim is to draw attention to the expansion of education about lifestyle changes for patients diagnosed with PAD also in the postoperative period. Patients who are released to home care should receive enough information that would convince them to change their attitude towards their health, and that surgery is only one of the ways to prevent further attacks and complications. Results can improve communication with patients and focus on increasing their awareness and possibly offer assistance.

Nursing care management of patients after intrapleural chemical pleurodesis
The pleurodesis is a treatment method for patients suffered from the symptomatic malignant pleural effusion. The goal of the pleurodesis is to close a pleural area by connection of visceral and parietal pleura in order to reduce or terminate production of pleural effusion. The sterile talc powder is the world's most used agens within a practice. After a parental analgesic is the powder (as a sllury) either applicated into a pleural cavity through the chest drainage or surgically dispersed over the treated (via abrasion, decortication) pleural space during the thoracoscopy/thoracotomy. This diploma thesis focuses on the treatment technique of bedside talc-pleurodesis through the chest drainage. The nurse has an irreplaceable role in the whole process from a preparation of patient to assistance by intrapreural application, to care of patient after the operation or serves as a physical support during potential complications. The aim of the presented work is to detect priorities in nursing care and find out whether patients need increased care after intrapleural therapy. The qualitative research method was chosen for the analysis where semi-structural interview with open questions were used. We created case reports analysed with the adaptive model of Callista Roy as well. The research sample contained patients chosen with respect to specialization of researched problem. We set two basic focal stimuli according to the analysis of respondents´ reactions. These stimuli serve as a basis for determination of priority parts of the nursing care by patients after bedside pleurodesis. We defined the need to be without pain and the need to ensure safety and certainty as a central focus of the nursing care. Among secondary fields of nursing care were identified sleep disturbances and limited mobility, which leads to reduction of self-care in getting dress, hygiene as well as in defection and miction. We found out within the second goal identical intensity of the nursing care before and after bedside talc-pleurodesis. This statement is based on comparison of interventions before and after aplication analysed via adaptive model by Roy. Nevertheless, causes of interventions were modified to a certain extent. The main goal of diploma thesis was to map requirements for high-quality nursing care related to bedside talc-pleurodesis via chest drainage. The work should extend theoretical basis not only for nurses in clinical practice.