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Specific features of nursing care provided to members of the Church of Scientology.
The Church of Scientology was officially registered in Los Angeles in 1954. It is present in more than 150 countries of the world, and is professed by over 8 million people. The founder of the movement is the American author of science fiction and fiction, Laffayete Ron Hubbard, who conducted research in the sphere of the human spirit, summarised in his books "Dianetics". Later on, he focused his research on spiritual beings and their abilities. This gave rise to an applicable religious philosophy - Scientology. It has not been possible to register the Church of Scientology officially in the Czech Republic so far, and therefore it acts as the civil association of "Dianetické centrum" (the Dianetic Centre). The number of its members and sympathisers in this country is not very high, reaching approximately 800 persons. Still, it is important for us to know the differences of this minority, to be able to provide its members with nursing care corresponding to their specific needs. This subject is dealt with by the multi-cultural nursing care studying cultures and religions from the point of view of nursing practice. In connection with globalisation, this subject becomes even more topical. The national, cultural and ethnic structure of the population undergoes gradual changes and the number of foreigners legally residing in the territory of the Czech Republic keeps growing. For this reason, it is important even for nurses to be prepared and have at least the minimum knowledge of multi-cultural / trans-cultural nursing care that will enable them to provide adequate nursing care respecting the specifics in question. The objective of my thesis is to get to know the specific features of nursing care provided to members of the Church of Scientology and to establish the specific features of their life style. To meet the objectives, I set five research questions. Research question 1: Do members of the Church of Scientology have specific needs when they are being provided nursing care? Research question 2: What is the attitude of members of the Church of Scientology to the health care provided in the Czech Republic? Research question 3: Do members of the Church of Scientology have specific spiritual needs? Research question 4: What attitude do members of the Church of Scientology have towards their health? Research question 5: Do members of the Church of Scientology have a specific life style? To collect data for fulfilling my research objectives and obtaining answers to the research questions, I applied the method of qualitative research. To conduct the qualitative research I used the technique of a semi-structured interview with the members of the Church of Scientology attending the Dianetic Centre in Prague. The interview contained altogether 46 questions divided into four areas, and the participants were four men and four women of different ages and different lengths of being members of the Church. The qualitative examination established the main and most distinct specific feature in providing nursing care to members of the Church of Scientology, which is maintaining silence at the time when human mind is weakened. Further, the research showed that scientologists respect physicians and do not exclude them in cases of accidents or danger of life. They normally undergo preventive examinations and do not object to being vaccinated provided that they are supplied with sufficient information. The only exception is psychiatry. Being provided with assists constitutes the only spiritual need, and the Church of Scientology has no specifics in terms of diet. This thesis may be used as a study material for general nurses and students of nursing studies, to expand knowledge in the field of multi-cultural / trans-cultural nursing care, which will facilitate providing culture-specific nursing care to members of this religious minority.

Vývoj asistenční aplikace pro lidi s demencí
Černý, Martin ; Šlajchrt, Zbyněk (advisor) ; Pecinovský, Rudolf (referee)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to implement a presentation layer for the Reminiscence Computer Therapy application. Reminiscence Therapy involves the discussion of the past memories and it is believed to help people with dementia to improve their well-being and sustain their memories. Computer Reminiscence Therapy involves technology in this therapy. The research introduces into Dementia and Reminiscence Therapy with and without using technologies. The application developed as part of this diploma thesis uses picture upload and speech recognition techniques for the memory input. This is used to support remembering of past memories and to increase discussion. The application can be used with or without the carer as well as with friends and family members. The six most important requirements on the developed application are the speech recognition, picture upload, asking questions about the previous recordings, asking questions about tagged friends, using old stories for discussion and presenting the statistics. The application was developed as a part of the competition made by AngelHack organization. Presentation, business and persistence layers of the application are discussed in this diploma thesis as well as user manual and persistence layer implementation of the requirements. The presentation layer was developed using React framework for JavaScript. Other libraries have to be used as well with the most important being Redux library for storing application state. This library affected the structure of the persistence layer.

Changes to rights to claim foster care benefits since year 2013
Foster care is a form of social care in the Czech Republic. A fostered children and foster parents receive from state a foster care benefits. Up until 2012 these benefits were set by Act No. 117/1995 Coll., on State Social Support. In 2012, Amendment No. 401/2012 Coll., transferred foster care benefits to Act No. 359/1999 Coll., for Social-Legal Protection of Children. With this change in law, there was also a change in the conditions of entitlement to claim foster care benefits and the establishment of efforts to professionalize foster care. The aim of my work is to analyse and compare the legislation of changes to foster care benefits from the perspective of the State Social Support Law and the Law of Social-Legal Protection of Children. I have tried to confirm or invalidate the hypotheses using quantitative research, this forms the empirical part of my work. Hypotheses were focusing on comparing the situation before and after the changes of Law for Social-Legal Protection of Children. As a technique I chose to study documents and using these documents I have provided secondary analysis. I have worked with the statistics of the Ministry for Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic, the Labor Offices and the Regional Offices. The results of my findings have shown that more foster parents should be able to claim foster care benefits. Passing the bill on professional foster care has increased the interest in providing foster care, this must be seen as positive outcome. My research could be used as study material for other students of social science or for people who work in the area of social-legal protection of children. It could also be used as feedback for ministerial officials to sea the real situation since the changes in foster care law.

Possible applications of Asian medicinal methods on the spa tourism and wellness market in the Czech Republic.
Jedličková, Lenka ; Valentová, Jana (advisor) ; Machová, Božena (referee)
This thesis deals with the possible application Asian curative methods on the market of spa tourism and wellness in the Czech Republic. The thesis is divided into five chapters, theoretical and practical. The aim of this work is to define Indian culture in the area of treatment and relaxation in the context of historical development and measure of use in the domestic tourism. Partial aims of this thesis are analysis of utilization Indian therapeutical technique and facilities dedicate these procedures in the Czech Republic. The introductory chapter is devoted to definitions tourism and health tourism. The second chapter is focused on spa tourism and the third chapter is devoted to wellness and quality of life. The fourth chapter is oriented on India, ayurveda and typical methods of usage ayurvedic massage. In the last chapter is description of situation in the Czech Republic, centres concentrated on ayurveda are mentioned and there is also questionnaire construction and in conclusion there are some proposed attractive products.

Using of the Care benefit by Users of Social services
The bachelor thesis deals with the widespread social benefit, the attendance allowance and problems associated with it, which implies the main objective of this work, to find out how or what for this allowance is used. This thesis consists of a theoretical and a practical part. In the theoretical part I focused mainly on the purpose, the principles and basic functions of the allowance. I have also described who is and who is not entitled to the allowance, and when such entitlement may extinguish. In this part, I also focused on what the allowance is intended for and what it has to be properly utilized for. Furthermore, I mentioned in my thesis the inspection in accordance with the Social Services Act and the means of protection applied by the state in order to prevent the abuse of the allowance. In the theoretical part, I also mentioned the history of this allowance when it still was an allowance for attending a close person. Due to the fact that the attendance allowance is intended for people who are disadvantaged in some way, I also put a chapter on disability into the theoretical part, where I gave a definition of disability, its types and forms or for example specific needs that result from such disability. In the second, practical part, the qualitative research method was applied. Data collection was conducted by questioning using the technique of a semi-controlled interview. Interviews were conducted with six communication partners that I have selected using the "snowball" method, so called accretion. The aim of this thesis was mainly to determine how or what for the attendance allowance is used by ist beneficiaries. Whether the amount of the attendance allowance is sufficient for its users to cover the costs of providing the social service. Whether users because of the low value of the attendance will be required to limit their individual needs and interests in some way. Whether users have identified some changes after the amendment of the Social Services Act. For the above objectives I tried to get the answers needed to solve the respective issue.

Optical fiber sensors and optical fiber splicing
Jelínek, Michal ; Mikel, Břetislav
We present development of new methods and techniques of the splicing and shaping optical fibers. We developed new techniques of splicing for standard Single Mode (SM) and Multimode (MM) optical fibers and optical fibers with different diameters. Together with development these techniques we prepared other techniques to splicing hollow core Photonic Crystal Fiber (PCF) and theirs cross splicing methods.Development of these new techniques and methods of the optical fibers splicing are made with respect to using these fibers to another research and development in the field of optical fibers sensors.

Subspace Modeling of Prosodic Features for Speaker Verification
Kockmann, Marcel ; Kenny, Patrick (referee) ; Nöth, Elmar (referee) ; Černocký, Jan (advisor)
Předložená disertační práce se zabývá ověřováním mluvčího pomocí prozodických příznaků zahrnujících hodnoty základního tónu, energie a délek řečových úseků. Studovali jsme dvě rozdílné techniky pro parametrizaci: první vede k dobře definované sadě menšího počtu příznaků, druhá k vysoko-dimenzionální sadě heterogenních prozodických příznaků. První část práce se věnuje vývoji příznaků reprezentujících prozodické kontury, zde jsme vyvinuli a ověřili několik modelovacích technik, s důrazem na modelování v reprezentativních podprostorech. Druhá část práce se zaměřuje na nové pod-prostorové modelovací techniky pro heterogenní prozodické parametry s velkou dimenzionalitou. Model je teoreticky odvozen a experimentálně ověřen na oficiálních datech z NIST evaluací ověřování mluvčího (NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluation). Ve srovnání s ostatními současnými prozodickými jsme dosáhli podstatně lepších výsledků. Na konci práce presentujeme také novou techniku pro elegantní kombinaci dvou prozodických systémů. Tato technika může být použita rovněž pro fúzi prozodického systému se standardním přesným cepstrálním systémem, což vede k dalšímu podstatnému zvýšení úspěšnosti verifikace.  

Mikolov, Tomáš ; Zweig, Geoffrey (referee) ; Hajič,, Jan (referee) ; Černocký, Jan (advisor)
Statistické jazykové modely jsou důležitou součástí mnoha úspěšných aplikací, mezi něž patří například automatické rozpoznávání řeči a strojový překlad (příkladem je známá aplikace Google Translate). Tradiční techniky pro odhad těchto modelů jsou založeny na tzv. N-gramech. Navzdory známým nedostatkům těchto technik a obrovskému úsilí výzkumných skupin napříč mnoha oblastmi (rozpoznávání řeči, automatický překlad, neuroscience, umělá inteligence, zpracování přirozeného jazyka, komprese dat, psychologie atd.), N-gramy v podstatě zůstaly nejúspěšnější technikou. Cílem této práce je prezentace několika architektur jazykových modelůzaložených na neuronových sítích. Ačkoliv jsou tyto modely výpočetně náročnější než N-gramové modely, s technikami vyvinutými v této práci je možné jejich efektivní použití v reálných aplikacích. Dosažené snížení počtu chyb při rozpoznávání řeči oproti nejlepším N-gramovým modelům dosahuje 20%. Model založený na rekurentní neurovové síti dosahuje nejlepších publikovaných výsledků na velmi známé datové sadě (Penn Treebank).

Analysis and Testing of Concurrent Programs
Letko, Zdeněk ; Lourenco, Joao (referee) ; Sekanina, Lukáš (referee) ; Vojnar, Tomáš (advisor)
V disertační práci je nejprve uvedena taxonomie chyb v souběžném zpracování dat a přehled technik pro jejich dynamickou detekci. Následně jsou navrženy nové metriky pro měření synchronizace a souběžného chování programů společně s metodologií jejich odvozování. Tyto techniky se zejména uplatní v testování využívajícím techniky prohledávání prostoru a v saturačním testování. Práce dále představuje novou heuristiku vkládání šumu, jejímž cílem je maximalizace proložení instrukcí pozorovaných během testování. Tato heuristika je porovnána s již existujícími heuristikami na několika testech. Výsledky ukazují, že nová heuristika překonává ty existující v určitých případech. Nakonec práce představuje inovativní aplikaci stochastických optimalizačních algoritmů v procesu testování vícevláknových aplikací. Principem metody je hledání vhodných kombinací parametrů testů a metod vkládání šumu. Tato metoda byla prototypově implementována a otestována na množině testovacích příkladů. Výsledky ukazují, že metoda má potenciál vyznamně vylepšit testování vícevláknových programů.