National Repository of Grey Literature 8,591 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 1.07 seconds. 

Sustainable tourism development of Vysocina Region
Veselá, Markéta ; Macháček, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Vondráková, Zuzana (referee)
The diploma thesis deals with the topic of sustainable tourism development at the regional level. This phenomenon is elaborated on the example of Vysocina Region. To evaluate sustainability of its development, the potential of this touristic destination is researched regarding various areas, including key products. These are subjected to comparisons with recommendations of significant tourism organization for the purpose of assessing the sustainability of tourism. The diploma thesis also includes a comparison with other Czech regions experience as a touristic destination. Vysocina Region has favourable initial conditions for its sustainable development, especially regarding supply of key products, which include both environmentally friendly goods and cultural attractiveness contributing to the personal development of individuals and promoting intercultural tolerance. The main issue appears to be the spatial imbalance of its development in the region, caused mainly by the concentration of tourist activities to certain areas and low local initiative in the less attractive areas. The diploma thesis proposes a number of solutions, such as utilization of geocaching and products of gastroturism, supporting the foundation of local destination management organisations, promoting cycling tourism and the foundation of highly visited tourist destinations.

Corporate social responsibility of SAP
Vaníková, Zuzana ; Müllerová, Františka (advisor) ; Sitter, Barbora (referee)
The thesis deals with corporate social responsibility. The subject of investigation is the CSR strategy of the chosen company. The theoretical part describes the corporate social responsibility from a historical and a current perspective. Above all, the thesis puts emphasis on the social pillar, namely the activities of the company in relation to its stakeholders, particularly employees and volunteering. Volunteering is an important part of corporate social responsibility. The questionnaire and subsequently its statistical evaluation answers the question whether the students currently studying in two economic universities consider SAP as a responsible company and how they relate to volunteerism.

The legal status of Palestine
Bernasová, Tereza ; Grmelová, Nicole (advisor) ; Kříž, Radim (referee)
The theme of this diploma thesis is the analysis of the legal status of Palestine. The theoretical part of this thesis examines the history of Palestine, the relations between Palestine and Israel, the rejection of United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181 by Arab states, Palestinian membership in international organisations, the Oslo I Accord and the Montevideo criteria for statehood.The thesis also evaluates the final status negotiations between Israel and Palestine and various Palestinian government programs. The second part of the thesis analyses the constraints posed by divided Palestinian territories and the dynamics and interactions between Palestinian populations living in and outside the territory. Furthermore this diploma thesis focuses on the Palestinian public sector; especially on the areas of justice, education, health system and defense. Individual chapters also deal with the economic instability of Palestine and its financial dependence on the other, mostly European, countries. In conclusion, this diploma thesis will give not only a comprehensive legal view of the status of Palestine, but also views on Palestinian governance.

Rozvoj obce Zabrušany a její perspektivy
Škuthan, Vítězslav ; Prášilová, Marie (advisor)
Cílem diplomové práce je definování a zhodnocení možných směrů rozvoje obce Zabrušany s posouzením proveditelnosti a možného financování. Na rozvoj obce bude nahlíženo jak pohledem vedení obce, tak pohledem občanů. Budou analyzovány rozvojové aktivity jak z hlediska zařazení do strategického rozvojového dokumentu obce, tak aktivity mimo něj, potřebné pro zabezpečení řádného chodu obce (infrastruktura, bezpečnost, kultura atd.) Výstupem diplomové práce bude návrh pětiletého plánu rozvoje jednotlivých oblastí obecních zájmů, který bude zpracován realisticky vůči finančním možnostem dané obce a nabízeným možnostem dotačních mechanismů.

Cooperation with incomplete monitoring
Caisl, Jakub ; Bauer, Michal (advisor) ; Červinka, Michal (referee)
We approach the topic of provision of public goods in an experimental economic study using the Public Goods Game setting. We allow subjects to punish each other but vary the structure and amount of information they can base their decisions upon. We try to add to the current literature on reciprocity and study whether people are willing to punish under such incomplete information. Since punishment under uncertain conditions can be quite destructive in terms of welfare, this closely relates to whether people are able to provide public good themselves or whether they need some external assistance. In terms of public policy, this can add to the debate on when should government provide certain services and when it should be left to individuals. In terms of behaviour inside of an enterprise, our study could be well applied to problems that arise when teams work on a common project but some people free-ride on effort of others.

Bank fees in Czech Republic
Burešová, Adéla ; Steininger, Michal (advisor) ; Eva, Eva (referee)
This thesis deals with bank fees in the Czech Republic, which has been a topical issue in recent years. The objective of this thesis is to analyse and compare bank fees in the Czech Republic. It also aims to evaluate selected bank fees in terms of their importance for generating profit for the banks as well as from the clients perspective. The introduction to the theoretical part describes the basic characteristics of the banking system. The thesis then presents bank products and services, bank fees and the bank fee policy. The work includes a survey and analysis of the banking market in term of banking institutions in the years 2007 to 2014. It also includes a financial analysis for the years 2007 to 2015 and an analysis of the banking market from the perspective of the client, which compares selected banking institutions on the basis of charges and selected banking products based on fees. It defines three sample groups for which the most suitable banking products and banking institutions are recommended. In conclusion, the results are formulated together with recommendations for banks and clients. For the client Student came out best a current account UniCredit Bank, U Konto for youngsters. The Active client is also recommended by UniCredit Bank with banking product of U Konto. For target group Pensioner is the most suitable banking institution mBank where the monthly cost is CZK 70. The client can save thousands of CZK per year by making the right choice.

Dmitry Shostakovich: Piano Trio Nr. 2 e-minor, op. 67
Škodová, Judita ; PETRÁŠ, Miroslav (advisor) ; ERICSSON, Mikael (referee)
The master thesis concerns with the Trio for violin, cello and piano Nr. 2 e minor by one of the most significant Russian composers of all times – Dmitry Shostakovich. Presenting a brief biography of the composer, the thesis continues introducing Ivan Ivanovich Sollertinsky, a very interesting personality of the Soviet cultural life and also one of the closest friends and colleagues of Shostakovich, to whom he dedicated his Trio Nr. 2. Following, there is a general introduction of the circumstances that influenced the composer’s life in those days, therefore also his musical language and the final shape of his Trio Nr. 2, including the circumstances of its premiere and also the most significant performers of this piece. The greatest part of the thesis concerns with an overal analysis of all the four movements of the composition from both technical and expressional point of view.

Image analysis in tribodiagnostics
Machalík, Stanislav ; Stodola,, Jiří (referee) ; Tillová,, Eva (referee) ; Zemčík, Pavel (advisor)
Image analysis of wear particles is a suitable support tool for detail analysis of engine, gear, hydraulic and industrial oils. It allows to obtain information not only of basic parameters of abrasion particles but also data that would be very difficult to obtain using classical ways of evaluation. Based on the analysis of morphological or image characteristics of particles, the progress of wearing the machine parts out can be followed and, as a result, possible breakdown of the engine can be prevented or the optimum period for changing the oil can be determined. The aim of this paper is to explore the possibilities of using the image analysis combined with the method of analytical ferrography and suggest a tool for automated particle classification. Current methods of wear particle analysis are derived from the evaluation that does not offer an exact idea of processes that take place between the friction surfaces in the engine system. The work is based upon the method of analytical ferrography which allows to evaluate the state of the machine. The benefit of use of classifiers defined in this wirk is the possibility of automated evaluation of analytical ferrography outputs; the use of them eliminates the crucial disadvantage of ferrographical analysis which is its dependence on the subjective evaluation done by the expert who performs the analysis. Classifiers are defined as a result of using the methods of machine learning. Based on an extensive database of particles that was created in the first part of the work, the classifiers were trained as a result, they make the evaluation of ferrographically separated abrasion particles from oils taken from lubricated systems possible. In the next stage, experiments were carried out and optimum classifier settings were determined based on the results of the experiments.