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The parliamentary elections in 1925
DĚDOVÁ, Miroslava
This thesis deals with the Czechoslovak parliamentary elections in 1925. This is the second elections in the newly created republic. This work is structured into particular chapters. The first chapter is Introduction that informs about the aim of this work and its overall structure. The next chapter is called The Situation in Czechoslovakia before the parliamentary elections in 1925, in individual subchapters is analysed the establishment of the Czechoslovak Republic, the analysis of the first parliamentary elections in 1920, followed by a description of the situation before the second parliamentary elections and the governments summary till 1925. In the third chapter, The parliamentary elections in 1925, are separately analysed the parliamentary elections in 1925. The penultimate chapter, Czechoslovakia after the elections in 1925, describes the atmosphere of that period after the elections. The last chapter is Conclusion.

The consequences of the monetary reforms in Czechoslovakia in 1953
Martincová, Petra ; Chalupecký, Petr (advisor) ; Szobi, Pavel (referee)
The thesis focuses on monetary reform in Czechoslovakia in 1953. It concentrates especially on the impact of monetary reform on the population. Based on the hypothesis that the economic situation of the state and of the population has not improved as the monetary reform planned. The thesis describes postwar period of Czechoslovakia for a better evaulating and understanding of the monetary reform. The conclusion of the thesis is that monetary reform didn´t increase economic growth and damaged greatly all social strata of the population. The way how the monetary reform was proclaimed caused loosing population´s confidence in the government and in the currency.

Economic policy of National front government
Bočák, Jakub ; Szobi, Pavel (advisor) ; Chalupecký, Petr (referee)
The bachelor thesis is focused on economic policy of Czechoslovakia after 1946 up to the rejection of participation in the Marshall plan. Its hypothesis is that development of economic policy was inevitably headed for the transition to a centrally planned economy. At first it focuses on formation of National Front of Czechs and Slovaks which meant a considerable restriction of democracy. After parliamentary elections in 1946 thesis focuses on description of two-year economic plan which was an important instrument of economic policy of the National Front. The last part of thesis describes the circumstances of refusing to participate in the Marshall Plan. The main conclusion of the thesis is that due to political situation was possible other development but transition to centrally planned economy.

Economy of Chile in 1960s and 1970s with Accent on Market Reforms after 1973
Strejčková, Klára ; Pekárek, Štěpán (advisor) ; Ševčík, Miroslav (referee)
This bachelor thesis puts the stress on the analysis of economic reforms approved in Chile in the 60's and 70's years of the 20th century. The focus of this work is profoundly dedicated to the analysis of two important macroeconomic indicators: developments of inflation and trade exports, bearing in mind the context of the coup in 1973 which is seen as a direct consequence of the communist rule of the Salvador Allende's Cabinet (1970-1973). The Allende's Cabinet strove to transform the Chilean economic society into a socialist one. The bachelor thesis has validated a hypothesis stating that the pro-market reforms approved after 1973 led to diversification of the Chilean export as well as a gradual and progressive stabilization of the country's inflation that had reached as 350 % during the socialist Allende's government. This work brings a comparison of two very different economic doctrines that formed Chile in the 70's of the last century. There is being compared a socialist government approach, having focused on nationalizing of the private sector, to the liberal government's approach aimed at decreasing the public sector, privatization as well as tearing down international trade barriers.

Discussion on US sanctions against Cuba at the U.N. General Assembly
Šplíchalová, Eva ; Trávníčková, Zuzana (advisor) ; Machoň, Miloslav (referee)
The United States imposed the longest lasting sanction regime on Cuba in 1960 as a result of strained relations in recent years. Each US administration modified form of the sanctions regime, depending on the attitude toward the Cuban issue. General Assembly, the highest authority of the UN, adopts not legally binding but politically significant resolutions. Resolution condemning US sanctions regime has been adopted annually since 1992. Discussion on changes of the sanction regime in the General Assembly is a sign of reflection on current events and unrigid process of resolutions adoption. The main purpose is to determine whether the changes of the sanction regime were mentioned in the discussions on the adoption of the resolutions. The result of the analysis shows the reflection of the events in the speeches of ambassadors. The amount of mentioned events in speeches depends whether they were positive or negative step toward easing the embargo, and also how important the event was.

The Marmaggi affair as a crystallization point of conflict between Rome and the Czechoslovak government in church-political contexts
Šebek, Jaroslav
This study analyses the role of tradition of Jan Hus and the Hussite movement in interwar Czechoslovakia and especially the conflict Czechoslovak government with Holy See, which related to Hus celebrations in 1925.

The Liberation of Pilsen 1945 in Photography
Křenová, Tereza ; SILVERIO, Robert (advisor) ; JANOŠČÍK, Václav (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with liberation of Pilsen in May 1945 by american army in photography. The aim of this thesis is finding and collecting archival materials and placing them in a historical-political context. Communist regime changed the portrayal of historical events and directly influenced the amount of exisiting photographs, documents and lives of those who created them. Important part of this bachelor thesis is working with those archival materials – particularly with photographs capturing arrival of Americans and their stay in Czechoslovakia at the end of WW2. Both professional and amateur photographers created valuable photographs as they witnessed the liberation of Pilsen. These photographs became in spite of communist propaganda a clear evidence that Pilsen was liberated by american army.

Výkonnost ekonomiky a trh práce v ČR
Český statistický úřad
Hodinová produktivita práce v České republice v dlouhodobém horizontu rostla. Jedna odpracovaná hodina v roce 2013 znamenala vytvořenou hodnotu, která byla v reálném vyjádření o téměř dvě třetiny vyšší než v roce 1995. Byla ale také skoro srovnatelná s hodnotou z roku 2008. V letech 2009-2013 totiž produktivita práce v Česku jen stagnovala.
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Dance as a means of integration adults with intellectual disability
The goal of the bachelor thesis called Dance as a means of integration adults with intellectual disability was to create, implement and evaluate a dance course focused on the development of social competences in adults with intellectual disability. The thesis deals with adults with intellectual disability and with a leisure activity focused on dancing. There is some space for the development of social competences in adults´ leisure time. In response to the current situation of leisure activities proposition for adults with intellectual disability. I found it beneficial to found a dance group of adults with intellectual disability, and at the same time a group of individuals intact in places unfamiliar to them. Based on an activity which may be implemented amusingly it is possible to develop an individual´s personality as well as his or her social competences, which become a presumption of a successful integration, universally. The bachelor thesis consists of four chapters.The first chapter defines the term ´intellectual disability´. Further on the attention is paid to the characteristics of the target group, i.e. adults suffering from a slight and medium mental retardation. Further on, the disability´s impact onto the human psyche as well as social area is described. In the second chapter the term ´dance´is defined and then the description of its usefulness within the leisure, artistic and therapeutic areas is given. In the third chapter the presumptions for a successful integration are described. In the conclusion of the theoretical part there is an interconnection made between the target group and the activity for developing social competences. The theoretical part of the bachelor thesis is continued with a practical part, the fourth chapter. It is a programme of a six-month course which I have set together based on the analysis of expert literature and my experience gained during the leadership of dance lessons and working with adults with intellectual disability. The programme will include work methods and an evaluation of partial activities. The six-month course was held in the school year of 2015/2016 and 6 intellectually disabled adults took part in it. Students of the University of South Bohemia joined the course. Partial goals were set for individual dance lessons and the activities were set so that they would develop social competences in participants non-violently and in the greatest extent possible. The course was implemented in the IN Civic Association facilities. To evaluate the activity and find out the progress within the area of the participants´ social competences, several development fields have been set. Several chosen social competences were divided into evaluation scales. The participants were evaluated at the beginning of the course and then again, six months later. The evaluation method chosen was my own observation. I focused on the evaluation of my own working, on group evaluation and the evaluation of each individual. Evaluation was also done on the part of each course participant, too. Dance lessons and activities connected have proven to be a suitable means for developing social competences in intellectually disabled adults. In five participants the values have risen in 5 10 out of 17 competences observed. A recourse occured in a participant who was going through a difficult life situation during the last two months of the course. Values have risen dramatically and in all participants in the area of group cooperation. Five participants made a progress in establishing and keeping eye contact and in starting a conversation. One participant has made a progress in the area of group performance, another one has made a progress in the area of independence and another one started to call the other participants by their names, as opposed to the beginning of the course. In general, the members of the group became more self-confident.

How to prevent the proliferation of Legionella pneumophylis in hot water in the hospital Czech Krumlov
This diploma thesis deals with microbiological quality of hot water in a hospital in Cesky Krumlov as well as hot water piping condition with respect to Legionella. It also deals with arrangements for improving the quality of hot water in this hospital. The subject and target of this thesis are the findings of the mentioned parameters based on own observations, technical documentation and analysis of warm water performed by an accredited laboratory. The hospital in Cesky Krumlov, the construction of which began in 1909, was built in 1911 as the 'Nemocnice Císaře Františka Josefa I.' As the time went by, new buildings were built up. The hospital was renamed to 'Všeobecná veřejná nemocnice' in 1942. In the following years the hospital expanded until the current condition. Water quality and presence of Legionella is a world-wide issue, which we must fight against. The thesis is divided into two parts. First, theoretical part, which includes both general and specific knowledge about Legionella, its health risks, the environment in which it occurs, possibilities of eliminating, suitability of the material for hot water pipes, gained in professional literature and a part of the Czech legislation dealing with public health protection, the law 'No. 258/2004 Coll.' in actual version and quality of drinking water and hot water. In the second, empirical part, I focus on the situation of the hospital in Cesky Krumlov from 2009 till 2015, concerning newly built boiler room and the whole distribution system of hot water regarding Legionella. Particularly I focused on materials used for ecologisation of the gas boiler room and materials used for hot water pipes and actual state of water distribution in individual buildings of this health care facility. I mentioned the analysis of the water samples performed by an accredited laboratory with corresponding technical documentation, which concerns the water distribution system, provided by the medical facility. I used secondary data analysis to evaluate these documents. Regarding the results from 2009 to 2015 the microbiological quality of warm water doesn't meet the limits defined in the Attachment No. 3 of the above mentioned law Order 252/2004 Coll. Limit value for colony forming units of Legionella is set to maximum of 100 CFU. In most of the samples this limit was exceeded by series of units up to hundred thousands of units. The last results in 2015 prove improvement of the unfavorable situation. In that year the analysis was tested three times. First in February, where the CFU units were 'only' in hundreds, with the top value of 550 CFU in the Postacute Care ward. Second analysis was performed in June that same year. Results were acceptable. The highest value was 64 CFU. Last analysis in the hospital was performed in December. Increased concentration of Legionella was again in the Surgery building. There were established of 1400 colony forming units. There were 300 CFU in the Postacute Care ward and the limit value of 100 CFU was in the ward of Internal medicine. The answers to research questions 'How to prevent reproduction of Legionella peumophylis in the water distribution system of the hospital in Cesky Krumlov?' and 'How to ensure a sufficient amount of quality hot water in the medical facility?' are included at the end of the stated recommendations. A risk factor causing the fast reproduction of Legionella is the old water distribution system in most of the buildings and low water temperature of water leaving the boiler, which is 55°C. All mentioned results and evaluations are included in this thesis as well as attached pictures, which show the environment and situation within the Health Care Institutions.