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COUNTRY REPORT. Social Sciences and Humanities in the Czech Republic. 2012 Report
Kostelecký, Tomáš ; Patočková, Věra
The general overview of the SSH system in the Czech Republic in 2012 is given, and then the attention is focused on Policy Setting System, Funding System and Performing System all concerning situation in 2012. The report was prepared within framework of Metris, which is a project launched by the European Commission, DG-Research, Directorate L, "Science, Economy and Society" in order to provide an overview of these fields in Europe. The report followed the Metris prescribed structure.

Tertiary education in The Czech Republic and The system of its financing
Černá, Galina ; Severová, Lucie (advisor)
The diploma thesis deals with description and analysis of the system of financing of two public universities in the Czech Republic. At first it focuses on the importance and conception of education and on classification of public universities within the educational system.In the next section it describes the system of financing of universities in the Czech Republic and in selected universities demonstrates the ways of their financing using comparative analysis. The final section deals with presentation and evaluation of changes in laws for tertiary education which are being prepared and subsequently it applies the acquired findings and proposes possible changes in the system of financing of University of Pardubice and University of Hradec Kralove.

The analysis of the system of tertiary education in the Czech republic focused on prepared university reform from 2006 to 2015
Poupová, Jana ; Procházka, Pavel (advisor) ; Lukášová, Tereza (referee)
This bachelor thesis analyses the system of tertiary education in the Czech Republic, especially the way of funding of this system and the reform of the system of funding, implementation of tuition-fees on public universities. This topic had been actual until year 2015 and it is highly probable that it becomes more actual in following years again. In the teoretical part of the thesis, there are described in details the system of tertiary education in the Czech republic, the process and main points off the reform of tertiary education and there is also briefly described the system of tertiary education in Great Britain. The practical part of the thesis verifies by questionnaire survey the possibility of implementation of tuition-fees on universities and examines the impatcs of this implementation. In case of implementation of tuition-fees, as it was planned according to the reform of tertiary education, the number of university students would decrease by 47,3 %. In conclusion, some possible reccomendations are designed, which are suitable in case of implementation of tuition-fees.

Finding employment of Czech people at the German labour market
Merkerová, Zdeňka ; Král, Petr (advisor) ; Vokáč, Matěj (referee)
The present diploma thesis Finding employment of Czech people at the German labour market consists of two parts. The first deals with free movement of labour in the EU, working migration and approving of professional qualification. The second analyses the possibilities and conditions of enforcing of Czech people to the German labour market before and after 1. 5. 2011. It focuses on statistics of Czech people working in Germany, analyses the barriers restraining Czech people from enforcing to the German labour market and its consequences for both countries.

Woman education after surgery for malignant of female geniatale
The theme of my bachelor´s thesis is Education of women after surgery for malignant disease of the genitals. In the thesis I write about care and selfcare of women after gynecological surgery. I find out in whitch part of selfcare are women educated. The thesis is divided into chapters to clarify all technical terms. The first chapter is about anatomy of female genitals and examinig methods in gynecology. In the next chapter I write about classification of malignant disease of female genitals, I describe their specifics, manifestations, examinig methods and possible treatment. Some of gynecological malignant disease are operable, so I describe surgical approaches too. Further are described oncology centers, thein equipment and how many are there in the Czech republic. The next chapter is about a role of midwife in care of women after surgery for malignant disease of the genitals, and of course a psychological approach with oncology patients, becouse oncology disease is a very dificult life situation. And it is midwife´s mission to help these women. All of midwifes should know this psychological approach. The last chapter is about nursing, nursing process in care of oncological patients and about education. I describe an education about care of surgical wound and protect of infection, diet and emptying, pain and its relief, movement and sexual life after a surgery. The objectiv of my thesis was to find out chat women knouw about selfcare, if they understand the informations. I used qualitative method structured interview, in the research part of thesis. The interview I did with 8 patients of gynekology department in a Hospital České Budějovice a.s. the structured interview have 13 questions. The patients are different ages, have different level of education and different surgery approaches. I set 3 research questions: Want the women to know more information about their health condition? Are the informations of midwifes undestandable or very professional? Observe the women recommendations of midwifes? Eight interviews show that the rate of the submitted informations is sufficient, women know how to take care of yourself. And they know, if they need anything can ask a midwife. On the second did not answer all women equally. Two of the women said, they did not understand all of the midwifes said. They wanted less technical terms. Six of the women understood all. The third question answered all women equally. They observed the recommendations of midwifes. The research shows women are satisfied with nursing care after surgery. The level of informations is enough to care of yourself. They are satisfied with midwifes´care on the gynaecological department. All af women are educated about specifics of their type of surgery, care of surgery wound, hygiene, protect of infection, diet, emptying, sexual life after release from hospital. I think this tehsis can be used as an educational material for midwifes or students of midwife.

Ethics of Auditors, Tax Advisers and Accountants
Jakoubková, Veronika ; Králíček, Vladimír (advisor) ; Roubíčková, Jaroslava (referee)
The thesis deals with the ethics of auditors, tax advisers and accountants. It focuses on the basic characteristics of these professions and especially their codes of ethics - Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants, Code of Ethics of the Chamber of Tax Advisers of the Czech Republic and the Code of Ethics of the Chamber of Ceritified Accountants. It also includes a comparison of these ethical codes. Finally, the results of the survey on the topic "Ethics and ethical codes of selected professions" are analyzed.

Achievement motivation in synchronized swimming training
Kopecká, Kateřina ; Jurák, Daniel (advisor) ; Peslová, Eva (referee)
Název práce: Výkonová motivace v tréninku synchronizovaného plavání Cíle práce: Cílem diplomové práce je pomocí dotazníkové metody zjistit, jakým způsobem trenéři synchronizovaného plavání motivují své svěřence v tréninku a v průběhu soutěží. Na základě získaných informací vytvoříme doporučení, které bude trenérům v praxi nápomocno v řešení problematiky motivace v tréninkovém procesu. Metoda: Experiment bude prováděn metodou kvalitativního dotazníku sestaveného pro trenéry synchronizovaného plavání na území ČR. Klíčová slova: synchronizované plavání, sportovní výkon, psychologická příprava, motivace, výkonová motivace, prostředky regulace, trenér Abstrakt Title: The Achievement Motivation in Synchronized Swimming Training The Aim of The Thesis: The aim of the thesis is to find out how the coaches of synchronized swimming motivate their athletes during training and competitions. We will create recommendation for coaches based on recieved information. This suggestions will be helpfull in solving the problems of motivation in training. Method: Experiment will be provided by using qualitative questionnaires established for synchronized swimming coaches in the Czech Republic. Key Words: synchronized swimming, sports achievement, psychological preparation, motivation, achievement motivation, means of...

Transfer of the Czech population from SS training area Benešov and its social impacts (1942-1945)
Zouzal, Tomáš ; Kubů, Eduard (advisor) ; Lacina, Vlastislav (referee)
The theme of the work is the transfer of population caused by the establishment of the Waffen SS training area between Benešov and Sedlčany (SS-Truppenübungsplatz "Böhmen"). The central part of the text is a comprehensive conception of the transfer, the emphasis is put on the perception of events from different perspectives. Documents of Protectorate authorities are confronted with local elites memoirs, chronicles and memories of inhabitants. There are captured the process of displacement, work of the Resettlement office, finding a new existence, the expropriation of property, departure of the inhabitants and their subsequent fates. Text is complemented with historical photos, documents relating to the displacement, a map of the occupied territory and graphs approaching professional composition of the population, provision of a new existence and dispersion into the Protectorate districts. Changes of a paradigm of society during the war and after the war and the impact of these changes on post-war historiographical construction are outlined marginally.

The Public Attitude towards Preventive Oncology Examinations
The Public Attitude towards Preventive Oncology Examinations The object of this paper is to find out how laic and health professional public uses the potential of preventive oncology examinations and to uncover the barriers in use of these programs from the point of view of the laic and professional public. The public attitude towards preventive oncology examinations is more important these days as the incidence of oncology diseases is growing. Prevention is considered the principal in modern medicine, also from an economic point of view. The attitude of society towards its health is one of problematic public health areas, the attitude of self-responsibility and the underestimated meaning of primary prevention. Moreover, there is a psychological problem related to oncological diseases: the fear of positive findings and the fear of the disease itself which is traditionally connected with incurability, cruel pain and inevitable death. This notion is no longer true. A dictatorial doctor{\crq}s approach to patients in the past has been replaced with cooperative and more equal relation, where the patient takes part in decision making. However, doctors are too busy to find the proper way and proper extent of informing the patient or these doctors often underestimate the importance of a good way of giving this kind of information. This thesis presents current preventive care offered in the Czech Republic and it shows the negative bias towards cancer which is a stumbling block to a more successful fight against oncology diseases. This research was undertaken amongst laic and health public. Quantitative data collection was used in the form of questionnaires. The research file is made up of men and women over 18 years, with or without health occupation. The hypothesis was not proven that laic public use preventive oncology examinations more than health public. The laics use these programs less mostly due to lack of awareness about them. One of the most common obstacles in using preventive programs is the misunderstanding of prevention itself, when people contact a doctor only when they have problems. The results have also shown that laics are not satisfied with the activity of doctors in informing them and that laic public search for information is done less actively. This thesis can be used as a foundation for further discussion about problems of informing the public about preventive programs and for future education of health personnel within oncology matters.

Conditional preparation of members of the Police of the Czech Republic
Agh, Karel ; Přívětivý, Lubomír (advisor) ; Konrád, Antonín (referee)
Résumé Name of the Project: Conditional preparation of members of the Police of the Czech Republic The aim of the Project: The aim of this Project is to resume and to evaluate contemporary situation of conditional preparation and its testing applied to the members of the Police of the Czech Republic in the selected districts of the Central Bohemian Region. Methods: I have received information necessary for completion of my diploma work from research of available literature, law and other sources that deal with the given problem. I have analysed documents and evaluated obtained data (results of revisions) to confirm or rebut the specified hypothesis. Furthermore, I have questioned anonymously policemen in the selected districts of the Central Bohemian Region. Afterwards, I have evaluated the questionnaires and have resumed obtained data for final interpretation and final comparison and evaluation. Results: Discovered knowledge presents overall state and testing of conditional preparation and introduces opinions and attitudes of policemen towards conditional preparation. Key words: conditional preparation, physical fitness, movement abilities, motoric tests, lawful rules.