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Analysis of Reporting in Business and its Technological Coverage by Microsoft BI
Lučan, Martin ; Pour, Jan (advisor) ; Pavlíčková, Jarmila (referee)
This master thesis deals with an analysis of reporting in business and its technological coverage by Microsoft Business Intelligence portfolio. The main objective of this work is to analyze the individual organization's requirements on reporting and coverage options. This work can serve as a tool for implementation of reporting in a company or for increasing the efficiency of reporting. The first part is theoretical. It deals with Business Intelligence as an environment for reporting. It also defines the basic concepts. The next part covers the area of reporting. This section provides an insight into the history, definition of outcomes and detailed classification of reporting from different perspectives. Furthermore, the definition of users reporting and the reporting standards in companies is also covered. At the end of this chapter, there is the definition of the benefits of reporting for companies. The main part of this master thesis is an analysis of the requirements for reporting in companies. The chapter defines five key perspectives which are described in a greater detail. The methods how companies should methodically approach these requirements are also discussed. The chapter further looks at the requirements for a concrete report. An output of this chapter is an effective template for gathering requirements for a specific report. The last chapter focuses on reporting portfolio analysis of Microsoft and defines the concept of Microsoft. It provides detailed information about reporting products that Microsoft offers. An analyses and a mapping of the individual characteristics of the products and the requirements is defined in this thesis.

Partial Report IV / 2016 - Rating of the deformation stress monitoring the state of the rock mass during mining coal seam 30 (634) within the trial operation of mining method corridor - a pillar in OPJ ČSM - NORTH
Waclawik, Petr ; Ptáček, Jiří ; Kukutsch, Radovan ; Kajzar, Vlastimil ; Koníček, Petr ; Souček, Kamil ; Staš, Lubomír
Monitoring of the deformation stress state of the rock mass is a prerequisite for the verification of unapproved new mining methods hall-pillar and its further application in the Czech part of the Upper Silesian coal basin. This mining method is designed on the basis of experiences and practices that are verified in different natural conditions and depths below the surface and is therefore essential for the verification of conditions for the Czech part of the Upper Silesian Basin based on geotechnical monitoring. The present report is prepared on the basis of a contract no. 942/50/10, where the Institute of Geonics, v.v agrees to make periodic evaluation of monitoring data napěťodeformačního state of the rock mass. In accordance with the aforementioned agreement, the message is processed in the six-month period and continues in the interim report III / 2015 (Waclawik et al. 2015) passed buyers in April this year. Interim results of the geotechnical monitoring, such as the experience gained during the first conquest dobývky V show specifics of natural conditions in trial operation unapproved new mining methods hall-pillar.
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Plný tet: UGN_0464907 - Download fulltextPDF

Survey report on the condition assessment of the Church of the Holy Spirit truss in Telč
Kloiber, Michal ; Bláha, Jiří ; Hrivnák, Jaroslav ; Buzek, Jaroslav ; Kunecký, Jiří ; Hasníková, Hana
The survey described in this report contains the condition assessment of the truss of the Church of Holy Spirit in Telč. The stimulus for the survey report was an order from the parochial congregation ČCE in Telč. The order included a request to assess the condition and identify the extent of wood-decaying damage to the truss of the Church of the Holy Spirit in Telč, focusing on the location of the critical spots, the classification of the damage degree, the determination of the extent of hidden damage using non-destructive devices, and the specification of the wood damage cause, including drawing of the results in the documentation on the current truss condition. Based on the results, specific procedures of repair measures were proposed and the elements proposed for the reconstruction were sketched in the documentation.

Pig (Sus scrofa domestica) as a laboratory animal and its use in experiments
Šlajerová, Markéta ; Masopustová, Renata (advisor) ; Jan, Jan (referee)
The thesis on the topic of the use of laboratory swine in biomedical research is focused on the detailed description of phylogeny and domestication of the species Sus scrofa and the origin of its domesticated form Sus scrofa domestica, a laboratory breeding, nutrition, requirements for space and the animal health conditions. Physiological and anatomical similarities pig with the human organism offers a wide range of the applications in various sectors of the medical research. Pigs, or rather the mini pig breeds are part of the preclinical testing of drugs in toxicology. In dermatology tend to be an experimental model in the healing wounds and burns, or the study of melanoma. Cardiovascular system of pigs is used in connection with the formation of atherosclerosis and congenital heart defects. The omnivorousness of pigs to test of dietary supplements; is also monitored in experimental diabetes, gastric ulcer or cirrhosis of the liver. Just the liver and their ability to regenerate them is in the laboratory pigs the focus of many research groups around the world. The central nervous system offers the opportunity to study stroke, or spinal cord injury. In transgenic animals is studied Huntington's disease and its treatment in humans. Titanium implants and various types of biomaterials are injected into the skeletal system of a pig, then reactions and bone healing are examined. In the area of experimental xenotransplantation could in the future be strains of genetically modified pigs become a source of organs for humans. While unresolved problem is the HAR-Hyperacute Rejection so rejection of the implant, and the risk of transmission of certain diseases from pigs to humans. Payoff experimental pigs is of undoubted importance and need this potential wisely and purposefully use, without wasting experimental animals and unnecessary pain. Emphasis should be placed on adherence to regulatory compliance and the concept of 3R. Actual laboratory pigs breeding is at a high standard. Unfortunately, his major weakness on global scale is incomplete reported data related to exact values used pigs in experiments. In the Czech Republic was the most laboratory pigs used in 1994 exactly 6882 pieces, in 1998 has been used 7122 pieces, higher number of laboratory swine was also reported for the year 2009, namely 4445 pieces. In recent years, the numbers of used laboratory pigs in the Czech Republic have settled around an average value of 2,400 pieces. Using the Mann-Whitney U test were compared to the values used in the laboratory pigs Czech Republic and the European Union, on a per capita basis. From the resulting value of p = 0.486, bigger than alpha = 0.05 it follows, that was not proved a difference in the use of experimental pigs between the Czech Republic and the other member states of the European Union. On the basis of the carried out statistical survey, it can be concluded that the fluctuations and trends in the use of laboratory pigs in the Czech Republic do not replicate those european. The established hypothesis was confirmed.

Bayesian Methods for Optimization of Radiation Monitoring Networks
Šmídl, Václav ; Hofman, Radek
Release of radioactive material into the atmosphere is the last possible resort of any accident in a nuclear power plant. It is an extremely rare event, however with severe consequences for potentially many people living in proximity of the power plant. Awareness of radiation security has been increased after the Chernobyl accident, and almost every country is now equipped with monitoring network of on-line connected receptors continually measuring radiation levels. Initial configurations of the network were designed by experts using their experience.In this report, we are concerned with local scale modeling of less severe accident in the range of tens of kilometers from the nuclear power plant. Both the stationary and mobile groups will be discussed. The preferred model of uncertainty is the empirical density which will be assimilated with measurements using the sequential Monte Carlo methodology. We will discuss influence of various loss functions.

Obchodní a politické vztahy mezi Českou republikou a zeměmi Latinské Ameriky
Rýcová, Zuzana ; Urban, Traian (advisor) ; Kadeřábková, Jaroslava (referee)
Main objective of the thesis is to evaluate trade and political relations between the Czech Republic and selected countries in Latin America (selected countries will be those with strongest ties to the Czech Republic). Hypothesis: Trade and political relations between Czech Republic and Latin American Countries are well developing in the course of the time. Latin-American region provides a great potential for future cooperation. Emphasis will be targeted on the assessment of business conditions (including bilateral agreements on mutual trade), further on the most important export commodities and investment opportunities. At the same time, the work will attempt to estimate the level of potential of Latin American territory and further direction of mutual relationships. The research will contain a questionnaire for Czech entrepreneurs operating in Latin America and a thorough analysis of mutual trade will be given. Unfortunately, this subject is not documented with a large number of printed books, therefore, the key source of information will be databases and statistical information published by state institutions (Chamber of Deputies, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Industry and Trade, etc.). Bibliography: [1] AGUIAR DE MEDEIROS, C. (2011): The Political Economy of Institutional Change and Economic Development in Latin American Economies. Journal of Economic Issues, Vol. XLV, No. 2 (June 2011), DOI: 10.2753/JEI0021-3624450205, pg. 289 - 299 [2] Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic: Report on Relationships between the Czech Republic and Latin American Countries and the Role of the Chamber of Deputies in this Process (2010). [3] CHRISTIAN, S. (1997): Latin American Trade Relations. Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, Vol. 39, No. 1, Special Issue: US-Latin American Relations (Spring, 1997), pp. 71 - 83 [4] GÓMEZ-MERA, L. -- BARRETT, B. (2012): The Political Economic of Preferential Trade Agreements: Latin America and Beyond. DOI: 10.1111/j.1548-2456.2012.00147.x. Available at: /The_Political_Economy_of_Preferential_Trade_Agreements_Latin_America_and_Beyond [5] GRINBERG, N. (2010): Where Is Latin American Going? FTAA or "Twenty-first-Century Socialism"?. Latin American Perspective 2010. DOI: 10.1177/0094582X09351713, pg. 185 - 202 [6] SHADLEN, K.C. (2006): Latin American Trade and Development in the New International Economy. Latin American Research Review, Vol. 41, No.3 (2006), pg. 210 - 267

The Corporate social responsibility in strategic planning
PÁVKOVÁ, Markéta
The thesis titled Corporate and social responsibility is deals with the analysis of social responsibility in the selected company. Analyzed company is the concern E. ON Czech Holding AG. The group E. ON AG is one of the leading energy companies in the world. Business activity is the sale of electricity, the manufacture, distribution and sale of natural gas. Aim of this work is the analysis of the social and corporate responsibility in activities of the energy concern E.ON Czech Holding AG, including the creation of codes of ethics and suggestions for improving the management of this area. Current status was evaluated on interviews with workers, there was used the sample questionnaire of the European Commission to obtain information about the social responsibility in group E. ON. It was also used analysis of internal documents, the annual report and the E.ON Sustainability Report. To obtain information about the Code of Ethics was used a questionnaire survey. In the group E. ON was found some shortcomings mainly in the processing of the information provided in the Annual Report and E.ON Sustainability Report , as well as in the Code of Ethics, which is an internal document and staff disagrees with it in some certain areas .

Ethics of auditors in practice
In my thesis I evaluated and assessed the activities of auditors in relation to the ethics of behavior in terms of legislation of the Czech Republic. I focused on the published cases of misconduct of auditors and the subsequent punitive sanctions. Ethical behavior is the basis for the auditor's professionalism. In connection with the accounting scandals and falsification of accounting and audit reports, the public began to discuss - among other things - auditors' liability for fraud detection leading to distorted accounts of the entities and the principles of ethical behavior started to get into the spotlight of auditors?, which was later enshrined in legal and professional standards including Code of Ethics of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). Expectations of many users of financial statements from the auditor's report are too high and usually go up beyond what the auditor can actually verify and confirm. However, it must be acknowledged that not all auditors are sufficiently aware of their responsibilities in relation to the distortion of financial statements due to fraud or misconduct, and adequately adapt their audit procedures due to them. Certainly worth mentioning is the most visible impact of accounting scandals in the accounting and auditing profession - the fall of Arthur Andersen, one of the former "Big Five" auditing firms. Accounting profession has responded by developing and tightening ethical standards with an emphasis on the conduct of professional accountants in the public interest, not only in the interests of individual clients or employers. The role of audit in society is irreplaceable. Quality of the audits undertaken, however, ultimately depends on the auditor's discipline and education, the control of the Council Chamber and also public oversight of auditing, as well as pressure of the users of financial statements and of the representatives on the appropriateness and quality of outputs. Ethics in the auditor's work and its compliance in life are the things that determine auditor?s reputation.

Assessment of the financial situation of a concrete company through methods of financial analysis
This thesis evaluates the financial performance of selected firm during the period of ten years. For the purpose of this thesis were used known methods and tools of financial analysis. The source of the financial analysis were the data from the annual reports of the company. Based on the results obtained was reviewed the company's financial situation and were suggested measures that could lead to the improvement of its economic and financial situation.