National Repository of Grey Literature 27,559 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 2.45 seconds. 

Usage of freeware software for sound processing
PLCH, Jiří
The goal of my bachelor thesis is to introduce some of the programs for sound processing. It's mainly about user analysis of said programs and introduction of their functions and ways of working with them. The work also deals with techniques of work with sound in general, which are analysed in-depth so even ordinary user can understand it. The work of course also deals with introduction of hardware necessary to work with sound and it also contains a presentation of theory of oscillation, wave motion and perception of sound.

Usage of unstructured data in Business Intelligence
Rakhmanova, Malika ; Šperková, Lucie (advisor) ; Karkošková, Soňa (referee)
The aim of the thesis is to identify the main trends that are occurring in the market of Business Intelligence and related to unstructured data, to describe the possibilities for integrating unstructured data, to clarify what the impact on the company have the results that can be obtained using these solutions and how generally incorporate an analysis of unstructured data into BI. Another aim is to show the current situation of processing unstructured data on the example of BI system. The thesis is divided into several parts. First part is describing of the Business Intelligence area and the basic components of Business Intelligence, as well as identifying market trends. Then, there is the next part: separating the data into structured and unstructured. Here is the part about how you can access and analyse unstructured data and what is their place in BI systems. This is the end of a block of unstructured data and the beginning of a description of the enhanced version of BI. Finally, the current market situation and BI tools, which include unstructured data, are introduced. This section provides an overview of how BI tools approach to analyse unstructured data. Existed literature, professional and freely available Internet resources are used for writing the work. The purpose is to serve as a source of information for quickly orienting in the current situation, to serve as a guide to the world of BI solutions and to show potential users what are the options and functionality of these BI solutions.

Business plan for an e-shop with babywearing products in Denmark
Hummelgren, Daniela ; Müllerová, Jana (advisor) ; Svobodová, Ivana (referee)
This bachelor thesis focuses on creating a business plan for an e-shop with babywearing products in Denmark. The theoretical part describes the specifics of running a business in Denmark, the motivation for starting a business, the specifics of an e-shop and the overall structure of the business plan. The practical part deals with a business plan for a particular e-shop. This business plan can serve as an inspiration for other entrepreneurs who try to fill in a gap in the market and create an e-shop. The important phenomenons connected to e-commerce such as internet marketing and legislation are taken in consideration.

Alban Berg: Wozzek A complex scenographic project
Ermakova, Olga ; ZÁBRODSKÁ, Dana (advisor) ; DAVID, Milan (referee)
The topic of my bachelor thesis is to process a complex scenographic project to the opera Woyzeck. At the beginning, the work presents the biography of the playwright Georg Büchner and the biography of the composer Alban Berg. It is followed by a plot summary and an analysis of alternative adaptations of Woyzeck. In the final part of my thesis I present a concept to my theoretical part of my bachelor project. One part of my concept is a section with drawings of the stage and costumes. In the appendix there are photos of costumes in the real enviroment.

Zalužanský Brook Restoration Project
Lašek, Jakub ; Kalibová, Jana (advisor)
This thesis contains restoration project of chosen section of Zalužansky brook in Ústecký kraj. Project is processed at the level of documentation for territorial management according to decree no. 499/2006, of buildings documentation. Theoretical part captures professional literature research dedicated to restorations, spatial planning and buildings documentation. Analytic segment closely defines and characterise location of interest at first, although major part consists of designed restoration measures following requirements for creating a building documentation by mentioned decree. Benefit from this thesis is it's possible usage as a background material for documentation created by authorised engineer for water management and landscape planning.

Enhancing qualification of employees and their motivation to improve working activities in business
Sokolová, Kristýna ; Tomšíková, Kateřina (advisor) ; Jana, Jana (referee)
The name of this Bachelor´s Thesis is Enhancing qualification of employees and their motivation to augment the effect of work results in business. Its theoretical part defines terms such as human resources, education in business, qualification, competence and motivation all of which were processes along with usage of professional literature. The content of practical part concerns both the innate questionaire for which the emploees of Czech Business Bank were addressed and the concise introduction of Czech Business Bank. Result analyses evaluate questionaires and show not only the degree of employees´ satisfaction with the educational system, but also the motivation of the employer. The final part of the Thesis is focused on recommendation how to improve the contemporary situation.

Design and implementation of e-learning in the area of interest
Marešová, Nikola ; Husa, Jiří (advisor) ; Marek, Marek (referee)
The bachelor's thesis entitled "Design and implementation of e-learning in the area of interest" deals with buying used cars. The essential part of this work is a creation of e-learning course for buyers and other people interested in this area which aims to improve their knowledge. The participants will get an overview of the most common situations and problems they can meet when buying a used car. The theoretical part presents an overview of the topics of the issue of purchase of used cars. It may serve as a theoretical guidance to the e-course, it brings its content. The topics are based on the analysis of information from printed and electronic sources, supplemented by experiences of the author and experts in the field. The practical part deals with the creation of an e-learning course. It contains an analysis of the needs of buyers, the reasons for the creation of the course and the requirements of it, its objectives, a description of the used authoring tool eXe and graphic creation process from the creation of the course after its publication in steps. All this is complemented by the feedback from six volunteers who have expressed an interest in testing the course and then doing a review. Before the creation of the course it was necessary to analyze the situation and find out why such a course is needed. The acquired knowledge was then processed in the course by the synthesis method. For the evaluation method it was used a short personal interview where the author examined satisfaction with the course, its possible shortcomings and suggestions for improvements or enhancements.

Exploitation of GPU in graphics and image processing algorithms
Jošth, Radovan ; Svoboda, David (referee) ; Trajtel,, Ľudovít (referee) ; Herout, Adam (advisor)
Táto práca popisuje niekoľko vybraných algoritmov, ktoré boli primárne vyvinuté pre CPU procesory, avšak vzhľadom k vysokému dopytu po ich vylepšeniach sme sa rozhodli ich využiť v prospech GPGPU (procesorov grafického adaptéra). Modifikácia týchto algoritmov bola zároveň cieľom nášho výskumu, ktorý  bol prevedený pomocou CUDA rozhrania. Práca je členená podľa troch skupín algoritmov, ktorým sme sa venovali: detekcia objektov v reálnom čase, spektrálna analýza obrazu a detekcia čiar v reálnom čase. Pre výskum detekcie objektov v reálnom čase sme zvolili použitie LRD a LRP funkcií.  Výskum spektrálnej analýzy obrazu bol prevedný pomocou PCA a NTF algoritmov. Pre potreby skúmania detekcie čiar v reálnom čase sme používali dva rôzne spôsoby modifikovanej akumulačnej schémy Houghovej transformácie. Pred samotnou časťou práce venujúcej sa konkrétnym algoritmom a predmetu skúmania, je v úvodných kapitolách, hneď po kapitole ozrejmujúcej dôvody skúmania vybranej problematiky, stručný prehľad architektúry GPU a GPGPU. Záverečné kapitoly sú zamerané na konkretizovanie vlastného prínosu autora, jeho zameranie, dosiahnuté výsledky a zvolený prístup k ich dosiahnutiu. Súčasťou výsledkov je niekoľko vyvinutých produktov.

On-line Data Analysis Based on Visual Codebooks
Beran, Vítězslav ; Honec, Jozef (referee) ; Sojka, Eduard (referee) ; Zemčík, Pavel (advisor)
Práce představuje novou adaptabilní metodu pro on-line vyhledávání videa v reálném čase pomocí vizuálních slovníků. Nová metoda se zaměřuje na nízkou výpočetní náročnost a přesnost vyhledání při on-line použití. Metoda vychází z technik využitých u statických vizuálních slovníků. Tyto běžné techniky jsou upraveny tak, aby byly schopné se adaptovat na proměnlivá data. Postupy, které toto u nové metody řeší, jsou - dynamická inverzní frekvence dokumentů, adaptabilní vizuální slovník a proměnlivý invertovaný index. Navržený postup byl vyhodnocen na úloze vyhledávání videa a prezentované výsledky ukazují, jaké vlastnosti má adaptabilní metoda ve srovnání se statickým přístupem. Nová adaptabilní metoda je založena na konceptu plovoucího okna, který definuje, jakým způsobem se vybírají data pro adaptaci a ke zpracování. Společně s konceptem je definován i matematický aparát, který umožňuje vyhodnotit, jak koncept nejlépe využít pro různé metody zpracování videa. Praktické využití adaptabilní metody je konkrétně u systémů pro zpracování videa, kde se očekává změna v charakteru vizuálních dat nebo tam, kde není předem známo, jakého charakteru vizuální data budou.

Multimedia Data Processing in Heterogeneous Distributed Environment
Kajan, Rudolf ; Ferko,, Andrej (referee) ; Míkovec, Zdeněk (referee) ; Herout, Adam (advisor)
Pervasive computing sa zameriava odstránenie zložitostí pri interakcii s výpočtovou technikou a zvýšenie efektivity pri jej každodennom používaní. Ale i po viac ako 15 rokoch od sformulovania hlavných cieľov Pervasive computingu existujú aspekty interakcie ktoré stále nie sú súčasťou užívateľskej skúsenosti s dnešnou technológiou. Bezproblémová integrácia s prostredím vedúca k technologickej neviditeľnosti, alebo interakcia naprieč rôznymi zariadeniami predstavujú stále veľkú výzvu. Hlavným cieľom tejto práce je prispieť k tomu, aby sa ciele Pervasive computingu priblížili k realizovaniu tým, že predstavíme spôsob intuitívneho zdieľania informácií medzi osobným a verejne umiestneným zariadením. Predstavili sme tri interakčné techniky, ktoré podporujú intuitívnu výmenu obsahu medzi osobným zariadením a zdieľaným displejom. Tieto techniky sú založené na prenose videa, rozšírenej realite a analýze pohľadových dát. Okrem interakčných techník sme tiež predstavili mechanizmus pre získavanie, prenos a rekonštrukciu aplikačného stavu na cieľovom zariadení.