National Repository of Grey Literature 5,761 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.34 seconds. 

Evaluation of the implementation of the investment project in the transport company
The thesis is focused on the assessment of the investment in the transport company by a variety of funding and its impact on capital structure. The operational objective is to evaluate the effect of financial leverage and impact of investments on the financial situation of the company. The investment is viewed from the perspective of market demand capital.

Evaluation of Land Exhibition's 2013 impact on economy of Vyšší Brod Cistercian Abbey.
Veretina, Alena ; Kouba, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Dianová, Markéta (referee)
The bachelor thesis Evaluation of Land Exhibition's 2013 impact on economy of Vyšší Brod Cistercian Abbey focuses on the national cultural heritage the site of Vyšší Brod Cistercian Abbey. Main goal of this thesis is cultural-economic evaluation of the abbey and possibilities for increase of attractiveness for tourists. Theoretical part describes history of the abbey, its uniqueness, possibilities and constraints of animation processes in the area. Practical part elaborates about the impact of particular project realized in the area of the abbey - Land Exhibition held in 2013. Vyšší Brod Cistercian Abbey was one of four objects of Upper Austria / Southern Bohemia Cross-border Land Exhibition. Thesis analyses impact of the project from a perspective cultural history and economy.

Technical Analysis in Foreign Exchange
Hurdálek, Michal ; Procházka, Petr (advisor)
The bachelor thesis deals with trading in the forex market. The theoretical part describes the Forex market, its history, when it traded, what is traded, which entities are involved in the market and selected basic concepts, that you must know in this market. There are also basic procedures and rules as the speculative individual should behave on the market in different situations and how to distribute the funds, to avoid a large percentage losses of the capital, as the foundation of financial literacy should think about knowledge. At the conclusion of the practical part, there is the technical analysis, that justifies and predicts the future development of exchange rates. Technical analysis is followed by a practical part, which describes the transactions, that were carried out under real conditions on the currency pair EUR / USD. These transactions were carried out using two technical indicators, Moving averages and Bollinger bands. At the conclusion of the work, there is the evaluation of these two indicators, which one was more profitable for us.

Evaluation of Unreliable Tax Payer Implementation in VAT Evasion
Lišková, Svatava ; Kukalová, Gabriela (advisor) ; Jiří, Jiří (referee)
The Financial Administration of the Czech Republic uses different instruments and procedures in struggle against VAT evasions. The most important instrument used today is the so-called Institute of Unreliable Tax Payer. The dissertation is focused on basic principles of the Institute of Unreliable Tax Payer, discovering its deficiencies and making suggestions for improvements. The main emphasis is placed on critical view of each standard of the Institute of Unreliable Tax Payer. Finally the dissertation evaluates the Unreliable Tax Payer implementation in VAT evasion.

Impact of the European Cohesion Policy in Central Bohemia Region
Lálová, Gabriela ; Tomšík, Karel (advisor) ; Miroslava, Miroslava (referee)
This thesis evaluates the impact of European Cohesion Policy in Central Bohemia Region with focus on Podlipansko region. The thesis is focused on activities of the Local Action Group Podlipansko in the programming period 2007 - 2013. The theoretical part deals with the regional policy of the European Union, including the financial instruments of regional policy and the principles of regional policy. Following section is dedicated to the development of cohesion policy in the Czech Republic and cohesion regions. At the beginning of the practical part of the thesis, Central Bohemia Region and the activities of the local action groups are described. Next section is dedicated to the activities of the Local Action Group Podlipansko in Podlipansko region. Activities of the Local Action Group Podipansko are evaluated through the monitoring indicator analysis. The results of public inquiry among residents of the region are addressed as well. The closing part assesses if the activities of the Local Action Groups are beneficial for the development of rural areas.

The contributions of the sections (NACE-CZ) to the creation of gross value added
The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the contributions of the sections (NACE-CZ) to the creation of gross value added. The first part of this thesis described the theoretical concepts relating to national economic gross value added. Analytical processes were used for the calculations, which may be used only if we are dealing with an additive link between individual factors. The sections' contributions to the creation of national eco-nomic gross value added were evaluated in the practical part, on the basis of the proc-esses set forth in the methodology. In the given time horizon, contributions by institu-tional sectors and groups of sections classified according to the level of technology showed a certain dependency on the actual economic cycle. Although the strongest in-stitutional sector is non-financial enterprises, they were the ones most affected during the crisis period, together with government institutions. On the contrary, the financial institution sector showed a strong position during the crisis period. In terms of the grouping of the sections according to the level of technology, the greatest contribution to national economic gross value added is by groups B1 and B2. The influence of the economic cycle was noted in all the groups but, according to the results, group C did not react quite as sensitively as the other groups.

Evaluation of selected municipalities management
Faustenová, Kateřina ; Homolka, Jaroslav (advisor)
This thesis deals with the issue of selected municipalities management. The theoretical part explains the issue of municipalities financing and their budgets. Furthermore, the basic characteristics of selected municipalities is presented, therefore of the municipality Svojetice and the municipality Struhařov, both lying in the district of Prague-east, approximately 30 km from the Capital city of Prague. In the practical part of the work is evaluated and compared management of both municipalities in the reporting period 2010 - 2015 and their overall financial situation. Through the own research there is also evaluated and compared the level of development of municipalities depending on their management. In conclusion are summarized the most important results and knowledge arising from the research and are designed measures contributing to the improvement and streamlining of management in the following years.

Assessment of Selected Economic Instruments EU in Environmental Policy
Ševc, Pavel ; Spiesová, Daniela (advisor) ; Petra, Petra (referee)
The thesis dealing with the environmental policy on general level, e.g. define the basic terminology as policy of environment, it´s tools, and describe principals of environmental policy. The thesis evaluates ecological taxis and their implementation into Czech legislature, describing realization of tax reforms in Czech Republic and comparing the system with other countries of European Community. The text informs about different math models used in impact evaluation of economic tolls in the sphere of environmental policy. The impact of the selected tools on the state budget of the Czech Republic is analysed in the text. Ecological taxes (solid fuel tax, natural gas tax, other types of gas tax, and electricity tax) create chosen economic tool that is incorporated into Czech legislature. The analytical part of the thesis concerns on analyse and evaluation of the state budget income originated from ecological taxes in the period between 2008 and 2015. Further on the impact on ecological taxis on GDP in different countries of European Community is searched. How ecological taxes contribute to environmental protection is specified in the thesis as well.

Evaluation of landscape permeability and migration potential - A Case Study on the motorway D10
Novák, Libor ; Keken, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Kušta, Tomáš (referee)
This thesis deals with the influence of technical barriers to accidents with wild animals. On the highway D10 during the years 2006-2014 a total of 598 accidents with animals happened. Six categories of barriers were determine: 1) no barrier, 2) metal guardrails, 3) concrete dividers, 4) reinforced metal guardrails, 5) noise barrier wall, 6) fence, which had been given spatial location during the field survey. The paper also addressed the impact of urbanized areas and created the density of accidents per 1 km of the highway. The results show that there was no evidence for an effect of technical barriers (p = 0.73164). An analysis of accidents density implies some hotspots where there is > 19 accidents / km.

Realization of farm with a focus on poultry
Hromjak, Milan ; Zita, Lukáš (advisor) ; Kovářová, Kateřina (referee)
This thesis deals with the origin of a family farm. By creating a business plan and issues connected with it, its priority is an organic poultry farm, which will produce poultry meat and eggs. Another service beyond the farm production will be creating conditions for a developing branch, which is agro-tourism and other services related to the operation of the farm, so that it leads to the economic development and profit. The farm will arise by rebuilding of an old house with a large barn and adjacent 10ha of lands inherited from grandparents. There will be built a multi-purpose building called the poultry farm from which the poultry will have access to pasture. The property includes another 1 ha of forest from which the wood will be used as a building material and firewood. The work is divided into two parts: theoretical and practical. The theoretical part especially focuses on explaining the concepts that are important to understand the business plan. Then there is the legislation concerning the organic farming, a tangle of laws, public notices and regulations that must be followed in order to meet the conditions for the organic farming. An integral motivational service of the country and the European Union for farmers and not only for those who are environmentally-managing farmers, is support and grants for the years 2014 - 2020. A very important step not only for the starting farmers is a market analysis in the given branch, as well as a SWOT analysis that will show us the positive and negative aspects of the business. The conclusion of this section deals not only with the concept of agro-tourism, but also with its market position as well and possibilities of its use and further development. In the practical part there is a description of a business plan and individual periods of the project including financing. Finances will flow from own and foreign capital, or the possibility to apply for support through non-refundable grants. The establishment of the farm will have an impact on the labor market, as there will be 5 newly created jobs and the community will fit into the wider public awareness thanks to the activities that the farm will develop for the purpose of product promotion and further development. Furthermore, there are itemized individual items that lead to the final evaluation of the effectiveness of the business plan. By processing the theoretical and practical part of the thesis the requirement of the thesis objective is met - to design a prosperous family farm focused on poultry keeping with a hypothesis if it is currently possible to be competitive while importing poultry meat and eggs from abroad. It can be concluded that the business plan is viable.