National Repository of Grey Literature 7 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Siblings of the children with handicap
The bachelor thesis deals with sibling's relationship between healthy child and handicapped child and the impact of handicap on a healthy sibling. In the theoretical part there is presented the classification of disability, the situation of family with handicapped child and the last chapter of the theoretical part is dedicated to healthy siblings, their needs and the aspects of sibling's relationship where one of the sibling is a child with handicap. The technique of chosen qualitative method was semi structured interviews with seven healthy siblings of children with disability in age of 19 to 32 years old. The aim of the practical part was to find out how was it to grow up with child with handicap from the view of the healthy sibling. What was their parent's attitude like to them and their handicapped sibling(s) and what are the specifics of the sibling's relationship where one of the sibling is handicapped.
Strategies dealing with difficult situations by people with the severe visual handicap
Kašparová, Veronika ; Vágnerová, Marie (advisor) ; Janošová, Pavlína (referee)
This bachelor's thesis is focused on coping strategies of stressful situations in the lives of people with profound visual impairment. The theoretical part of this work describes visual impairment and deals with psychical development of a visually disabled child, functions of compensatory mechanisms and socialisation of a visually impaired person. Furthermore it focuses on how visual impairment is experienced by a child and his family and by an adult person. The empirical part describes the process and results of my qualitative research. The aim is to find out the types of stressful situations in the lives of visually impaired people and their coping strategies. This part also figures out how the visual impairment is connected with stress and whether the impairment is the main stress factor in the life of visually disabled people.
Analysis of competitive matches of peewees in tennis
Skokanová, Aneta ; Kočíb, Tomáš (advisor) ; Carboch, Jan (referee)
Title: Analysis of competitive matches of peewees in tennis Objectives: The aim of this thesis was to determine how the players evaluate themselves in competitive matches and how they manage stressful situations during their matches. Methods: The study included five players of the tennis club Sokol Petrovice. Their age was 10 - 12 years old. From inquiries I obtained needed information from their coach and the feedback from the players themselves after playing competitive matches. Thanks to the observation, especially at a tennis training camp, I wrote an analysis of each player and I also observed the progression of competitive matches. Results: In most cases, players between 10 and 12 years old are not able to evaluate themselves objectively. Generally, their strongest stroke is forehand. Managing stressful situations during the matches depends mostly on psychical toughness of the players. Nervousness, loss of concentration and fear very often appear at this age while managing stressful situations. Key words: tennis, self - evaluation, stressful situation
Reactivity and tolerence to frustration from the perspective of psychology for convicted criminal offenders
Okrouhlická, Kateřina ; Boukalová, Hedvika (advisor) ; Čáp, David (referee)
The thesis deals with reactivity in response to a frustrating situation for convicted offenders. The main issue in the theoretical element is reactivity; or rather the behaviour and manifestation of reactions in the moment when an individual gets into stressful situations, is impeded or blocked in achieving their target. The definition of frustration is an equally important area, which, in the thesis is initially described from the perspective of classic theorists, and then the various ways how we examine and diagnose frustration. The last and equally important chapter consists of the offender's personality, which is defined in the context of the aforementioned frustration and reactivity. The aim of the empirical component is to obtain quantitative data on the most frequent reactions among criminal offenders in the moment before they face the obstacle that is blocking their achievement of goals or satisfaction. The research sample was composed of 69 convicted criminal offenders from remand prisons Pankrác, Hradec Kralové and prison Plzeň. The Picture Rosenzweig frustration method was used to examine the reactivity as a result of frustration. Four hypothesis was determined and only one hypothesis was confirmed. Extragression, outside oriented response, is the most frequently response in comparison...
The way of coping with stressful situations in students of the Faculty of Health and Social Studies who will provide social work in the future
This bachelor thesis deals with the issue of stressful situations, particularly with coping with them and with the responses to them. The aim of the thesis was to map how the students of the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, programmes Rehabilitation-psycho-social care of handicapped children, adults and seniors and Social work in public administration respond to a stressful situation and how they cope with it. The text is divided into two parts, a theoretical one and a research one. The theoretical part specifies the terms stress and coping, I deal with the issues of mental strain, its classification, techniques of coping with stressful situations, responses to a stressful situation and further related topics like the impact of stress on the health, mental hygiene, reasonable spending of free time, stress and addictive substances and the burnout syndrome. A qualitative research strategy, the method of questioning and the technique of semi-structured interview was applied to the research. The data was analysed by means of the cluster formation method. The research sample consisted of eighteen students, three students of each year of the above mentioned study programmes. I was trying to find answers to the research questions: How do the social work students respond to a stressful situation? What steps do the future social workers take to cope with a stressful situation? The results show that stomach upset is the most frequent response among the respondents, after that headache, nervousness, fatigue or sweating follow. A chat with a close person is the most frequently used step to coping with a stressful situation. The stressful situations mentioned by the students are linked to their study, not to their future work for the time being, but I suppose that they will apply the "well proven" coping methods in the future as well and they will be able to cope with the stress related to the work of a social worker.
Ethics and culture in interaction with difficult clients
In my thesis, I focused on the ethical and cultural dimension of social work, application of ethical principles and choice of attitude by a helping professional when working with a client. Subsequently, I followed changes in application of these ethical principles and changes of attitude in high-strain situations in the contact with a so-called difficult client. Further, I focused on the defence mechanisms which a helping professional chooses to cope with high-strain situations and manage his job well. In the individual chapters of the theoretical parte, by the analysis of scientific literature I described theoretical bases of the professional relationship between a social/health social worker and a klient and I focused on the realization of this relationship and on what it brings the worker in high-strain situations when working with the so-called difficult client. In the empirical part, I set one main goal to find out how social workers react on the ethical level in high-strain situations while interacting with difficult clients. Partial goals were designed to find out what ethical principles social workers apply, what attitudes they choose, which clients they consider difficult and what defence mechanisms they develop to cope with high-strain situations. To reflect these goals, I set one main research question and four partial ones. For the collection of data, I opted for the method of quantitative research and I used the questioning method in the form of a half-structured interview. I chose the set of respondents for my research by the method of simple random sampling. To process the research data, I chose the method of case study. Processing the interviews and analysing them, I found out that social workers in high-strain situations do not change their application of ethical principles. Further, I found out that the choice of attitude in high-strain situations changes and that social workers choose, instead of a partner attitude based on equality, a more or less directive stance. All of the respondents met a difficult client at work and dealing with high-strain situations causes them certain indisposition they have to cope with. The answer to the main research question is thus that on ethical level social workers react in high-strain situation by a shift in the choice of their attitude and solving ethical dilemmas. It was a hostile client that the social workers listed most frequently in the typology of clients. It became evident during the interviews what kind of defence mechanisms social workers choose to be able to cope with high-strain situations. The thesis may provide information to the general public and experts.

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