National Repository of Grey Literature 5 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Employment and Unemloyment in the EU
Tůmová, Kateřina ; Tichá, Milena (advisor) ; Stracený, Josef (referee)
This dissertation examines employment and unemployment in the European Union. Its aim is to survey whether the rate of unemployment is influenced by the employment policy and whether it has been declining since the turn of the millennium. Firstly, the author generally explains several important terms. Further she analyses the situation in the whole European Union and subsequently the situation in Austria and Germany, especially between 2000 and 2010. The author presents particular measures of the employment policy introduced in these countries. The results of these measures are documented by reached levels of unemployment rate.
Employment and Unemloyment in the EU
Tůmová, Kateřina ; Tichá, Milena (advisor) ; Stracený, Josef (referee)
This dissertation examines employment and unemployment in the European Union. Its aim is to survey whether the rate of unemployment is influenced by the employment policy and whether it has been declining since the turn of the millennium. Firstly, the author generally explains several important terms. Further she analyses the situation in the whole European Union and subsequently the situation in Austria and Germany, especially between 2000 and 2010. The author presents particular measures of the employment policy introduced in these countries. The results of these measures are documented by reached levels of unemployment rate.
European imbalances and the debt crisis in Europe
Razumnova, Alexandra ; Hnát, Pavel (advisor) ; Bič, Josef (referee)
The imbalances within the Euro-zone were the main reasons of the crisis that had led to the growing budget deficits in the Southern Europe resulting in the accumulation of unsustainable debt. The imbalances were caused by the declining competitiveness of the South vis-s-vis the North. The main causes of the declining competitiveness are the differences in unit labor costs invoked by different regulations concerning the labor markets in the Euro-zone countries and the diverging levels of productivity, which is liked with the different levels of technological advancement. The contributing factor is the institutional imperfections of the EMU, that did not allow the countries in Southern Europe to restore their competitiveness by traditional means without providing them with alternatives.
The impact of the Employment Act, valid since 1st January 2006, on the input of university graduates into Labour Office{\crq}s files in the District of České Budějovice
On the 1st January 2006, Act No. 435/2004 Sb. on employment, which was amended by Act No. 382/2005 Sb., came into force. The objective of the act is protection against unemployment, securing full employment and combating illegal employment. This includes a change of condition for obtaining the claim for unemployment benefits. One of the conditions for obtaining the claim for unemployment benefits is to pay retirement income insurance and the contribution for the national employment policy for the 12 months in the decisive period of the last there years before being put in the files of job applicants. From the 1st Oct. 2004 systematic preparation for one{\crq}s future occupation was not included as substitutive employment period at all. Since the 1st Jan. 2006, systematic preparation for one{\crq}s future occupation has been included as substitutive employment period; however, not more than 6 months may be included for these purposes. To file their claims for benefit, the graduates have to hold, before being put into the files of job applicants, a job that allocates the duty to pay insurance for at least six months over the last three years. The research was conducted by means of a quantitative sociological investigation. The technique used for data collection was an anonymous questionnaire. The research set was made up of students of the last years of the Faculty of Health and Social Studies of the University of South Bohemia and university and college graduates of in the files of job applicants at the Labour Office in České Budějovice. The objective of my thesis was to find out the attitude of students of the Faculty of Health and Social Studies to their possible employment, to compare the obtained data with the answers of university graduates in the file of job applicants at the Labour Office in České Budějovice and to find out the structure of university graduates registered at the Labour Office in České Budějovice, according to the university or college that they graduated from. The objectives of the thesis have been fulfilled. The outcomes of the thesis could be used as an overview of students{\crq} and graduates{\crq} attitude to unemployment and their future employment. These outcomes can be made use of by those who are in charge of the education of these two groups of people. Unemployment in students can optimally be prevented by preventive measures, e.g. by giving due attention to the choice of the branch of study with respect to its use in the labour market, and by providing each individual student with sufficient information.
Economic analysis of the break up of ČSFR
Sláma, David ; Vostrovská, Zdenka (advisor) ; Štěpánek, Pavel (referee)
The paper focus on economic aspects related with the break-up the Czech and Slovak Federative Republick. In the first part are analysed macroeconomic indexes (GDP, inflation, unemployment) PF Czech and Slovak republic within the frame of the federation before the break-up. In the second part is described process of dividing the republic from the economic view, especially property dividing, currency separation and differencies in privatization process. In the third part are analysed macroeconomic indexes (GDP, inflation, unemployment) in both new states for a few years after the dividing. In the conclusion are summarized findings and the evaluation of break-up ČSFR is made. The main target of this paper is the comapring of economic differentions of republic and if the possible differencies caused the break-up of the federation. Particular target is analysed selected macroeconomic indexes Czech and Slovak republic in the federation and after dividind.

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